Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Dad. Or is it actually a flawed report?

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The computer repair business turned over the original laptop to the FBI last November. The FBI have the drive and seemingly have done nothing with it. Perhaps that is because they don’t find it to be credible evidence. However, now that it has become public, the response or lack of it from the FBI in the next few days will be telling.
Don’t expect to hear from the FBI. We’re within that magic election blackout window, aren’t we?
Lawmakers want answers on the laptop by next Thursday
CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge obtained the letter and posted it to her Twitter account late on Friday evening.

“Most concerning in the article was the allegation that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was in possession of this computer and hard drive back in December 2019,” the letter continued. “This action took place right at the end of the U.S. House of Representative’s impeachment sham against President Donald J. Trump, and right before the U.S. Senate tried the case. A large portion of the President’s legal defense case revolved around strong evidence that former Vice President Biden’s son, Hunter, was peddling his influence to this father to land lucrative jobs overseas that he might not have otherwise been qualified for.”

“If the FBI was, in fact, in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the White House to its existence that would have given more weight to the President’s legal defense, this was a gross error in judgement and a severe violation of trust,” the letter continued.

The computer repair business turned over the original laptop to the FBI last November. The FBI have the drive and seemingly have done nothing with it. Perhaps that is because they don’t find it to be credible evidence. However, now that it has become public, the response or lack of it from the FBI in the next few days will be telling.
Don’t expect to hear from the FBI. We’re within that magic election blackout window, aren’t we?
Wray is not non-partisan. He will, like Comey did, weigh in such a way as to diffuse the story on behalf of the Democrats and Biden while not actually doing anything to properly address the allegations.

It is peculiar that Democrat supporters will excuse the inaction of judicial authorities even when that inaction should expose serious criminality.

Do you sincerely believe that if eggregious corruption has been committed by a potential president, the FBI should simply say or do nothing but allow that individual to take the reins of power, including power over their agency?

I do not understand that line of reasoning at all. 🤔
Wow! Great link HarryStotle.

To the readers. Here is part of it:
. . . This story is very simple–Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, examined the three and determined that one was beyond recovery, one was okay and the data on the hard drive of the third could be recovered. Hunter signed the service ticket and John Paul Mac Isaac repaired the hard drive and downloaded the data. During this process he saw some disturbing images and a number of emails that concerned Ukraine, Burisma, China and other issues. With the work completed, Mr. Mac Isaac prepared an invoice, sent it to Hunter Biden and notified him that the computer was ready to be retrieved. Hunter did not respond. In the ensuing four months (May, June, July and August), Mr. Mac Isaac made repeated efforts to contact Hunter Biden. Biden never answered and never responded. More importantly, Biden stiffed John Paul Mac Isaac–i.e., he did not pay the bill.

When the manufactured Ukraine crisis surfaced in August 2019, John Paul realized he was sitting on radioactive material that might be relevant to the investigation. After conferring with his father, Mac and John Paul decided that Mac would take the information to the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mac walked into the Albuquerque FBI office and spoke with an agent who refused to give his name. Mac explained the material he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Isaac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office– Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak –came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Two weeks later, the intrepid agents called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer.

In the ensuing months, starting with the impeachment trial of President Trump, he heard nothing from the FBI and knew that none of the evidence from the hard drive had been shared with President Trump’s defense team.

The lack of action and communication with the FBI led John Paul to make the fateful decision to contact Rudy Giuliani’s office and offer a copy of the drive to the former mayor. . . .
Wow, that looks very bad! Especially since at least some of the emails have been verified by two participants in those email threads.

Here’s How You Know the Hunter Biden Emails Are Real​

Posted at 11:15 am on October 18, 2020 by Bonchie

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Vice President-elect, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., left, stands with his son Hunter during a re-enactment of the Senate oath ceremony, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009, in the Old Senate Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

The scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s emails has only grown in proportion over the last three days, yet you wouldn’t know that from the near blackout media coverage they are receiving. Apparently, pay to play schemes and influence peddling are only a bad thing when the accusations are being leveled at the Trump family.

Of course, the latter never actually did any of that while we have direct, documentary evidence that the Bidens are as corrupt as they come. The latest revelation on that front even showed that Joe Biden was possibly getting a percentage of Hunter Biden’s ill-gotten proceeds from places like Ukraine and China. Meanwhile, the then vice president was glad handing with associates from Burisma. Later he would claim to have no knowledge at all about any of his son’s dealings.

In short, the entire thing stinks to high heaven. That means the response has to been to try to proclaim the story is “Russian misinformation.” But there’s a very big tell coming from the Biden campaign that shows the emails are absolutely real, and they know it. . . . .

. . . Rather than say the emails are fake, the Biden campaign has put out several carefully worded statements which make sure to not deny things that will likely be shown to be true in the near future. Meanwhile, surrogates of the campaign are also playing a delicate game where they claim that social media’s preemptive censorship is proof of the story’s lack of veracity. Yet, again, they are very careful to not actually deny the story is correct.

