We definitely have a different definition of small city.
My town is in the South were Catholics make up a small percentage of the population. We have 3 Catholic parishes in the area (5 if you extend out by 30 miles). Two parishes are a mile apart.
There are approx 35,000 people in the area of these two parishes. They combined have a membership of 1600 households. Between the two, average total weekend attendance is around 1200 persons.
My parish is the larger, of our 1100 households, our largest demographic is 18-35. Of those married v single is about 40% married. These people do not have a sign around their neck that says “Hey! I am single”.
Talk to the membership person at your parish, they can give you the demographics for your parish.
Have you never been to a Catholic Young Adult Event? I know people who joke that they are a ruse for hooking up.
We have been to wildly different Young Adult events.
Our parish has a young adult group, it is open to married and single, only rule is no one under age 18. They get together weekly on Sunday afternoon to hang out. People bring snacks, they most often play board games (there is a Risk game that has been going for 2 weeks with no winner yet!) They have also done video game nights, on New Years Eve it was games and food then at 11:45 they went over to the Church for Benediction and Exposition over the midnight hour. Another subgroup plays tabletop RPGs.
Great friendships have been forged. My son is a member of this group.
You know what it took to get it going? One person who was willing to be there, the parish invited everyone between 18 - 35, advertised on social media. First meeting had 5 people.
Parish half an hour away has a specific singles group. They do outings like bowling or short day trips.
I did Theology on Tap years ago. Not a hook-up excuse, good fellowship and discussion and fun.
Perhaps you can coordinate a young adults group at your parish?