Saying our goodbyes

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Blast from the past! It’s like when Diane showed up in the last episode of Cheers. 🙂
OR…like THIS!!

I’ll send you a PM, Mike NJ!

Or this - the return of Brad(ski)/Freddy:

Now you know where the names came from. He was captain of my club, my state and my country. He could and can do no wrong. A giant of the game. And nicknamed Freddy (as at 1:55).

And hey, a call out to the Rational Rat Pack!
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Okay, I have to say it. 200+ and I didn’t get a single shoutout–and if one appears after I post this I’ll know it’s only because I’m saying this. It’s stupid but my feelings are hurt. It’s stupid because I still feel like the quiet weird girl in the corner, who no one understands or cares for.

Please please don’t ‘shout me out’ now because it would be insincere. But I just wanted to remind the ‘cool kids’ that whilst a love fest is awesome for those of you who get recognised, it hurts to be a frequent poster, as I was/am, and get nary a mention. It makes me reluctant to post at St.I because what would my contribution be worth?

Again, for those of you rolling your eyes, I understand it’s stupid to be hurt by this. But we’re in a global pandemic and many of us have little interaction but our online communities at this time. And I’ve had the worst few months of my life (my 17yo girl almost died twice from her brain stem tumour, and we still have to figure out how to remove it without turning her into a vegetable) and my pancreatic cancer symptoms are back, so my overreaction has A LOT more emotion behind it than is warranted. But still…
And that is part of why you have received more shoutouts than anyone: your great wisdom. Thanks, Tis.
You can bet that for every nice remark or shout-out I get, there’s somebody else grousing off-forum about that bothersome bear and her fawning fan club. I reckon sometimes it’s even the same person doing both 🙂
Please be at peace. You don’t know the impact you have had. When I read your post about your daughter a while back, I decided to keep a list of people who need prayers, starting with her, and to pray for all (10 so far).

In this thread, I didn’t mention anyone by name, and only quoted Dr. Seuss, because I knew I would leave out more than I could mention.
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Hi guys, I might be late to party but I just wanted say goodbye to dear @Vico @Fauken @GioG12 @Inbonum @0Scarlett_nidiyilii and especially to my beloved @(name removed by moderator) @Muzhik @(name removed by moderator) @Donkey @(name removed by moderator) and all of those whose names I unfortunately forgot. With all of you I shared a piece of my Road to Christ and you shared yours with me.
This will be my last post here.

May we meet in the great heavenly hall one day — we and Christ.
Forum may be getting shut off, but my prayers for you will still be going.

“And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.” Rev 22:4

Face to face is always more charitable and productive.
No, I’m just as rude in person 🙂
And I’m an introvert who lives in an out-of-the-way spot in Australia… who is also just as rude in person ! 🤣🤣

It has been good … 15 or so years, so a big chunk of my life.

I will miss (and do miss) a lot of the folks here, including the ones I have butted heads with on occasion… way too many to name.
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And that is part of why you have received more shoutouts than anyone: your great wisdom. Thanks, Tis.
There’s a blog contact detail - where those of us who want to stay in touch can have a point of contact. It belongs to @Mike_from_NJ. I know some have joined other forums already but…if it doesn’t work out then we can have this ‘drop box’ if you’d like to keep in touch. I was making a list of people to contact about it but…it’s not for me to decide who should ‘join the gang’. And there’s too many to mention anyway - one of the reasons I’m not doing the Acadamy Award thing and thanking everyone (athough I could give you a short list of those I wouldn’t lose sleep over not keeping in touch…).

So perhaps Mike can give the details in this thread if he’s willing (he’s already agreed for it to be used) and anyone can wander over to say hi.

But… I swear this with my hand on my heart, Lenore, you were second on that list. The Rat Pack would be honoured to have you on board.
Hi @fin, yes, in 2008, a thread begun by a member Harmony, and the mods were persuaded to make it a sticky thread, with a heading like 'those who fear they may never be married"
My daughter-in-law is very private so I’ll PM her CAF name, though she’s been too busy to post for a considerable time and CAF is on its deathbed, but when people are very private one is loth to break their trust, though it isn’t her Christian name. She had ever an ever-growing list. She and my son are happily married, and fortunately she loves Australia. She studied for a career change after her arrival, and is perfect in the role, giving as always 110% of her energy and generosity.

