Scapegoat of recent scandal?

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This isn’t about abortion. I do NOT believe in abortion at all, and I DO believe homosexuals are being scapegoated for the PA scandal. There were heterosexuals involved and some who inflicted abuse by covering it up.

The PA scandal is not a homosexual scandal; it’s a child abuse scandal, and child abuse can occur among any class of persons. In fact, as one poster has pointed out, by posting statistics, most child abusers are married heterosexuals.
No, it’s mostly a homosexual scandal. Let me explain why.

The Grand Juries and prosecutors only care about the child abuse scandals, the AG’s office could care less about consensual gay sex.

The child abuse aspect (while evil and disgusting) is just part of the problem. The issue is a lack of chastity and dissidence against Church teaching.

The reason its mostly a homosexual issue is because the ACTIVE homosexuals (and formally active ones) in the clergy create the culture of silence, and directly or indirectly chase away quality young men from becoming priests.

Point is: the significant amount of homosexual activity in select seminaries and among the number of the priesthood creates an environment of unchaste behavior and cover-up for their sexual sins.

Yes, there are heterosexual sins too. However, the priesthood doesn’t have the same issue with heterosexual sexual sin like there was in centuries past. Priests are not as civically powerful as they once were, so very few men who want to have sex with women will join the priesthood today. In other words, the man who seeks power and women no longer has an incentive to seek the priesthood - he can go into law, medicine, or politics.

However, the homosexuality was still really taboo until approx 10-15 years ago. Gay men who came from devout Catholic families often could find the priesthood a good place to “hide.” Also, 20-50 years ago, gay men who wanted power could find a network of young gay men by joining the priesthood 😦

TODAY, most young gay men who seek power simply go to law school, because society is accepting. But 50 years ago, the only place for a gay man to hide was the priesthood.

God bless
I feel a lot of people are looking more at the acts (which are absolutely horrible) and seeing this as a same-sex attraction issue… But the real issue of the scandal, at least to me, are the cover-ups. The priest who molests is a sinner, who betrayed the trust of his parish. The bishop who covers it up is a sinner, who betrays the trust of the entire Church.

I think too many people are looking at the homosexual aspect, missing why just so many people are angry; weed out anyone who might have homosexual leanings in the Church and you’ll still find priests who use their status to hurt people. But it wouldn’t be as much of an issue if you didn’t have Church authority covering up their crimes.
I agree that covering it all up is a huge issue. I posted this on another thread, but I think it fits here as well. According to the Catechism, there are some sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.

1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven” : the blood of Abel,139 the sin of the Sodomites,140 the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt,141 the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan,142 injustice to the wage earner.143

Whether we count the “sin of the sodomites” as sodomy, homosexual rape, or rape in general, this is what the cover up has been about. God has shone light on this and called our attention. He has given is several years to uncover and fix this problem. I think we are given another (final?) warning here.
But if you remove the homosexual equation, the numbers drop to a manageable level.
I agree with your general premise but we need to be careful of words that say any abuse is at a “Manageable” level. We all desire that there not be any, even if that is impossible. The facts are support enough for your position. If there were no homosexual priests, the drop in abuse would be around the 80% cited in two different studies.
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The problem of homosexual clerical abuse is compounded by the fact that even though the number of gay priests are disproportionately higher (20 - 30%?) than the number of gays in the general population (2 - 4%?), they are a significant majority of the overall abuse problem (80%). It is very naïve to think that they are being scapegoated. They are the low hanging fruit and the biggest part of the problem. If we can solve that, we can move on to the clerical priest abuse problem, what ever that it!
Men are not locked up 24/7 in seminary. They are hardly a captive population. there are choices being made by those who are abusing seminarians. There are alternative choices available and the correct one would be being chaste in accordance with their state in life: celibacy.
That is a very good point. Priests and men in seminaries can walk out the door and go out and if it is being with a woman they want then they would be able to, compared to men in prison who have no way out.

Also, some of the stories of the seminarians do involve them leaving and going to gay bars.
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What is your version of truth?
I DO believe homosexuals are being scapegoated for the PA scandal. There were heterosexuals involved and some who inflicted abuse by covering it up.
“At the same time, the math is pitiless: According to our best data, a mammoth CDC study done in 2013, 1.6 percent of Americans identify as gay. Yet 80 percent of the abuse cases involve priests abusing other males. You can include all the caveats you like—maybe there’s selection bias, maybe the percentage of homosexuals in the priesthood is many times higher than 1.6 percent, maybe not all male-on-male abuse is perpetrated by men who would identify as gay. But the correlation is still high enough that it is impossible to ignore.”
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I think conversations like this tend to ignore the suffering of many abused girls in the Church just because they’re only ‘20%’.
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That would be the heresy of Martinism. The gaithful are still waiting for a papal pronouncement on this.
Fr.Bob VerEecke has been removed as pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, NY diocese

For "a recent, unwanted and inappropriate conversation and attention of a sexual nature toward an adult male who attended the parish.”

Why am I not surprised to see him doing this:

Homosexual priests need to be removed from the ministry
I would have stayed and then told the priest off followed by a letter to the bishop.
Fr.Bob VerEecke has been removed as pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, NY diocese

For "a recent, unwanted and inappropriate conversation and attention of a sexual nature toward an adult male who attended the parish.”

Why am I not surprised to see him doing this:

Homosexual priests need to be removed from the ministry
TOTALLY DISGUSTING! The mass is not a Major Legal Baseball game!!! 🤬
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It’s well documented that 81% of these incidents are male on male.
Call it what you want, but don’t deny reality. It’s predominately male on male, and it’s -not- predominately pedophilia.
I thought I read it to be 86.6%? 3% of which is due to pedophilia?
The most urgent crisis is the 80% gay pervert problem. Once that is put to bed, they can work on the other 20% hetero pervert problem.
The girls who have been molested feel they need help now, and they deserve it now. They are not second class citizens simply because they are in the minority.
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