Scapegoat of recent scandal?

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How do you know the Church is doing a better job now? No one knows what has yet to come to light. I don’t think anyone can know unless they have access to all bishops’s files.
I was not talking about the past which may be in the files. I am sure every diocese has some secret cases.

I know we are now doing a better job because of all the protections that have been put in place. I work in youth ministry so I see it first hand.

Last week our Bishop went to a parish and told the congregation that their former pastor was accused of abuse. He was removed from being a pastor last year for stealing church funds. Early this year allegations were made for abuse that happened years before. Law enforcement was immediately informed. The public announcement was held up at the request of the victims. Today a letter was read at all the masses at all the parishes in the diocese. Reporting on the events and asking any victims to come forward.

That just never happened in the past. So there should be no illusion by potential offenders that future case will be covered up.
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I definitely agree with what you are saying here regarding sports and masculinity. Neither my father, nor my brother, and neither my husband are big on sports but there were other things they all enjoy that are stereotypically masculine, such as working on cars and woodworking. I think the assumption that contact sports equals being a man is more of a cause of male problems rather than the solution.

While I believe that this problem in the priesthood is in a majority due to homosexuality in the priesthood, I certainly wouldn’t say that heterosexual men are more moral, otherwise we wouldn’t have the problem of pornography we have today.
So, homosexuality is not in the same category as bestiality, pedophilia, etc,
What you are arguing is you that homosexuality is a birth defect as Down’s Syndrome. Obviously if a male baby is born with sexual faculties designed to complement a female for express purpose of generating offspring in maturity, but is, as you claim, born with tendencies that are only sexually excited the same sex, then you’re talking a birth defect.

There’s no doubt that there are people who are born with hormonal imbalances, but these like any other imbalance can be treated like any other birth defect. In reLity, homosexuality is a developed mindset which sometimes occurs at a very young age. Developmental mindsets can be attributed to many things. For example, people that experience traumatic events in life often evolve completely different mindset about life itself. A rape victim never sees life the same again; a child who experiences trauma often grows up as an adult with peculiar complexes. I know of somebody who dislikes redheads because as a child was bullied by a red head. There are many many outside influences and experiences that can shape the mind of a person from babyhood through puberty and adolescence. To simply say people were “born” that way is wishful thinking by those who rationalize defending homosexual behavior…
Don’t you have any other examples besides Joseph Sciambra? He’s the only person you post videos about even though his experience is hardly representative of all or even most gay men.
Let me ask you directly: Why is his testimony not valid and dismissed and treated as irrelevant? Furthermore all you have to look up is “ex gay” and there’s a plethora of other testimonies. There are also plenty of testimonies of Heterosexual adults who developed gay attractions later in life.
Secret files and data are two separate things. Data was released with the John Jay report. This whole idea of “secret” would not be so easily swallowed if we talked about NBC(for example) secret tapes, before they blurred out the faces of minors and others. The Church will act on the data, as that is valid evidence. Names, particulars, though secret, are also anecdotal.

Americans are so sick sometimes, needing all the juicier and tantalizing details.
Medicine and science disagrees with you:
Don’t be fooled. The same crowd claims that an unborn baby is not a human being and that abortion is not murder. Satan is a spirit, thus Satan’s influence is intellectual; thus he corrupts the human intellect by guiding people into intellectual error through deceitful rationalizations. Thus it is that there are doctors today take pliers and scissors and decapitate unborn babies in the name of woman’s rights, and still be called a doctor. Likewise, you can rationalize the most immoral actions in the name of medicine and science…
How do you explain the 20% of females who were abused?
Bisexual? Regardless, every single case of seminarian abuse was 100% homosexual.
If you remove all the boy victims from the statistics, you’ll have very little left. A blip in the radar. Everywhere you go, there will be some molesters. Wherever there are men, you’re going to find a pervert in the woodpile. But if you remove the homosexual equation, the numbers drop to a manageable level.
Science is not a person, and this article is not science. It was a political panel. Sure, there is a lot of evidence studied, but it was evidence picked for study by this panel. If you read the article, it is not about the science, but the politics, and politicians make poor scientists.

