"Pride Month" and Where to Turn: Limits of Cultural Engagement

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Pride week has become pride month. Maybe it’ll be pride year soon.
This kind of is pride year. It’s the 50th anniversary of the riots which broke out after the NY City police raided the Stonewall Inn in 1969 and set off the gay rights movement. The first freedom day parade (they weren’t called pride parades back then) was the following year.
BLACKFACE, for many decades in the U.S., was just entertainment and not just something that racists did.
Huh? Blackface IS and always will be racist. By this reckoning I’d assume that anti-Catholic laws and feelings from the 1800s were not anti-Catholic simply because that’s the way it was. But resurrecting them now is anti-Catholic because we now know better. (please keep away from any laments about social issues being anti-Catholic, this was about the basic legitimacy and patriotism of the Catholic religion)
I’m frankly surprised that the intelligentsia in the U.S. haven’t condemned…
The reevaluation of cultural icons says a lot about who we are now. Just because it was beloved does not necessarily make it right nor acceptable to everyone.

I understand you to be a woman, however if you are male don’t comment just listen. I was propositioned for paid sex in the grocery store last week and I posted about how we need to teach our children, especially males, about how unacceptable this was. I got supportive responses but I got a couple responses about how I was too emotional, was my experience real, or oh that’s just a man asking for a date. Years ago it was completely acceptable to do this. But, though this is something we still need to make much progress on, people are beginning to see how inappropriate treating a woman as purchasable meat is. Can you not see that parallel here?

IMHO the aggressive legal treatment of gay people in previous decades is the piper that has to be paid for countering basic Catholic teaching. Basically treating LGBTQ people as rats to be harassed by the police, murdered as much higher rates, and severely socially rejected for their simple identification. Catholics should have been there defending the humanity and treatment of such people while not necessarily supporting their activities.
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Before 1973, what was the American Psychiatric Association telling people? I was there for the time period. People were still respectful regarding authority. So Frank Kameny and other radical gay activists get into the APA’s annual meeting using forged passes and tell them that they are declaring war on them? Was that science in action?
What the gay activists did isn’t science, but I can see how a lot of them might have been angry about being mistreated by psychiatrists by being subjected in some cases to barbaric practices like “aversion therapy” with electroshock treatments and by being told that they were mentally ill when they knew that they weren’t. There’s no reason to submit to the authority of people who are wrong.
. How do the rest of you handle this?

Thanks for your thoughts.
I go about my business.
A long time ago I read a quote from a nun, it may have been Mother Angelica, in answer someone’s question about what to do about vile anti-Catholic artwork. She said, “I’m sure God has more important things to worry about.”
And I just don’t get gay pride. It’s like being proud to have brown eyes. Or proud to be whatever.
Pride in accomplishment? Yes.
Pride by happenstance? Whatevs.
Have you looked into any of the decades long studies conducted by the APA? They didn’t create the diagnosis because no gay person was seeing them. They had to observe and evaluate. There is/was no catch-up. ‘Here’s a patient’ and what? Don’t talk to him? Of course they interviewed gay people. If anywhere, a psychiatrist was trusted to keep whatever he was told confidential.
One of the problems with psychiatrists classifying homosexuality as a mental illness is that many of the homosexuals in their studies were people who were already mentally disturbed and had sought psychiatric treatment for other conditions like schizophrenia. As such, their study sample was not at all representative of gay people in general, many of whom were perfectly well adjusted and didn’t have any mental problems. Some people got sent to psychiatrists as children or young adults by their parents for no reason than being gay and were convinced that this meant that they were mentally ill when they weren’t.
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What makes drag not sexist?
I posted about feeling a bit like this was appropriation of womanhood, but there is not any general perception that this is supposed to represent true womanhood.

If we are talking about sexism…why not help me fight pay inequity, judgement of women by looks, “boys will be boys” culture, blaming women for their own rape, and many other things? I’d care about this 100 times more than fussing about Drag Queens.
And I just don’t get gay pride. It’s like being proud to have brown eyes.
I can give you one simple answer. Having brown eyes never got you arrested nor lost a good portion of your family and friend relationships.
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And I just don’t get gay pride. It’s like being proud to have brown eyes. Or proud to be whatever.
Pride in accomplishment? Yes.
Pride by happenstance? Whatevs.
Well, you might want to take part in a parade for brown eyed people if you had grown up being told that it’s shameful to have brown eyes and that you should always try to conceal them by wearing dark glasses.
Of course it’s their fault for creating a diagnosis using flawed studies. They’re the ones who write the DSM. Many of the flaws in these studies have been pointed out by other psychiatrists.
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The APA has a long history going back to the 1800s. Do you think no one was trying to correct them? Allow me the following:

Teen: Dad, I’m gay.
Dad: Let’s talk about this.
Teen: Nothing to talk about. And walks away.
This in pre-1973 America

Dad sees the family doctor who tells him, based on his knowledge, to have the teen see a psychiatrist. The teen agrees and dad tells him he’s doing this on the advice of the family’s doctor and he just wants what’s best for him.

The boy sees the psychiatrist who tells him it’s a disorder. The father is waiting outside to get the news. After getting the news, the father wants to know about treatment. He admits he doesn’t know anything about homosexuality and wants the psychiatrist’s advice.

What were his other options?
The APA has a long history going back to the 1800s. Do you think no one was trying to correct them?
I doubt that most medical knowledge on mental health issues from the 1800s is very useful today.
The boy sees the psychiatrist who tells him it’s a disorder. The father is waiting outside to get the news. After getting the news, the father wants to know about treatment. He admits he doesn’t know anything about homosexuality and wants the psychiatrist’s advice.

What were his other options?
None and it remains so. Despite some claims made by what are religiously funded “gay conversion” therapies, the reality is LGBTQ identities are quite innate. Those opposed to LGBTQ societal change seem to be of the impression that things are now magically effortless for LGBTQ people. They aren’t and still have a high cost in many scenarios, this is hardly some joy ride. What has changed is that, especially for trans people, LGBTQ identity has been understood to have little to do with a person’s ability to do work at a job or anything else. This is called civil rights, not necessarily a religious ztamp of approval which are two different things.
I just don’t see all the drama over this. Go or stay as your conscious dictates.

Gays and lesbians exist and they want themselves given back something they feel got taken from them in the past, or even now.

So ok, give them the benefit of the doubt they want some parties.
If I can afford it Ieave my village when th eu electronic music comes to town for a weeknd of high volume blasting till all hours of the night. I mean it is really rude and really loud, nobody can sleep. People will insist on these things though. There really is little to be done about it. At least I don!t live in the past and in nazi germany saying that.

I have always treated people as I come upon them rgardless of colour, faith or orientation. It just seems right to me. These other things are something else.
“LGBTQ societal change” What’s that? No one needs anyone’s approval to live how they want.

Who decided LGBTQ identities are quite innate?
I understand the sentiment, but for the most part I think pride is a matter of accomplishment.
I wrestle with being “proud” to be American. I had nothing to do with it.

Anyway, I’ve already spent more time thinking about it than it’s worth to me.
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