sorry for shouting… getting myself all worked up here
I totally agree with you.
I think it is still possible for her to have a good impact on the teenagers in this situation if she regrets her decision to have premarital sex, and explains to them why and the consequences this will have on her life. This might be even more effective if she talks to them after she’s had the baby, and experiences the difficulty of being a single mother firsthand.
Something that made a big impression on me was in my Grade 9 Religion class (in a Catholic high school) when the teacher brought in a former student who had gotten pregnant as a teenager, to give us a talk. She kept the baby and was raising her as a single mom, and I still remember that talk, 7 years later, of how difficult it was for her. She was 20 at this time and just finishing up her high school diploma, because of the difficulty of attending school while being a single mom (she talked about how hard it was for her to afford daycare). She also mentioned that she couldn’t go out and have fun with her friends because she had to stay home and take care of her baby. She told us that babies may be cute and beautiful, but they take a lot of work to take care of. Another thing she told us is that she got pregnant while on the birth control pill, so this can happen to anyone wo engages in sexual intercourse.
I’m sure this talk had a profound impact on other students in the class as well, and probably a bigger one than if the teacher had just gotten up and spoken hypothetically about the consequences of premarital sex - this came from someone who was living through those consequences, which gave her words much more credibility.
So I think this youth leader could have a positive impact on the youth if she clearly told them that she’s not proud of her decision, and that they shouldn’t follow in her footsteps. if she can’t do that, or if students are still scandalized by her, then I think she should be removed from her position. As others have pointed out, she wouldn’t be getting ostracized from volunteering in the Church, but could still be given a less visible role instead.