There is one real issue with a genetic cause for homosexuality - it would disprove Darwin, and most of genetics. Homosexuality does not produce genetic offspring. Still, this is an issue for science, not theology or politics.
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Don’t be fooled. The same crowd claims that an unborn baby is not a human being and that abortion is not murder. Satan is a spirit, thus Satan’s influence is intellectual; thus he corrupts the human intellect by guiding people into intellectual error through deceitful rationalizations. Thus it is that there are doctors today take pliers and scissors and decapitate unborn babies in the name of woman’s rights, and still be called a doctor. Likewise, you can rationalize the most immoral actions in the name of medicine and science…
This isn’t about abortion. I do NOT believe in abortion at all, and I DO believe homosexuals are being scapegoated for the PA scandal. There were heterosexuals involved and some who inflicted abuse by covering it up.

The PA scandal is not a homosexual scandal; it’s a child abuse scandal, and child abuse can occur among any class of persons. In fact, as one poster has pointed out, by posting statistics, most child abusers are married heterosexuals.
Bisexual? Regardless, every single case of seminarian abuse was 100% homosexual.
I don’t think we can make that assumption. Not all the men engaging in homosexual sex in prison are homosexual. Men are simply the only choice. It’s just about that way in the seminary, i.e., no choice but another male.
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The PA scandal is not a homosexual scandal; it’s a child abuse scandal, and child abuse can occur among any class of persons. In fact, as one poster has pointed out, by posting statistics, most child abusers are married heterosexuals.
It’s both, but mostly a homosexual abuse problem, since the vast majority of cases are teenage boys and young men who are targets. Some of the seminaries were infested with active homosexuality and those trying to push the LGBT agenda inside the Church.
No, there is no comparison between being in seminary and being in prison. Not even close. There are many reports of seminarians cruising gay bars at night after their studies. Seminarians have free will, free time and plenty of choices, and they choose other men. That is the problem.
The PA scandal is not a homosexual scandal;
It is definitely a homosexual scandal. This is a male abusing (attacking) male issue. As this story continues to grow there is no other way to look at it, try as you may.
I wish he could just pick the next five Popes, and make about 100 more Cardinals he personally vetted,
I’m pretty sure that will not help the situation.
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Anybody else had the impression that after the recent sexual abuse scandal certain Catholic circles are looking for a scapegoat? I have the impression some people are pushing the equation ssa=abuse of children and young boys and pushing for a purge of people with ssa (even of people living chastely) in priesthood and consecrated life.
I don’t. I think people are sick of the scandal and want it all to end. If it was just the PA Grand Pury, then I think it would have blown over in a while - except for Cardinal Wuerl who was mention over 200 times in the PA Grand Jury - because all the allegations took place a while ago, before the Dallas Charter. Cardinal Wuerl would have been the only one on the hot seat.

However, thanks the McCarrick scandal, this has blown up because McCarrick was involved with “solving” the sex abuse scandal, and was supposedly known to have been involved with sex abuse, yet still allowed to have a lot of influence in the Church.

The McCarrick situation shows that the Bishops (or at least some Bishops) were still protecting their own ranks while cracking down on priests. Tons of lay people heard rumors about McCarrick over the years, the idea that McCarrick’s former roommate (Cardinal Farrell) and successor (Cardinal Wuerl) heard nothing at all is a little hard to swallow. Might be true, but hard to swallow.

Finally, the issue is this: far too many priests are UNCHASTE, and people have been covering it up. Homosexual or heterosexual in nature, doesn’t matter. HOWEVER, the reason I believe there are more homosexual scandals is because up until recently, society didn’t accept homosexuals, so the priesthood was a way for homosexuals to hide from their devout family, fiends, etc.

Point is: I strongly feel that the overwhelming number of Catholics who attend mass every Sunday simply want all of the truth and all the dirty laundry out for the world to see. We are not looking for a scapegoat, we are looking for transparency.

God Bless
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No, there is no comparison between being in seminary and being in prison. Not even close. There are many reports of seminarians cruising gay bars at night after their studies. Seminarians have free will, free time and plenty of choices, and they choose other men. That is the problem.
I agree it’s one of the problems, but it’s not the whole problem of the PA scandals. Twenty percent of the victims were girl there were those who abused by covering up. Akk of these things need addressed.
Point is: I strongly feel that the overwhelming number of Catholics who attend mass every Sunday simply want all of the truth and all the dirty laundry out for the world to see. We are not looking for a scapegoat, we are looking for transparency.
I think this is the way iy SHOULD be. People shouldn’t want the scandals to blow over; they should want the, to end.
The most urgent crisis is the 80% gay pervert problem. Once that is put to bed, they can work on the other 20% hetero pervert problem.
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