Re: Youth Director is an Unwed Mother

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Confession and repentance. God has forgiven her. He has wiped that sin away.
We should do the same and show the world that we love the sinner…which we all are.
We have the power to make something good come out of a moment of weakness that is already forgotten by God.

sorry for shouting… getting myself all worked up here
we’re not responsible for the ‘fallout’… God will sift the wheat from the chaff. If he forgives her in the confessional, why don’t we?
Exactly. We are expected to forgive the priests who bring scandal. Why not the lay man? We hear about the priest who has an affair, or commits a homosexual encounter. They are rarely stripped of thier postition. If they they are penitent and go to confession, they are not removed from the priesthood! They might just get shifted to a different parish!
we’re not responsible for the ‘fallout’… God will sift the wheat from the chaff. If he forgives her in the confessional, why don’t we?
Who says she’s not forgiven? Not me. But there are consequences to sin. Just like the Priest who molests a child should NEVER work with kids again… is he forgiven? Of course. But that has nothing to do with the consequences of his sin.
we’re not responsible for the ‘fallout’… God will sift the wheat from the chaff. If he forgives her in the confessional, why don’t we?
For the millionth time. This is not about forgiveness. We do not pimp the position of youth minister to example forgiveness in this way. It is highly inappopriate.

We all “forgive”, she’s not banned from Mass, etc. Its a hired position in a minesterial role, that for the time, she is not capable of filling,
Just because we want this young lady removed from this particular position of trust, doesn’t mean that we don’t ‘forgive’ her. We just would like a more qualified person to mentor our children. They get enough of the world and it’s sinful values.

Our Church teaches that the temporal effects of sin remain, even after absolution. That is Catholic teaching. That is why we need purification first in order to enter Heaven.
Exactly. We are expected to forgive the priests who bring scandal. Why not the lay man? We hear about the priest who has an affair, or commits a homosexual encounter. They are rarely stripped of thier postition. If they they are penitent and go to confession, they are not removed from the priesthood! They might just get shifted to a different parish!
Right… and the subsequent victims testify to the effectivness of that.

But you make my point. The Priest got shifted because he brought scandal upon his parish. This pregnant unwed woman brings scandal upon the youthgroup.
Why are you personally attacking someone who disagrees with you?

If this subject is hitting too close to home for you, perhaps you show bow out?
Carol, I am speaking to all of you, not just one person! You are the one shouting! I am just stating the obvious hypocrisy here! You are holy, read the bibel, recieve the sacraments, are a good example. But do you follow Jesus’ example?

If a repentent prostitute can be a Saint, a repentent unwed mother can be a youth leader.

After all, aren’t the saints supposed to be role models too?
yes, a repentant unwed mother could be a youth leader…when she has FORMED HER WILL. the baby is not even born yet.

She is not in a stable life situation to be considering such a demanding ministerial role. …and the scandal.

we are not talking about her inability to go to heaven. We are talking about the position of the youth minister.

sorry for shouting… getting myself all worked up here
Of course I care about the teenagers…that’s why I posted that this is a great opportunity to teach them from first hand experience the good and bad of this situation and choices…
What attacks? I am trying to make my point.
You have no point, i never once mentioned pedophilia or victimizing anyone. I only spoke of consensual sexual sins, like this unwed mother!

You never answered my question about Mary Magdalene. Why didn’t Jesus make her stay away until the scandal wore off? Why was he seen with her? Why was she such a great friend of Jesus?
Of course I care about the teenagers…that’s why I posted that this is a great opportunity to teach them from first hand experience the good and bad of this situation and choices…
That is my fear, that they would only see the good of it because of the beautiful baby growing inside her. It is impossible to see the bad in a new life created by God.

I don’t know that they would see why having sex is a bad. Even the youth leader would have a difficult time saying she regreted having sex because look at what it resulted in - the beautiful gift of her child.
You have no point, i never once mentioned pedophilia or victimizing anyone. I only spoke of consensual sexual sins, like this unwed mother!
I never said you did. :confused:

I brought it up as an example of someone who is forgiven - but no longer qualified to remain in his position. Everyone keeps saying if she’s forgiven - that’s that. I’m say - wrong. There are consequences to sin beyond forgivness.
You have no point, i never once mentioned pedophilia or victimizing anyone. I only spoke of consensual sexual sins, like this unwed mother!
Exactly. She is in the position of a youth minister. The fact that it was a serious sin in the first place should keep her away from the occasion of sin…but she showed utter disregard for the care of the church and her position and her teens with recklessness.

THAT is the reason to let her go. That is not condemning her, but she violated her job,.
The kids know enough about unwed motherhood, stds, pregnancy, abortion, ABC. I don’t know that seeing one more unwed mother holding a baby is going to erase all the other education. Kids have sex because of their raging hormones, not to thumb their noses at God.
The kids know enough about unwed motherhood, stds, pregnancy, abortion, ABC. I don’t know that seeing one more unwed mother holding a baby is going to erase all the other education. Kids have sex because of their raging hormones, not to thumb their noses at God.
Yes…they know enough…if they can’t find a good role model who examples chastity at the church, where can they find her?
I never said you did. :confused:

I brought it up as an example of someone who is forgiven - but no longer qualified to remain in his position. Everyone keeps saying if she’s forgiven - that’s that. I’m say - wrong. There are consequences to sin beyond forgivness.
I was speaking of mere “sex scandal” not someone who has many victims! you may have not mentioned pedophiles, u did refer to their victims. This lady is not molesting the children. Get real!

sorry for shouting… getting myself all worked up here
I totally agree with you.

I think it is still possible for her to have a good impact on the teenagers in this situation if she regrets her decision to have premarital sex, and explains to them why and the consequences this will have on her life. This might be even more effective if she talks to them after she’s had the baby, and experiences the difficulty of being a single mother firsthand.

Something that made a big impression on me was in my Grade 9 Religion class (in a Catholic high school) when the teacher brought in a former student who had gotten pregnant as a teenager, to give us a talk. She kept the baby and was raising her as a single mom, and I still remember that talk, 7 years later, of how difficult it was for her. She was 20 at this time and just finishing up her high school diploma, because of the difficulty of attending school while being a single mom (she talked about how hard it was for her to afford daycare). She also mentioned that she couldn’t go out and have fun with her friends because she had to stay home and take care of her baby. She told us that babies may be cute and beautiful, but they take a lot of work to take care of. Another thing she told us is that she got pregnant while on the birth control pill, so this can happen to anyone wo engages in sexual intercourse.

I’m sure this talk had a profound impact on other students in the class as well, and probably a bigger one than if the teacher had just gotten up and spoken hypothetically about the consequences of premarital sex - this came from someone who was living through those consequences, which gave her words much more credibility.

So I think this youth leader could have a positive impact on the youth if she clearly told them that she’s not proud of her decision, and that they shouldn’t follow in her footsteps. if she can’t do that, or if students are still scandalized by her, then I think she should be removed from her position. As others have pointed out, she wouldn’t be getting ostracized from volunteering in the Church, but could still be given a less visible role instead.
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