Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Dad. Or is it actually a flawed report?

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Now that the leftists cannot hold back the information dike, they are attempting to spin this (with no evidence and not bothering to ask Joe Biden about it with one exception) as . . .

, , , (can you guess?) . . . .

As a Russian-collusion narrative.

Here are some salient video clips from political satirist Mark Dice (on YouTube Trimmer site) . . . .

Guess Who’s Back!​


•Oct 19, 2020

Clapper said this laptop appeared 2 1/2 weeks before the election. See about 0:50 into the video cut.

This is a lie or sorely misinformed.

The FBI was aware of this situation last December.
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I get it that you want this to be true. You already see this as true, and it will be hard to show otherwise. But just have an open mind. This can be a nothing burger as well.

Politicians have for the longest time gotten away with the things that they themselves say we can not do. Biden has been in office for a really, really long time.

He is a force to be recon with, he knows the game better than most. He is what the system is all about. Going after Biden is going after the system. It will be a hard fight if true, but the system is well tuned to this sort of “attacks”

Already, with out the full details, and with out the full story. Biden is innocent to the left and guilty to the right.
Why did Joe Biden held American Government funds to the country until a prosecutor be fired?
For the same reasons that people were demanding his ouster by marching in the streets of Ukraine; that the IMF and the EU were asking for him to be dismissed; that his deputy resigned, saying the office was lawless.

The reason was not Hunter Biden. Shokin was corrupt and as chief law officer in Ukraine he was undermining the efforts to reform the government.
Was Hunter Biden using his Dad as influence to make money, while Dad was Vice President? Was Joe Biden in the deal?
Probably not. The firing of Shokin was in line with the US policy to support the anti-corruption campaign of the new Ukrainian government.
The owner/head of Burisma was chased out of the country by an anti corruption revolution. Burisma had to reorganize, and they hired some American experts in corporate process. Do you think they should have just continued the corrupt ways they were used to?
Still doing it. Ukrainian prosecutors revealed that a bribe was recently offered to them to stop the investigation into Zlovchesky, the founder of Burisma. Remember, Yanukovich and Zlovchesky were in cooperation with each other. Yanukovich was basically run out of Ukraine because he was revealed as a Russian agent, not because of his dealings with Burisma. Porochenko won the election following Yanukovich’s departure and appointed Shokin. Poroshenko was the one to whom Biden made the threat about withholding the billion dollar aid package.

This latest DNC tale about Hunter Biden being a “reform” board member is an interesting eleventh-hour improvisation, but it’s nothing but that. The company could have appointed someone who, among other things, knew something about oil and gas, was not a crack addict, could speak Ukrainian, or knew people in Ukraine if it really wanted reform. Burisma knew it was an object of concern to the State Department and hired Hunter Biden as a way of buying off Joe Biden who effectively squelched investigation into Burisma.
Hunter Biden was anything but a minor footnote in the history of Burisma
Oh, I’m sure you’re right. He was useful only for a short time, but at a billion dollars, he was not the least of all the footnotes of Burisma history.
You just hit n the key issue as to why the Washington elites were so apoplectic about Trump winning in 16 and why they will do whatever they have to to keep him from winning a second term.
They all have each other’s backs,Trump has parted the curtain of the old boys club corruption by not being one of them.They are all scared …fill in the blanks!
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Poroshenko became unpopular in Ukraine after winning election. He and Shokin, were the objects of opposition, notably pro-Russian groups, particularly in Luhansk. Both received assassination attempts. Poroshenko lost the next election.
originally posted by Dovekin

I hesitate to explain the morass of corruption in Ukraine, but a few comments need to be added for context.

In 2012, Viktor Pshonka the Ukrainian prosecutor general, began investigating Burisma Holdings owner, Zlochevsky, over allegations of money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption during 2010–2012.
February 2014. Pshonka, Zlochevsky are ousted by Poroshenko’s new anti-corruption government. Both fled from Ukraine.
During the summer, the new prosecutor-general of Ukraine opens an investigation into Burisma

I am not sure what this means. Yarema, the new prosecutor, took over the investigation started by Pshonka. Parallel investigations by British authorities and Deutschebank were already in progress as well.
The timeline was from the Daily Mail. It was their exact quote.
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But I have no idea what you mean by “ he survived treachery like that in a criminal enterprise like Burisma.” Like what? Are you saying Burisma was still a criminal enterprise?
Burisma is still owned by Mykola Zlochevsky who is again currently being investigated for graft on “a grand scale.” His whereabouts are unknown which has put a little wrench into his prosecution. Indicators are that several billions disappeared while he held high government office.

