Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Dad. Or is it actually a flawed report?

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In my 20 years of computer repair I have always been paid within a week of getting item fixed. Maybe because I am more honest and reasonable than the competition. Also my policy is “I can’t repair, no charge” I get a lot of word of mouth business due to that alone.

If I had accrued ownership due to non-payment, I from a professional standpoint would not browse thru the computer. There something not right about that. That is an invasion of privacy into another’s world regardless of ownership. I would just reformat, reload, and resell.
The computer was apparently taken to the shop in April 2019, well over a year ago.
The computer was apparently taken to the shop in April 2019, well over a year ago.
The files were reportedly copied off by December, which was 8 months later.
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No refutation here. All the NBC story is, is an attack against Giuliani and the computer store guy; both very lame and without substance. But “unnamed sources” have persuaded NBC that the emails are being investigated by the FBI because maybe the Russkies might have done it.

Even in the article, which is desperate to cover Biden, there’s no evidence at all that any of it’s fake. Nor, in the article, is there a denial by the Biden campaign. It did deny that a particular meeting took place, but without saying why we ought to think that.

I think they know it’s the real thing. It does almost make one feel sorry for Hunter Biden, though. The laptop contains photos of him smoking crack while engaging in sex acts. No claim it’s photoshopped. No denial that they’re real. Oh, yes, the Russians must have hacked his emails and put them on this laptop. Well, if the Russians hacked his emails, they’re still real.

This is real. The big question is who is the “big guy” who, along with other named family members, was to get the 10% of the Chinese company linked to the Communist Party. If it’s Joe Biden, then China owns him now and forever.
I think the only way the Hunter Biden story will have legs is if voters know how it relates to their daily lives. If it doesn’t, they just won’t care. I’m finding it difficult to care myself.
That very sad.That a corrupt man like a JB could
possibly be the. POTUS because voters don’t care
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They’re both totally corrupt candidates – legally and morally. I think most voters recognize this.
I would say Trump has had a conversion,whereas Biden still clings to his sinful ways
All the NBC story is, is an attack against Giuliani and the computer store guy; both very lame and without substance.
It is the story in the New York Post that has no real evidence, just claims by Giuliani that some e-mail was authentic. It is very easy to fake an e-mail on a laptop. We know that Giuliani was meeting with a Russian agent. Trump was warned by his intelligence people not to trust info from Giuliani as it was likely Russian disinformation, but Trump shrugged it off.
It did deny that a particular meeting took place, but without saying why we ought to think that.
What more reason would you expect other than “it did not happen?”
Oh, yes, the Russians must have hacked his emails and put them on this laptop.
That’s not true. What the Russians probably did was fabricate e-mails that never existed and put them on the laptop. It is much easier to do that than photoshopping images.

Trump has been desperate to discredit his opponent through any outrageous story he can make up. But the nation knows him well now. He has devalued his own word so much that no one (except those caught in his web) will ever trust him again.
These alleged E-mails are not surprising. They fit what can be observed from the relevant situations. It will not surprise me if they are proven to be authentic. It seems to be a theme these past few years, that things previously thought of only in the context of conspiracy theories are coming true.
RidgeSprinter . . .
Once it becomes yours, do you go snooping around?

And I am glad I do.

I once purchased a used computer. Looked like the guy cleaned it up completely.

I did a deeper search and found “shenanigans”.

We have children using our computers. If I didn’t check, one of the kids may have come across it.

I erased the drive and re-loaded a new operating system.

A salesman at a business doesn’t want that for his customers either.

As I said, “Absolutely!”
RidgeRunner . . .
I think they (the Bidens and probably the Biden campaign) know it’s the real thing. It does almost make one feel sorry for Hunter Biden, though. The laptop contains photos of him smoking crack while engaging in sex acts. No claim it’s photoshopped. No denial that they’re real. Oh, yes, the Russians must have hacked his emails and put them on this laptop. Well, if the Russians hacked his emails, they’re still real.

This is real. The big question is who is the “big guy” who, along with other named family members, was to get the 10% of the Chinese company linked to the Communist Party. If it’s Joe Biden, then China owns him now and forever.
Parenthetical mine for context.

Excellent insights.
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Agreed. If at some point a credible reason to disbelieve in their authenticity comes along, it would be worth looking at. So far, none have been offered.
Someone out of the blue comes up with emails that purport to implicate a Presidential candidate three weeks before an election…

I think your skepticism should be set to “prove it”, not “oh yeah, tell me more”.
My skepticism is set between the two. “Prove it!” implies a lack of openness to any and all evidence and “tell me more” can be a little too naive.

The kind of skepticism that is more concerned with the privacy of emails than with serious breaches of national security, eggregious corruption within foreign affairs, profiting in the millions off of a political office and using US aid to other countries to benefit personally is missing completely how gravely serious the behaviour depicted by the evidence truly is. That kind of skepticism seems just a little misaligned - ready to not want to consider the corruption for the sake of some pretext about privacy. Does the privacy of the Biden’s really outweigh the gravity of the corruption?

