Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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He’s not a white supremacist. He doesn’t support white supremacy.
How would anyone know that? After all, there are ‘fine people’ amongst them, at least according to Trump.
I’d be visible annoyed myself if every news organization questioned weather I support white supremacy every 2 seconds, and ignored the previous 20 times I explicitly said no. At some point, you realize they’re just being uncharitable and you move on with your day.
No, that’s her job to field questions. If she can’t do it she should quit.
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They are worried about losing the black vote.If that happens they are toast
That website is very biased against Trump. It just supports my argument. How would you feel if you woke up everyday to being attacked by half of the country? Probably not good, so I’ll say again, I would wager that if everyone stopped making him out to be the “anti-Christ” things would be much better in all of our lives.
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They are just reporting the results of the survey taken by other people. Their bias or not has nothing to do with it.

About the survey: 320 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section , the premier organization of experts of the American presidency, were invited to complete the online survey, which was administered by Brandon Rottinghaus of the University of Houston and Justin S. Vaughn of Boise State University. 170 surveys were completed online between December 22, 2017 and January 16. 2018. For more information, please contact the authors.
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Their bias or not has nothing to do with it.
Surely it does, when the other headlines on the website are clearly anti-Trump. Sorry, but lots of people like to pull biased websites like this one and claim they are “proof” that supports their standpoint. But most people see past this kinda stuff.
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Did they do the survey. No. Did they compile the data. No.

Lots of people like to discount information because it doesnt come from a source that they like.

Look past the source of the article and dispute the survey and who compiled it. Then I might take your dissent seriously.
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Well only after Trump made it a free for all. What else could Biden do? Nothing?
Ha. Yes, if he was a man of character, he should have turned the other cheek and stuck to his own questions and talking points. Sleepy Joe is just as bad as Trump, but Trump doesn’t want to pack the courts and kill babies in the womb, so I’m voting for Trump.
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Lots of people like to discount information because it doesnt come from a source that they like.
Look past the source of the article and dispute the survey and who compiled it. Then I might take your dissent seriously.
I could show you an equally positive article about Trump that he’s the best president this country has ever had. Would you do the same?

The only reason this messaging started was because I said we should not be accusing Trump of all our problems. If you want to use these things to continue to accuse him then go ahead. I’m just saying that this is not what we should be doing. Its honestly not right to effectively publicly slander him literally every single day in America. This type of hatred is why this country is having so many problems right now.
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I could show you an equally positive article about Trump that he’s the best president this country has ever had. Would you do the same?
Please show me the article, which is based on data from Presidential historians, or some other group which has a real view of history and the current and past Presidents. I will gladly review it. If it is just some opinion of people who have no historical basis from which to make their comments, I am not interested.
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As to namecalling, I think it’s rather nuanced based on what one thinks is namecalling. Is it namecalling to make up funny nicknames and use them publicly, ie “crooked Hillary,” “little Marco?” Nah, that’s Trump engaging in the same kind of vague-but-not-really-harmful stuff the Dems have engaged in for decades: when Ann Richards was governor of Texas I remember her saying George Bush was “born with a silver foot in his mouth.” I see Trump doing a lot of that. He’s doing what Dems have done for decades and frankly what people like Romney should have done in retrospect.
Everyone is guilty then, so really it isn’t a telltale sign.
farronwolf said:
Exactly the behavior which makes him unfit for the office of President.
Practically it doesn’t seem to have any real effects.
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Umm no.

They were reporting data from other people.

*About the survey: 320 members of the *American Political Science Association’s Presidents & Executive Politics section** , the premier organization of experts of the American presidency, were invited to complete the online survey, which was administered by Brandon Rottinghaus of the University of Houston and Justin S. Vaughn of Boise State University. 170 surveys were completed online between December 22, 2017 and January 16. 2018. For more information, please contact the authors.
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Today Mark Levin played 17 times President Trump has denounced white Supremists, racism and violence.

The democrats have run this into the ground hoping to get as much mileage from it as they can even if it is false.

Richard Spencer endorses Joe Biden - not Trump.

Joe Biden was against bussing and admired George Wallace and Robert Byrd. Biden stated he did not want his children growing up in a racial jungle. Check Biden’s comments from the 70’s. He is a bigot.

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Why would you rely on that?
Because it says what they want, of course.
What they want and what they get are 2 different things!
Chris Wallace used “stand back” in his question. Trump said “stand down” I believe.

The Proud Boys are not white supremists. I think I heard the leader is from Cuba. @Nepperhan

I don’t see how the White House secretary can get up in front of the liberal media day in and day out and answer the obtuse and insulting questions they ask.

I think she is really great and in spite of their rudeness she tries to remain dignified, calm and patient.
I admire her very much.
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