If I am enjoying life it is because Jesus isn’t in me? You make absolutely no sense whatsoever…if you are enjoying life too much, you are not doing what Jesus said to do… we are not put here to only enjoy life… though we are not prohibited from enjoying it sometimes…
Jesus said we would be hated by all becaue of Him (living as He wants, telling others about Him)… not always so “beautiful”…
and it certainly isn’t beautiful for the unborn… and mnay others…
You probably need to thank God that your even able to walk, talk, smell the air, see the ocean etc…I am very thankful for ALL of that. Life isn’t easy I understand because I have been through the mill, without my faith I would of ended my life years ago, or just simply became depressed or whatever. I thank God every day.
Of course there will be people who try and ruin your life, but I won’t allow it to happen. If they hate me because of Christ, well, so be it. I am ready to lay down my life for Christ if that time ever came.
If you died and went to heaven and Jesus lined up some people and told you to pick out a life that you wanted, and you picked one, it would surprise you that you picked your own life. In other words, I wouldn’t change anything in my life because everything is a learning experience. We couldn’t learn if we didn’t make mistakes, or if we didn’t have deaths. We are tested all the time.
The secret is PERSERVERANCE. I always say this because it is what all the saints had. Their perserverance had gotten them through. Their perserverance in Christ till the end, no matter what distracts you, or no matter who hates you and no matter what your life is. Trust Jesus and he will guide you.