Why? Because they know the emails are absolutely real. In fact, Hunter Biden’s lawyer attempted to get the laptop back at one point, something you’d only do if the actual ownership was assured. This is a point the media have steadfastly ignored, instead seeking to muddy the waters with wild proclamations from figures like Adam Schiff. That’s the facade, but it’s completely transparent at this point. . . .

Hunter signed the service ticket
The NYPost should print the repair ticket.
Mac walked into the Albuquerque FBI office and spoke with an agent who refused to give his name. Mac explained the material he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Isaac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office– Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak –came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Two weeks later, the intrepid agents called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer
I am sure there have been some fact-checking by the NYPost on these events. Just unbelievable from April 2019 to October 2020 and nothing is done.
There is a timeline of the news article from the Daily Mail October 19., 2020… Here is their timeline as printed…

January 2009: Hunter Biden (right) quits lobbying because his father has become vice president, and sets up investment and advisory firm firm Rosemont Seneca with friends Christopher Heinz - John Kerry’s stepson - and Devon Archer (left), a former Kerry aide

July 2010: Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, who owns its biggest natural gas company Burisma joins the government of its president Viktor Yanukovych

February 2014: Yanukovych is deposed in a revolution which claims scores of lives and Burisma Zlochevsky is thrown out of government too

April 16: Burisma is secretly accused of money-laundering by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office. On the same day Archer meets Joe Biden at the White House. Six days later Archer joins the board of Burisma

April 28: Britain’s Serious Fraud Office freeze $23 million of Burisma’s cash, every dollar which exists in the UK’s banking system

May 12: Hunter joins the board of Burisma to improve ‘corporate governance.’ Hunter’s salary is later revealed to be $50,000-a-month. Burisma board advisor Vadym Pozharskyi who had met Hunter in Lake Como, Italy, days earlier, emails him asking to ‘use his influence’ to stop prosecutions. During the summer, the new prosecutor-general of Ukraine opens an investigation into Burisma

February 2015: Senior diplomat George Kent, on temporary assignment to Kyiv, learns of Hunter’s role. He phones a staffer at Biden’s office to it could ‘create perception of a conflict of interest.’ That month Viktor Shokin takes office as Ukraine’s prosecutor general, despite already being the subject of questions about his own links to corruption

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

April 17: Email from Hunter’s laptop shows Pozharskyi writing Hunter: ‘thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some together.’

Summer: The Burisma investigation appears to become dormant

Will post the rest of the timeline if allowed to do so.
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Wow gam197.

You have been doing your “homework” on this issue!

Nice work so far.
Peter Schweizer wrote about this in his book Secret Empires, published in 2018. These emails confirm what Schweizer wrote about it then.
This story is about Biden and corruption. Emails are about that. The National Intelligence Director said that Biden emails have nothing to do with Russian disinformation.

The story is that Biden was becoming rich using his Political Position.

If it is false, then the truth will come out. But there is more and more evidence that this might be true. More is promised. Oy Vey!
Rest of Daily Mail Timeline…

January 2016: Biden travels to Ukraine amid mounting international disgust at Shokin failing to tackle corruption. One of the concerns raised by the European Union and IMF is that he has failed to investigate Burisma. Biden tells Poroshenko he needs to go. He later boasts: ‘I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b. He got fired.’ Shokin in fact is finally removed from office in March after internal turmoil in Kyiv

2018: Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani starts ‘investigating’ the Bidens’ links to Ukraine, enlisting the help of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who are now indicted on fraud charges. Ukraine’s latest prosecutor general announces he will investigate Burisma early the next year
. . . .
April 12, 2019: Hunter - or a man saying he is Hunter - takes three damaged Macs to John Paul MacIsaac’s Apple repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. MacIsaac puts data from one on a new hard drive

April 25: Joe Biden announces presidential run

July 11: The laptops have not been picked up and are now considered ‘abandoned’ according to MacIsaac’s terms and conditions

Summer: MacIsaac claims he becomes worried about what he has seen on the laptop whose contents he put on a disk, and thinks he might be killed by a Biden associate for having it in his shop

Fall: MacIsaac either contacts the FBI or is contacted by them; he has said both

December 9 or 19: The FBI pick up the laptop, but MacIsaac has made a copy for himself. Giuliani later says the shopowner has made four. They give him a grand jury subpoena to hand it over, even though he was going to anyway

Early January 2020: The FBI tell MacIsaac not to talk to anyone and to stall if a Biden representative comes to get the laptop back

February: Trump is acquitted at end of his impeachment trial

May: On Giuliani’s account, MacIsaac hands over the hard drive to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, by this month at the latest as well as trying to give it to other Republicans

September: Steve Bannon, Trump’s ex-aide and now indicted on fraud charges, tells New York Post about existence of laptop

