You are very uncharitable and uncuth! So what kind of job can a woman who is “knocked up” have?Exactly, I wish posters would stop making assumptions. We’re calling for her resignation from this particular post, not that she be tarred a feathered, and run out of town. She’s not qualified to be a youth leader anymore. Yes, we understand that we’re all sinners. It’s just we want a role model for our children whose credentials include more than not getting an abortion when she gets knocked up by her boyfriend.![]()
No wonder there are so many who have abortion and use ABC, it is your mentality and pervades the whole culture! I am sure that if people knew about the BVM being “knocked up” before she was wed they would have acted just like you.
The angel appeared to Joseph to tell him “do not be afraid” That rings true of every pregnant woman. She is should not be treated differently.
You better watch out, or your sins may be written in the sand in front of your clergy!
Would Mary Magdalene be fit for this position? Or would she be too scandalous for you?