Priests and pastors on CAF

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Whatever. I believe in calling a spade a spade. At a certain point, a jerk is a jerk and it does no good to try to dress extremely poor behavior from an adult up in a nice word for the sake of “charity”.

And if someone is “turned off “ by my saying that, then the person getting “turned off” is likely the exact sort of person we don’t want and don’t need on this forum because they create drama and havoc instead of civilized discussion.
Fair enough. The only issue I would take is that there is ever a reason for laying aside the “sake of ‘charity’”.

St. Paul tells us that at charity outweighs all the fairh and hope.

I (like Bear) am sick of people telling me I am wrong because I support Vatican II (which was 50 years ago :roll_eyes: ) because they don’t like the way I dress, or the music that I sing, or the color of vestments my priest wears.
There are plenty of sites that cater to those folks who think we’re going to heck in a handbasket.
That’s uncalled for,
He’s trying to have a discussion.
I didn’t take it as confrontational. yankeeSouth is correct, but the things that aggravate many on here have little to do with salvation.
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As near I can tell it seems that if you question a priest you are disrepecting them…as long as the priest you question agrees with the person that says you are disrespectful.
That’s not the issue at all. There have been several threads where posters have engaged in discussions with the clergy and it’s done in a respectful way. The problem is -as I mentioned upthread - the armchair theolgians and canon lawyers who feel that they somehow have to prove themselves right and our clergy wrong. It’s really kind of distasteful. I remember one thread where no fewer than 3 priests were telling someone that he was wrong, and all he did was double down on his erroneous position. I think the clergy here ge ts frustrated because potentially leading someone astray is a serious matter.
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Oh, that’s just nonsense.

I just go down the list and mute every topic. It works fine for me.
I know better than all of you, and everyone has been flagged.

I"m a very fair person afterall and the most humble, too.
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I know you’re trying to be funny, but yeah. I have done that.
I chose media because i thought that this would be the place for most priest and pastors would post, i was looking at other places to post this at too but chose media for that reasoning. I guess I was wrong.
Well, most priests are too busy to come onto CAF, and those that do have time have better sense.

If I did want to post here (as a priest). I would not reveal to the forum that I am a priest. That is likely the case here sometimes.

If I remember correctly, the forum rules specify that you may not identify yourself as a member of clergy. (I could be mistaken.) Fr. Dave and Don_Ruggero were exceptions. Deacon Jeff is also an exception.
Good to know l. I take long vacations from this forum here and there so when i come back its like a huge change.
That’s kind of insulting to the members of the clergy who do still post here, don’t you think?
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I think someone said somewhere (very specific 😜) that some clergy were invited by CAF to participate in the forum? If anyone knows more, please let me know but I think that was the case with some.
Years ago, there used to be an “Ask an Apologist” forum with actual apologists posting answers to questions.
There still is. Someone posted a link to it just the other day. I’ll try and find it.
No, not really. Depends how you interpret it. It’s partially tounge-in-cheek. And I think they could appreciate that. It was not meant to be fully serious, but it is true to some degree. Fr. Dave and Deacon Jeff are awesome to come here and contribute. But it comes at a cost for them, I’m sure. I’m not saying they have no sense, but I would say they are outliers.
I thought everything in it was locked, and no new threads, though.
So Jimmy Akin or Fr. Serpa isn’t going to be swinging by to answer someone’s question.
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