Presidential Debate 9/29/20 Discussion Thread

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I will clarify.

It is anti-Christian to promote violence for the sake of political gain. It abhors me that anyone here, in a place where we are suppose to be Christian, will stoop to the level of claiming that violence is good, and ignore that very real violence that has occurred and is being actively promoted.

That is why I said what I said. Violence begets violence, and letting violence occur lets violence occur. I’m utterly shocked we have people here that support violence, by and large, and support people that support violence.

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of people claiming that violence is justified in these cases. I’m sorry that I’m tired of it. But I am. This year has been too long and full of violence, and people who will just say “oh, not everyone there supports violence”.

People went there knowing violence was occurring. People expected it. And violence did occur, and those same people justified it. And now it’s being justified here.

Have a good day. Bye. I’ll continue my hiatus from this support of violence.
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I believe he had never heard of the group.

You seem to ignore that Joe Biden does not condemn
BLM and Antifa and we have seen the chaos and damage they do which Biden must support.

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You still don’t address the other part of my post which is more troubling and disturbing regarding Joe Biden.
You still don’t address the other part of my post which is more troubling and disturbing regarding Joe Biden.
I seem to recall Joe Biden saying the FBI said that antifa was an idea, not an organization during the debate.
Which we know to be a lie and one of many Joe Biden told Tuesday night.
Were those ideas at the protests throwing rocks and carrying baseball bats smashing windows and cars?

Were those ideas setting fires to buildings and cars?

No, those were not ideas. Those were people. Many held signs identifying themselves as members of BLM
or Antifa or they spoke on their behalf.

Throughout the summer Joe Biden never came out to condemn these protests until we got close to the election and then his handlers must have advised him to make a statement so voters mistakenly believe he
Is against the protests.
Who has faith in the FBI anymore. James Comey has
tarnished the FBI for years and I certainly have no more faith in the new director than I did James Comey.
Why would we want to remove Trump from the ticket? He is not dead. What a ridiculous idea.
Who has faith in the FBI anymore. James Comey has
tarnished the FBI for years and I certainly have no more faith in the new director than I did James Comey.
Because the current director says something you don’t like, you have no faith in the organization. So no investigation they do has merit. Maybe we can just shut down the whole thing and not investigate any federal crimes any more. Yippie. You do realize that Trump appointed Wray, right?

I think we are back to the one bad apple and people want to throw out the whole apple cart.

May I surmise that the only person you have faith in for telling the truth is Trump? Who is on record of telling tens of thousands of lies in the past few years. Yeah, I love that idea.
The republican party has had 4 years to make a judgement on Trump and come up with a better alternative, yet they failed to do so.

I doubt that the ticket could be changed since many votes have already been cast and ballots have been printed, machines set up.

Would take some research as to what would happen if Trump decided to remove himself from the ticket or was unable to serve. Might be the Pence would take his spot. Will have to do some digging on that.

Found this:

Filling a Vacancy: From the Nomination to the Electoral College Vote

Since the time of Andrew Jackson’s run for the presidency in 1828, individual political parties have had the job of filling any vacancy on their national ticket, either that of their presidential or vice-presidential candidate. If one of their candidates vacates the ticket after they are nominated, either because of death or withdrawal, the party selects a replacement.

Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party’s nod.

The same process would happen if the vacancy were to occur after the general election but before the Electoral College voting. If a vacancy should occur on the winning ticket, it would then be the party’s responsibility to fill it and provide a candidate for whom their electors could vote.
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And the democrat party has had 4 years to come up with a candidate to go against Trump and the best they could come up with is a 78 year old politician who has spent over half his life in Washington and shows signs of early dementia.
Why would we want to remove Trump from the ticket? He is not dead. What a ridiculous idea.
I knew I should not have entered this discussion. Thanks for confirming.

I apologize. I don’t want to discourage you from participating. Currently President Trump and Melanie
have a virus most people do not die from. They are
experiencing mild symptoms, They have an excellent
medical team taking care of them.

If things take a turn for the worst in a week or 10 days,
then they might start looking at options.
I am sure you saw the same footage of the protests
around the country as I did and you have.

Not playing your games today.
78 year old politician who has spent over half his life in Washington and shows signs of early dementia.
This is unfounded and simply a smear. It’s disappointing.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor of The George Washington University released a three-page medical summary of Biden’s health on Tuesday at the request of his patient, in which he described Biden as a “healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.”
My mom, who is 94, is especially disgusted by the attempts to call Biden’s mental acuity and health into question. She calls it ageist. I call it it a campaign strategy that will hopefully backfire.
I wouldn’t say “early dementia” but I was holding my breath every time he spoke.

But really, Trump and Biden! That is the best the U.S has to offer?
And yet that is who the voting public chose.
So it is indeed a reflection on us.

I am sad and disgusted.
Not playing today or any day would be my advice,it gets tedious,trust me🙄
Eh, the clips of Biden appearing confused, and his apparent need for teleprompters even for interviews, makes it legitimate to doubt Biden‘s acuity. Further, he’s had brain surgery twice, both quite serious.
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