Re: Youth Director is an Unwed Mother

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I did it, was terrible, don’t you do it!
Could she really stand there and say it was terrible though? With her precious child growing inside of her? Where is the terrible part? She still has her job - she still has her boyfriend - she is still looked to as a leader in the church - AND soon she will hold her beautiful baby. Where is the fallout?

That won’t come for a long time. When her boyfriend has left her - when she can’t make ends meet. When her beautiful baby is a 4 year old who’s daycare she can’t afford. THAT’S when she could give her story and honestly say THIS is not the way it’s done. You show me a glowing pregnant woman who is willing to point to her baby & say this was a big mistake - aint gonna happen.
Exactly! Just like someone who drove drunk, got in an accident, and is paralyzed for life. That’s the kind of youth group I would want to send my children to. From the actual leader, I would expect more.
So if Fr. Corapi led a group you would not let your child go? Would that be scandal? He was a homeless immoral drug addict! Associated with terrible people, and was even present when a Warlock put a Satanic Curse on a load of Coccaine!

To me, he is by far the most inspirational. He has battled what we all battle with every day!
So if Fr. Corapi led a group you would not let your child go? Would that be scandal? He was a homeless immoral drug addict! Associated with terrible people, and was even present when a Warlock put a Satanic Curse on a load of Coccaine!

To me, he is by far the most inspirational. He has battled what we all battle with every day!
Fr. Coropi was not shooting up four months ago WHILE he was a Priest. Apples to oranges.
Could she really stand there and say it was terrible though? With her precious child growing inside of her? Where is the terrible part? She still has her job - she still has her boyfriend - she is still looked to as a leader in the church - AND soon she will hold her beautiful baby. Where is the fallout?

That won’t come for a long time. When her boyfriend has left her - when she can’t make ends meet. When her beautiful baby is a 4 year old who’s daycare she can’t afford. THAT’S when she could give her story and honestly say THIS is not the way it’s done. You show me a glowing pregnant woman who is willing to point to her baby & say this was a big mistake - aint gonna happen.
I guess this is where we differ, you see the CHILD as the mistake. I see the child as good brought out of a sin. I see the premarital sex, however good it was, a sin. She can be sorry that she offended God and used his intention of sex wrongly.

The baby is not a sin! Being pregnant is not a sin!
So if Fr. Corapi led a group you would not let your child go? Would that be scandal? He was a homeless immoral drug addict! Associated with terrible people, and was even present when a Warlock put a Satanic Curse on a load of Coccaine!

To me, he is by far the most inspirational. He has battled what we all battle with every day!
THis isn’t the point here. As stated BEFORE IN PAST POSTS… there has to be some distance removed. SHe is in the middle of huge unhealthy unstable lifestyle. She hasn’t been removed from it for years and study in the seminary for 6 years and done all of the things Fr. Corapi has. I wouldn’t want my teens to go to a youth group led by John Corapi 6 months after he stopped doing drugs. He still had LOADS of studying and growing to do. It took him years to become where he is today
Fr. Coropi was not shooting up four months ago WHILE he was a Priest. Apples to oranges.
So how much time needs to lapse in between confession and being a leader?

He did enter the seminary shortly after. Whats the difference! He was being trained to be one of the highest authorites and positions in the church!
So if Fr. Corapi led a group you would not let your child go? Would that be scandal? He was a homeless immoral drug addict! Associated with terrible people, and was even present when a Warlock put a Satanic Curse on a load of Coccaine!

To me, he is by far the most inspirational. He has battled what we all battle with every day!
Fr Corapi repented, then went to the seminary and lived an exemplery life for years before he became such a respected and prominant leader. He wasn’t using drugs and having sex during his tenure as a priest.
So how much time needs to lapse in between confession and being a leader?
Excellent question… enough time that there isn’t scandal for the Church. Enough time that most parents wouldn’t be questioning the wisdom of the priest in hiring him/her.

