It’s been great reading your comments. :clapping: I cover three parishes in Eastern Montana. In the largest parish, we have just over 80 registered households.
Some of you may remember Monsigner Murnion who died last Fall. His dad had two brothers who moved to Jordan, Montana in 1914. I’ll look at just one brother, John, who had, I think 9 kids, the next generation continued the tradition. Just from John’s kids who stayed in Jordan: Coleman 16 kids, Philip 9, Clarke 6, Barnard 5 (I think I remember the numbers right).
The next two generations (those having kids today) includes 1 family of six kids (oldest 15 - youngest 2, still the possibility for more), and several with 4 or 5 kids and many just starting out. There are a few other (non-Murnion) famlies who also have serveral kids as well. I’ve been in the parish for 6 years and have married some of these folks and baptized 3 of their children. (We average a baptism or a profession of faith every 6 weeks)
Imagine having only 80 families, but 25 kids under the age of 5 and about the same amount in K-6 and 8-12. I am sure there are several parishes with 800 familes that do not have 250 kids under age 5. :tsktsk: Half of the kids born in Garfield County (pop 1200) are Catholic. At that rate we will do like Todd suggested
Todd said:
"YES! And we’ll do it again and again until my wife (or husband) and I spawn an ARMY OF CATHOLICS and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! Muah Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!
Thanks again for your comments. It’s great to see people open to God’s creation in thier lives.
BTW if any of you feel out of place, there is a lot of room in Garfield county,

but I’m afraid I’ll have to add on to the church or have two Masses in Jordan which may cause problems with my other two parishes. Or you could come to one of the other two parishes and help lower or average age. The second largest of my three parishes, 70 miles away, with just under 80 families averages between 1-2 baptisms a year and most of those are people “coming home” to have their child baptized where the grandparents live. We have a lot of room there for more people. Montana is great.
OK, enough of the Chamber of Commerce announcements. Thanks for your witness.