Responses to Unwelcome Comments on Family Size

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I’ll have to keep these responses in mind for the next time we’re out in public. My wife and I have been married for almost seven years and we have 6 children. Our last was a set of triplets which are now 8 1/2 months old. One of the latest comments I received was “Are they all yours?!” Have any comebacks on that one?
“No, most of them were kidnapped from wealthy families in Europe, and we bought them at a slave market in Mogadishu.”
Question: Are they all yours?

Answer 1: No, we didn’t have enough children, so we had to borrow some from the neighbors.

Answer 2: Yes. Why do you ask?

Question: How many more are you going to have?

Answer: I don’t know. We still have room in the van.
A friend of mine had 12 children. His youngest, a daughter, told this story.

With each new birth, one of his co-worker was always making snide comments. (“Don’t you know what causes that?” etc.) The co-worker had only 2 kids, both girls.

Finally, tiring of the rudeness, one day he replied, "Sam, don’t you know that a full house beats a pair of Queens?
“Are they all yours?”

No…a couple of them just started following us a few minutes ago…

No, were on our way to a Guns N’ Roses concert for my 7 year olds birthday party.
I would just say “well, I’ve got a big heart. That’s why I have a family size to match the size of my heart.”

That is, if I ever get married and have my 10 kids. 🙂 (yeah, I’m thinking small family) 🙂
I’d remind people that just because you have two kids doesn’t mean they get better care than a large family gets.

Any parent with preschool age children knows what a crock “quality time” was.

We only have three children but the suggestion that we are open to a fourth has brought raised eyebrows. Now mind you we live a comfortable not affluent lifestyle. We need to remind people that the goal is heaven and God provides us with opportunities to populate heaven.

Unfortunately too many people buy into the population crisis and the expense of children. I know far too many families that easily could “afford” two more children but are not open.

Obviously, some have fewer children due to fertility problems and we must be sensitive to that. Just because Johnny is an only kid does NOT mean the parents refused to give him a sibling; he may be adopted or the only miracle they received. Just like Justice Scalia and his wife are not trashy because they had 8 kids.

We have been married 10 1/2 years and have 3 children after 6 pregnancies and many months of nonovulatory cycles.

Congratulations to all your expectant parents out there.

(On a side note my Episcopalian friend’s mom from New Foundland was one of 9 and she used to say in New Foundland if you had 9 kids you were either good Catholics or sexy Protestants.)
Question: Are they all yours?

Answer 1: No, we didn’t have enough children, so we had to borrow some from the neighbors.

Answer 2: Yes. Why do you ask?

Question: How many more are you going to have?

Answer: I don’t know. We still have room in the van.
I really like the one about the van!

And whoever posted the “slaves from mogadishu” reference…excellent! 👍

Another one I’ve used before is:

“So, how many kids are you gonna have?”

“I don’t know. How many cars are you going to own over the next 30 years?”
“Are they all yours?’
You can see them too!? Thank God I thought I was imagining them.

Say “No they just work in my magic chocolate factory.” Then have your children break out into an umpa-lumpa tune using hymnal lyrics.
Shibboleth said:
“Are they all yours?’
You can see them too!? Thank God I thought I was imagining them.

Say “No they just work in my magic chocolate factory.” Then have your children break out into an umpa-lumpa tune using hymnal lyrics.

As soon as I read this, all I could hear was:

“You have your hands full”

Yep, full of blessings. :whistle:

“Those all yers?” :eek:

Yeah, but mama wants me to thin the herd a bit. You don’t see anything here that you would like to buy do you? 😃 😃 😃
My favorite response to that one, “You really have your hands full”-

is “better full than empty”-- and people usually just nod and admit “yeah I guess you’re right.”

I recently had to go to the ER for some pain that I was having that I feared might be an ectopic pregnancy-- and several people asked me if this was my first-- and I just laughed and said " No- not even close! This is my seventh pregnancy!"- Of course I said it with my rosary in one hand and my copy of *Maurice and Therese * in the other… living in the Bible Belt I’m sure there were some folks who went home talking about this crazy CAtholic lady that was in the hospital today!!! I am always totally up front with people that I had one child who died, and two I gave up for adoption, and we know have three in our family and one on the way-- they’re usually really at a loss for how to respond- so they usually don’t say too much!! I believe in “First Blood!!”
“Don’t you know what causes that?”

The one we like to use and it usually gets a laugh even from the person asking the question is, “yeh and it sure is fun!” or maybe a little less suggestive is “yeh we sure do!” Either way it moves the conversation on to other things. Hope that helps. I try to always be nice, as hard as that may be sometimes, because having a large family it seems we are under higher scrutiny. I want to leave a good impression. I want people to see the joys of having a large family, so they too will jump on board!
“Don’t you know what causes that?”