Enough time that a will can be formed
THis isn’t the point here. As stated BEFORE IN PAST POSTS… there has to be some distance removed. SHe is in the middle of huge unhealthy unstable lifestyle. She hasn’t been removed from it for years and study in the seminary for 6 years and done all of the things Fr. Corapi has. I wouldn’t want my teens to go to a youth group led by John Corapi 6 months after he stopped doing drugs. He still had LOADS of studying and growing to do. It took him years to become where he is today
Yes, you are right. No one says this girl has led a life of sins. For all we know, she got preg. on the first time! hardly a life of sin! One mistake, ruins your whole life. No one said that she has lived a life of promiscuity!
Fr Corapi repented, then went to the seminary and lived an exemplery life for years before he became such a respected and prominant leader. He wasn’t using drugs and having sex during his tenure as a priest.
Yeah, and he didn’t have some reminder like a “child” to tell everyone. I swear, no one is more discriminated against than unwed pregnant women. Nothing ever happens to the men. They can go and philander and mp one ever has to know about it.

Mary Magdalene was immediately a follower of Christ. He did not make her go through some designated period of purification before she could be seen with him! He was considered a scandal, one who eats with prostitutes and tax collectors. And what did he say? “The prostitutes and tax collectors will enter the kingdom of Heaven before you”

This woman knows she is a sinner, she knows, she has to live with it. You will never know, you are just arrogant, proud, and pharisitical!
I guess this is where we differ, you see the CHILD as the mistake. I see the child as good brought out of a sin. I see the premarital sex, however good it was, a sin. She can be sorry that she offended God and used his intention of sex wrongly.

The baby is not a sin! Being pregnant is not a sin!
No, you are wrong. It’s because I see the child as a beautiful gift, THAT is why I think it will be very difficult for the kids to make the connection that sex is wrong and leads to heartbreak & pain. When they see her beautiful baby they will NOT know of the difficult road that lies ahead of her. They will ohhh & ahhh over the baby and think oh how sweet - look at her cute little clothes… (have you ever been around teenage girls? They are baby magnets) I think the whole sex was a big mistake will get TOTALLY lost in the BEAUTY of the baby.
Getting pregnant outside of marriage doesn’t ruin one’s whole life. It merely disqualifies one from a very few jobs. One of these is being a Christian youth leader, in the opinion of many people. As Agape says, he was a celibate during his tenure as a youth leader.

This girl can finish up her year and probably get a very good recommendation to apply for a job in the secular job market, and find employment there. She can still be an ordinary member of the parish and volunteer in many capacities. I see nothing wrong with that.
Please do not call names here.

Again, I beg you…read all of the past posts and discussion.

Mary Magdalene was with Jesus directly. He knew her heart, he knew her soul.

We are talking about our world that scandal has caused great harm to our church. This woman has already violated her job contract, any other place she would be immediately fired.

We are talking about the good of the church as a whole, and these teens. People will see her continuous employment as approval of her actions.
Yes, you are right. No one says this girl has led a life of sins. For all we know, she got preg. on the first time! hardly a life of sin! One mistake, ruins your whole life. No one said that she has lived a life of promiscuity!
It doesn’t really matter if she got pregnant on the first time or the 100th time. That is none of my concern. For the upteenth time - this isn’t about HER. It’s about the impression she will have on the teenagers.
Confession and repentance. God has forgiven her. He has wiped that sin away.
We should do the same and show the world that we love the sinner…which we all are.
We have the power to make something good come out of a moment of weakness that is already forgotten by God.
This woman knows she is a sinner, she knows, she has to live with it. You will never know, you are just arrogant, proud, and pharisitical!
I believe I previously requested that you refrain from personal attacks while debating this topic. I would kindly appreciate it. 🙂
This woman knows she is a sinner, she knows, she has to live with it. You will never know, you are just arrogant, proud, and pharisitical!
Why are you personally attacking someone who disagrees with you?

If this subject is hitting too close to home for you, perhaps you show bow out?
Absolutely! I would wonder why the Church didn’t hire a more exemplery role model for that position.** It would be the same as hiring a bookeeper who was poor at Math. Why would anyone do that? It doesn’t make sense.**
A youth leader should, above all things, be a positive role model, and unwed parenthood is a definate disqualifier. It’s the same thing as the FBI. They won’t hire anyone who even smoked pot once in their youth. It permanently disqualifies them.
No it would be like hiring a book keeper who failed a test and was otherwise better at math.
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