September 28: Bannon boasts to a Dutch TV interviewer ‘I have Hunter’s hard drive’

October 11: Giuliani gives Post the hard drive

October 14: Post publishes emails and partially-clothed pictures of Hunter from the laptop - one of them with an apparent crack pipe - and says it has an 11-minute sex-and-drugs video. Giuliani promises there is ‘more to come,’ Republican senators promise to investigate but Democrats say the former New York mayor has ‘paraded with Russian agents’

Sorry for the delay, had to wait for the approval from the forums. so it split the two posts. Info is all there.
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Yep just heard this bit of news.Adam Schaffer’s once again trying to create the narrative.He needs to go along with pretty much all the dems
I hesitate to explain the morass of corruption in Ukraine, but a few comments need to be added for context.

In 2012, Viktor Pshonka the Ukrainian prosecutor general, began investigating Burisma Holdings owner, Zlochevsky, over allegations of money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption during 2010–2012.

February 2014. Pshonka, Zlochevsky are ousted by Poroshenko’s new anti-corruption government. Both fled from Ukraine.
During the summer, the new prosecutor-general of Ukraine opens an investigation into Burisma
I am not sure what this means. Yarema, the new prosecutor, took over the investigation started by Pshonka. Parallel investigations by British authorities and Deutschebank were already in progress as well.

January 2015. Yarema put Zlochevsky “on the wanted list.” Britain released the money from Zlochevsky for inadequate evidence. Zlochevsky returned briefly in 2018, when no charges were filed in one investigation, but is still suspected of graft embezzlement, and “theft of government funds on an especially large scale.” His current whereabouts are unknown?

February 2015. Yarema left and Shokin became Prosecutor General.

February 2016. Shokin’s deputy prosecutor resigned because of corruption and lawlessness in he office. He has said Burisma investigation was dormant.

February 2016. Shokin resigned after months of street protests, an assassination attempt and pressure from IMF, EU, USA, etc.

March. As General Prosecutor, Shokin (despite his resignation) invades the offices of an anti corruption group. Parlaiment dismisses him at the end of March.
The reason the accusations against Biden are “discredited” cannot be understood with only a narrow focus on Biden. His request for Shokin’s dismissal came in the midst of a Ukrainian revolution against corruption. Biden was not motivated by some advantage for his son; he was adding his voice to the people demonstrating in the streets, to the demands of the IMF and the EU, in support of the anti corruption campaign of the Ukrainian government.

Hunter Biden was part of the anti-corruption campaign as well. Burisma, a natural gas company, was run by the Secretary ofor Natural Resources, who had been giving himself the permits he needed. The money apparently went into his own pockets, instead of to the government. He was, with the rest of the government, overthrown and chased from the country. It was at that point that Hunter Biden joined Burisma, to help reorganize the company in line with best practices…

That is my best guess of what happened in Ukraine. Corruption was so rampant, it is hard to see through the fog of it. Singling out the Bidens to portray them as corrupt seems ridiculous to me
I understand your concern for Biden, but this actually makes no sense. Hunter Biden is getting millions from Burisma and he’s “part of the anti-corruption campaign” against Burisma??? And he survived treachery like that in a criminal enterprise like Burisma? Not a chance.
It was at that point that Hunter Biden joined Burisma, to help reorganize the company in line with best practices…
And this is possibly one of the worst excuses for malfeasance I have ever seen. Reminds one of Whitey Bolger attempting to remain immune from the law by claiming to be an information source while committing crimes.

And Shokin has never been charged with anything. Poroshenko didn’t want to fire him, either. He appointed him. But the U.S. government was concerned about Hunters’ involvement with Burisma.
I understand your concern for Biden, but this actually makes no sense. Hunter Biden is getting millions from Burisma and he’s “part of the anti-corruption campaign” against Burisma???
.i am not sure what you think makes no sense. The owner/head of Burisma was chased out of the country by an anti corruption revolution. Burisma had to reorganize, and they hired some American experts in corporate process. Do you think they should have just continued the corrupt ways they were used to?

But I have no idea what you mean by “ he survived treachery like that in a criminal enterprise like Burisma.” Like what? Are you saying Burisma was still a criminal enterprise?
this is possibly one of the worst excuses for malfeasance I have ever seen.
What malfeasance?

If you think Hunter Biden was anything but a minor footnote in the history of Burisma, you do not understand what was going on. He may have ample opportunities for bribery and other corruption, but I doubt he ever took advantage of any.
Are you saying Burisma was still a criminal enterprise?
This is not what the news is about. Burisma corruption or not.

One of the questions for example.

Why did Joe Biden held American Government funds to the country until a prosecutor be fired?

Was Hunter Biden using his Dad as influence to make money, while Dad was Vice President? Was Joe Biden in the deal?

Those are serious questions. Americans have a right to know.
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