My son was a single dad raising his two children alone, but had been personally lonely for years. Being mum and dad and hardworking man he had no social life either.
I’d prayed … but by the time I encountered M on the thread (not the possible name you vaguely remember) … I’d got to the point where I was saying to the Lord
“Lord, if there is someone in the world who will be truly right for my son, and truly love him, and whom he will be right for and truly love, please find them for each other.” So God, it seems, may have a sense of humor, took me at my word. “Anywhere i the world turned out to be a quiet place in the United States.” When my son was having a particularly difficult challenge, the gentle girl wanted to reach out; and he agreed to letting this stranger have his phone number, was charmed first by his humorous phone message, and they soon found themselves talking for hours on international calls.
Thanks CAF and thank You Lord
God bless you Fin.
Well, it has been an interesting 16 years.

There have been many epic arguments, and the news forum does tend to bring out the claws in everyone.

If anyone out there has been scandalized by my writing, my apologies.
I never intend to hurt anyone.
@Freddy Yeah, I can see why they used the definite article in The Return!

Yes, I’m going to post a link on my blog specifically for folks to keep in touch. As we see forums can come and go, but the blog (no matter how dormant) will still be there. I’m at work now, but I’ll do it when I get home.

@DaddyGirl2 That is a throwback pic if there ever was one. As Steven Wright once said, “Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.”
For those who said on this thread “group hug”, I decided to return the formerly much-used icon from CAF Mark 1

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and a few others …
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I’ve not named numerous wonderful persons who have graced both CAF forums, but thank you for your wisdom, your insights, your many prayers
and thank you for your trust in sharing from your life and spirit on the open forum and in Private Messages.
I remember persons long gone from the forums, including friends who suddenly dissappeared and were never again mentioned or located, some still in my prayers.
God bless all in all things temporal and spiritual, God bless those who have died,
and please God we will all meet in glorious reunion in heaven.
Heaven’s CAF Lounge will need to accommodate a multitude.

Kind wishes, Trishie
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From my journal, ‘a handful of wildflowers’

Worlds passing by​

You pass me by. I catch your eye for an instant.
If introduced, we exchange light courtesies? …
Perhaps our communication shall never grow deeper
and we may on earth never feel close?
Perhaps not meet again in this vast world?

For we are strangers. Or that vague thing, acquaintances,
or friends who never guess how little each really knows the other.
Or for a brief while we have in deep fraternity recognized each other
until, perhaps, darkness closes over the moment and we are again strangers!

In me, you see, perhaps–another of many persons—
ordinary, irrelevant or for the moment, useful or demanding?
I, observing you may feel the same?
Yet I know you for a world … a universe within!

To God, you are precious, unique, and beloved!
beheld through Jesus crucified and risen…you, like me, God’s child!
How profoundly we should care!
Yet we are often afraid and untrusting even with our own best loved.

I feel for you a gentleness that you cannot suspect–
though through circumstance or mutual limitation,
there may exist no effective human link between us.
I turn to God confused, and plead to love and serve you

“Behold this person, Lord, created in image of Your Son
and intended for harmonious union with me in You–
as with numerous other souls, worlds–mysterious, complex, rich.
Beautiful. Yet wounded in the reality and knowledge of his frailty.

In him, in her–all beauty, all gift and good–
concealed within, without revealed–is You.
Receive then as Yours that gift-of-Your-life-and-love in this person
offered to You as my prayer for him, for her, in faith.

Accept him, accept her, from my heart through the Person of Christ
in Whom You are Father and all humankind is brother, sister.
Draw this person nearer for Your love for him, for her, in me, in this, the moment of my caring!”
Still strangers, we are thus in secret united, through Your love and prayer our God.

You know, and Your knowledge of our kinship embraces me
As Your compassion and grace flows into the being for whom I pray.
“For this renewing surge of healing and creation
in the soul of my sister or my brother, I thank You, Lord our God and Father!”
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@Trishie, that’s beautiful. You have a marvelous talent with words. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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