What you may not know is that Zlochevsky is one of the ten richest of the oligarchs that decimated the government coffers after holding high offices in Ukraine after independence. He wasn’t merely being investigated by Shokin but also by Viktor Pshonka in 2012, Vitaly Yarema in 2015, Lutsenko in 2016 for tax evasion and illegalities in licensing and again in 2019 by Ruslan Riaboshapka. Not exactly indicators of a clean organization or a fine, upstanding oligarch.
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What you may not know is that Zlochevsky is one of the ten richest of the oligarchs that decimated the government coffers after holding high offices in Ukraine after independence. He wasn’t merely being investigated by Shokin but also by Viktor Pshonka in 2012, Vitaly Yarema in 2015, Lutsenko in 2016 for tax evasion and illegalities in licensing and again in 2019 by Ruslan Riaboshapka. Not exactly indicators of a clean organization or a fine, upstanding oligarch.
Excellent “homework” completion @HarryStotle.
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I think the last two Democratic presidential candidates have been not just corrupt but breath-takingly brazen and condescending in their corruptness with an elite entitled attitude.

No wonder this party has thrown everything including the kitchen sink at President Trump over the last 4 years in a pseudo moral diversion.

A diversion away from where the Democratic party is right now and where they have been for quite some time.
Hunter signed the service ticket
The NYPost should print the repair ticket.
As Glenn Greenwald said:
The huge scandal to me is the blatant rank-closing and cone of silence – a prohibition – erected by journalists around this story to defend Biden."

Greenwald challenged journalists “to say with a straight face they believe the emails relating to the Bidens are either fabricated or otherwise fraudulently altered,” underscoring the fact that "the Bidens just aren’t saying so. "

“There has to be some limits to your willingness to go to bat for them,” he wrote.

The “journalists” are united in a common goal: to protect Joe Biden so that he can defeat Trump in the Election.

There’s a reason the Bidens aren’t claiming they’re fake.

Notice the following questions aren’t being asked of the Bidens:
  • Did Hunter drop off his computer at that repair site?
  • are the emails legit? Have any been altered?
  • Did you meet with the Burisma executives as the emails suggest?
We used to laugh at the censorship that exists in China, Russia, North Korea… But it’s here in America now.

Excellent from 1@cthlctrth . . .
Notice the following questions aren’t being asked of the Bidens:
  • Did Hunter drop off his computer at that repair site?
  • are the emails legit? Have any been altered?
  • Did you meet with the Burisma executives as the emails suggest?
We used to laugh at the censorship that exists in China, Russia, North Korea… But it’s here in America now.
These guys don’t even want truth. It is very evident.
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As Glenn Greenwald said:
The huge scandal to me is the blatant rank-closing and cone of silence – a prohibition – erected by journalists around this story to defend Biden."

Greenwald challenged journalists “to say with a straight face they believe the emails relating to the Bidens are either fabricated or otherwise fraudulently altered,” underscoring the fact that "the Bidens just aren’t saying so. "

“There has to be some limits to your willingness to go to bat for them,” he wrote.

The “journalists” are united in a common goal: to protect Joe Biden so that he can defeat Trump in the Election.
This “protection” cannot be isolated to the current situation. Clearly, it had to have played an ongoing role over the past four years at least.

So what other “cover ups” have there been?

Trump Releases a New Ad Targeting Joe and Hunter Biden, and It’s Brutal​

Posted at 3:00 pm on October 20, 2020 by Bonchie

With just two weeks to go before the election, things are starting to heat up. We’ve seen some polls tighten and promising signs in early voting showing that perhaps there is something to the idea that Trump’s turnout will make the difference. Still, there’s a long way to go in political terms and a lot can happen.

Clearly, the biggest issue being pressed by the Trump campaign right now is the corruption shown in Hunter Biden’s emails, some of which appears to directly implicate Joe Biden. Now, the campaign has released a new ad and it’s absolutely brutal.
To the readers here. You better watch this NOW, while you can. Youtube may censor this soon.

Here it is . . .

The ad focuses on Biden’s blatant lie that he had never had a discussion with his son about the sketchy, foreign business dealings that were going on. As the emails now definitively prove, not only was the elder Biden well aware, he even had a meeting with an associate of Burisma. Further, the ad shows newer, even more smoking gun emails that purport to show Hunter Biden saying that his family, including “the big guy,” are getting money from his overseas dealings. . .

. . . We’ll see if Joe Biden ever gets asked about this before the election in a setting where he’s forced to answer, such as the upcoming debate. I certainly have my doubts. But you can bet Trump is going to be ready to bring this up . . .
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Can you provide reasoning for why the drive “can’t be” authenticated?
It already has been. Hunter signed the repair order. Individuals in some of the email streams have confirmed they receive the emails.
The FBI and intel agencies have been clear there is no Russian disinformation involved.
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