Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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Talk about arriving late to the party…It took JB how many months to condemn the ongoing riots,decruction,deaths ect…4 months…
This ,only after he and the ,Leftist Dems realized this chaos was not to their political benefit.C’mon man…
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Joe Biden does not support any Antifa violence, or violence of any kind.
This is his running mate:

“They’re not going to stop - not before election date and not after - and everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not gonna let up, and they shouldn’t and we shouldn’t

Yeah. That’s real peace and anti-violence talk right there…
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Joe Biden does not support of violence of any kind?

He certainly seems to have no problem with violence against the unborn. He boasts of his endorsement by NARAL.
Joe Biden does not support any Antifa violence, or violence of any kind.
This is his running mate:

“They’re not going to stop - not before election date and not after - and everyone should take note of that on both levels. They’re not gonna let up, and they shouldn’t and we shouldn’t

Yeah. That’s real peace and anti-violence talk right there…
Nope. Harris was talking about protests. Not about violence.
She was talking about rioting and looting. Murdering and beating people up indiscriminately. Did these cities just start burning on their own? Did stores just magically get looted? Did people randomly just die from gunshots and mob violence in our imaginations?

How is supporting the continuation of violence supporting peace?

All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. In this case, all it takes for violence to win is for “peaceful protestors” to pretend that standing next to the violence and getting in the way of law enforcement is not supporting the violence.
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Seriously,you are becoming annoying with your stalking me.i have stated numerous times,if you refuse to see or hear it,nothing I can do about that,bye…
She clearly said protests. She meant protests. If your position is that you can’t have protests without riots, I don’t know where to go from there.
If you believe that these “protests” have been peaceful - for example, CHAZ - then I can’t help to think you support the fruits of these “protests”. Which has been violence.

Peaceful protests are one thing (e.g. the March for Life). That’s not what has been happening. Cities have been burned. People have been murdered. How is that peace?
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Are you unable to look at all of the peaceful protests? Every protest did not turn violent, and when it did it was a small minority of participants.
I’m sorry. You got me really laughing over here. I like how the “small minority” only applies when Trump doesn’t say it.
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Watch the entire interview. She is not talking about the violence and chaos, she is talking about the peaceful protests taking place.

I guess because of some bad actors, we should remove the right to peaceful protest for all.

That is akin to saying all cops are bad because of a few bad actors. It doesn’t work for either side.

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If you believe that these “protests” have been peaceful - for example, CHAZ - then I can’t help to think you support the fruits of these “protests”.
The fruits of the peaceful protests have been public awareness of racial injustice and a push for reform.
We have too many Catholics on these forums that are anti-Christian and anti-Christ.
That is quite an accusation–antiChrist? Really?! Because of differing views on politics?! @PaulinVA is a good, solid Christian and your accusations are hyperbolic and not in proportion to what’s being discussed.
That is quite an accusation–antiChrist? Really?! Because of differing views on politics?! @PaulinVA is a good, solid Christian and your accusations are hyperbolic and not in proportion to what’s being discussed.
You put someone on ignore and what? You become the antiChrist?

I’m not going to click through the ignored posts to find out if I’m being accused of being THE antiChrist or just being anti-Christ. Either way, wow.

What some people miss here on CAF is that this is a discussion forum. People discuss things. Not hurl insults. People explore ideas. People evaluate positions. Or at least they should.

For the record, I’ve been a Catholic for six decades. I practiced NFP at the appropriate times to conceive and to postpone pregnancy. I try my best to understand the Gospel and live according to it. I used to be a Republican, but now I’m an Independent. I am voting against a candidate, even though I am a little queasy about the choices.
He’s a fool on this.”

“Everybody knows he’s a liar.”

“Will you shut up, man?”

“Keep yapping, man.”

“He’s the racist.”

“He’s Putin’s puppy.”

“He never keeps his word.”

“Well, it’s hard to get any word in with this clown.”

“You’re the worst president America has ever had
Yeah I think this gets at why Biden was weak. Trump insults are generally:
  1. at least “kind of” true
  2. hit on a something at least a little sensitive
  3. make you look silly if you try to counter them
Crooked Hillary, Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco, Hiden Biden, Pocohantas

Biden’s by contrast were mostly too broad, or about something that Trump is not sensitive to. Putins Puppy is the only one that even slightly landed. The democrats had 4 years to prep and if he answered the attacks with “nu uh u r worse” instead of something more like “you look fat in your golf outfit and I heard you paid some prostitutes to pee on a bed because Obama hurt your wittle feelings” then I dont see how he ever expected to win this.

Trump was never going to win by playing “appear presidential” so he at least stopped Biden from winning with the smothering attack. The Hunter thing was pretty brutal. Its obviously true Hunter profited from shadiness, his personal relationship to the VP, and that Biden covered for him. Biden’s chances rest on being more dignified and having more “character” and the attack took that away. It was like walking into a fight with busted ribs then having an opponent do nothing but punch ribs. Not sportsmanlike, or classy; very unpleasant to watch, but hard to fault as a strategy if you just care about winning and not about being a decent person.
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