The one we like to use and it usually gets a laugh even from the person asking the question is, “yeh and it sure is fun!” or maybe a little less suggestive is “yeh we sure do!” Either way it moves the conversation on to other things. Hope that helps. I try to always be nice, as hard as that may be sometimes, because having a large family it seems we are under higher scrutiny. I want to leave a good impression. I want people to see the joys of having a large family, so they too will jump on board!
“Do you know what causes that?”

You stop, stare them right square in the eye, and say, “No. But maybe you can explain it to me.”

And then you stare at them and wait…
It’s been great reading your comments. :clapping: I cover three parishes in Eastern Montana. In the largest parish, we have just over 80 registered households.

Some of you may remember Monsigner Murnion who died last Fall. His dad had two brothers who moved to Jordan, Montana in 1914. I’ll look at just one brother, John, who had, I think 9 kids, the next generation continued the tradition. Just from John’s kids who stayed in Jordan: Coleman 16 kids, Philip 9, Clarke 6, Barnard 5 (I think I remember the numbers right).

The next two generations (those having kids today) includes 1 family of six kids (oldest 15 - youngest 2, still the possibility for more), and several with 4 or 5 kids and many just starting out. There are a few other (non-Murnion) famlies who also have serveral kids as well. I’ve been in the parish for 6 years and have married some of these folks and baptized 3 of their children. (We average a baptism or a profession of faith every 6 weeks)

Imagine having only 80 families, but 25 kids under the age of 5 and about the same amount in K-6 and 8-12. I am sure there are several parishes with 800 familes that do not have 250 kids under age 5. :tsktsk: Half of the kids born in Garfield County (pop 1200) are Catholic. At that rate we will do like Todd suggested

Todd said:
"YES! And we’ll do it again and again until my wife (or husband) and I spawn an ARMY OF CATHOLICS and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Muah Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

Thanks again for your comments. It’s great to see people open to God’s creation in thier lives.


BTW if any of you feel out of place, there is a lot of room in Garfield county, :hmmm: but I’m afraid I’ll have to add on to the church or have two Masses in Jordan which may cause problems with my other two parishes. Or you could come to one of the other two parishes and help lower or average age. The second largest of my three parishes, 70 miles away, with just under 80 families averages between 1-2 baptisms a year and most of those are people “coming home” to have their child baptized where the grandparents live. We have a lot of room there for more people. Montana is great.

OK, enough of the Chamber of Commerce announcements. Thanks for your witness.
Awww!!! Everyone took my favorite ones!!! 😃

Be sure to click on the catholicposters link above!! That’s the shirt I GOTTA get me!!!

When people have asked me, I’ve responded:

“Don’t you know how that happens?”
I say–ummmm, obviously!!!

“You need to get a new hobby!” (I couldn’t believe some stranger in Target said that to me!!)
Me: “Oh, I like this one just fine!!”

“You look young to have so many kids!”
Me: “Having kids KEEPS me young…maybe YOU should try it?”

“Are you done yet?”
Me: “Well, I’m not pregnant right now, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Good luck!!!

I’m going to memorize some of the ones above–they’re GREAT!!! 😃
I think many of us are always looking for good “comebacks”, responses, whatever.

What have you used or thought of using when someone says:

“So, you gonna have any more?”

“You’re pregnant again?”

“Are you done now?”

“Don’t you know what causes that?”

You get the idea.

Please post some of your favorite questions and responses. The wittier the better. 😃
My Aunts resonse-14 children btw 😉

We don’t watch much TV.

Cold winter on the farm again.

We are trying to get a winner for the 4 H Club

When you live on a farm, the more the merrier.

And if they were really nasty: She laid it on thick:

We have exceptional children with great gifts. Eventually they will be caring for a lot of the idiots in their old age who never had children. At least two already visit nursing homes to sit and read to people like that. We envision a child to care for at least a dozen or so old people one day that no body else will bother with.
Two quick comments.

I have a friend with nine children. When she gets rude comments, she looks at them and says “If you ever saw my husband naked, you’d be surprised I didn’t have 20 kids!”

My Dad always responds to a somewhat rude question or comment with a question of his own “Now why would you ask me that?” or “Why would you say such a thing?” It usually stops them cold!

Remember to say a prayer for them, too! And smile because God has been generous to you – there are many couples who long for children and are unable to conceive or bear children. You are richly blessed!

Portland, OR
My husband and I had 4 children in 4 1/2 years. You can imagine the comments we got - some people were downright ugly. But I had to share my grandmother’s precious reaction to the news of my 4th pregnancy. She hugged me and said, **“Oh, you are going to have so many people to love you when you get old.” ** That really sustained me through other people’s rude comments. These 4 children, now grown, are the most wonderful blessing to their father and me and we are looking forward to grandchildren.
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