Are you not at all curious about whether the story is true? And if it is what do you think ought to happen to Joe and Hunter Biden? Nothing?

Is that where we are at? Eggregious corruption being defended as part of normal “politics?”

Isn’t it now more likely than not that the entire Russia collusion narrative was concocted to deflect from the corruption of the Democrats? Shouldn’t that possibility at least be seriously investigated?

Clinton Foundation pay for play, surveiling the Trump campaign, targeting General Flynn including Judge Sullivan’s judicial overreach, the impeachment attempts, the Mueller inquiry, etc., etc., all point to a massive attempt at undermining the credibility of the Trump administration.

At what point do these outlandish and failed attempts to derail the Trump presidency NOT point to a massive coverup of systematic corruption between the Dems, never-Trump Republicans and the bureaucracy? We could throw in the media and a sizeable number of Wall Street executives.

Even left-leaning Tim Pool is convinced.

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I think the only way the Hunter Biden story will have legs is if voters know how it relates to their daily lives. If it doesn’t, they just won’t care. I’m finding it difficult to care myself.
So you are finding it difficult to care that politicians in the top levels of government are profiting themselves and their families off of US loans, by enriching companies controlled by the CCP, and by enabling Chinese companies to acquire US companies against the interests of the American people?

Not a care?
All the NBC story is, is an attack against Giuliani and the computer store guy; both very lame and without substance.
It is the story in the New York Post that has no real evidence, just claims by Giuliani that some e-mail was authentic. It is very easy to fake an e-mail on a laptop. We know that Giuliani was meeting with a Russian agent. Trump was warned by his intelligence people not to trust info from Giuliani as it was likely Russian disinformation, but Trump shrugged it off.
It did deny that a particular meeting took place, but without saying why we ought to think that.
What more reason would you expect other than “it did not happen?”
Oh, yes, the Russians must have hacked his emails and put them on this laptop.
That’s not true. What the Russians probably did was fabricate e-mails that never existed and put them on the laptop. It is much easier to do that than photoshopping images.

Trump has been desperate to discredit his opponent through any outrageous story he can make up. But the nation knows him well now. He has devalued his own word so much that no one (except those caught in his web) will ever trust him again.
This is Rachel Maddow level of conspiracy theory.

I think you need to take a step back and really think about how the evidence that is and will be coming out should be fairly assessed.

Russia collusion would have been proved by Mueller - not even close. The best evidence is that the collusion narrative was concocted by the Hillary campaign to win the election and then given new legs by Obama and Co to justify surveiling the Trump campaign. The evidence all points there. You just haven’t been looking very carefully.
Truly there has to come a time when Trump supporters stop believing in Guiliani and other made up conspiracies peddled by FoxNews. If you don’t like Biden for his policies then fine don’t vote for him. But only Trumps cabinet has left in shame and embarrassment despising the man that hired them. Only Trumps campaign has been convicted of felonies. Only Trump himself has several investigations about his business dealings…not his sons, his personal dealings. How many times is FoxNews going to dangle the carrot of unmasking
I think you need to take a step back and really think about how the evidence that is and will be coming out should be fairly assessed.
Until the so-called “evidence” has been authenticated (and it can’t be), there is nothing to assess but a typical Trump team made up controversy.
Russia collusion would have been proved by Mueller…
This is not Russian collusion. This is Russian disinformation, just like all the other trash that came out of the “Internet Research Agency”.
I think you need to take a step back and really think about how the evidence that is and will be coming out should be fairly assessed.
Until the so-called “evidence” has been authenticated (and it can’t be), there is nothing to assess but a typical Trump team made up controversy.
Can you provide reasoning for why the drive “can’t be” authenticated?

Emails certainly can be (MTAs) and if the evidence is corroborated in such a way that it is indisputible then it certainly can be authenticated beyond doubt. Perhaps not for you, but that would depend upon how reasonable you are willing to be.
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There is MORE too.

“These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.”​

Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings World News
Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings PETER SCHWEIZER and SEAMUS BRUNER 16 Oct 2020 Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. These never-befor…
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I think the only way the Hunter Biden story will have legs is if voters know how it relates to their daily lives. If it doesn’t, they just won’t care. I’m finding it difficult to care myself.
So you are finding it difficult to care that politicians in the top levels of government are profiting themselves and their families off of US loans, by enriching companies controlled by the CCP, and by enabling Chinese companies to acquire US companies against the interests of the American people?

Not a care?
I believe that sort of thing is already going on in the current WH so it’s a bit hard to muster shock that it could happen under a different administration. And as it’s now part of the political landscape, I think for many folks it’s been rendered a moot point by virtue of being a stalemate.
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