Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Dad. Or is it actually a flawed report?

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I think the only way the Hunter Biden story will have legs is if voters know how it relates to their daily lives. If it doesn’t, they just won’t care. I’m finding it difficult to care myself.
So you are finding it difficult to care that politicians in the top levels of government are profiting themselves and their families off of US loans, by enriching companies controlled by the CCP, and by enabling Chinese companies to acquire US companies against the interests of the American people?

Not a care?
I believe that sort of thing is already going on in the current WH so it’s a bit hard to muster shock that it could happen under a different administration. And as it’s now part of the political landscape, I think for many folks it’s been rendered a moot point by virtue of being a stalemate.
The claims from the media and Democrats notwithstanding, your assertion regarding WH “goings on” is without evidence, despite what your personal feelings or intuitions are. Hard evidence is required, not innuendo.

The problem is that some do not recognize the difference, and that in such a way that even hard evidence is disallowed owing to precognitive biases.
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I think you need to take a step back and really think about how the evidence that is and will be coming out should be fairly assessed.
Until the so-called “evidence” has been authenticated (and it can’t be), there is nothing to assess but a typical Trump team made up controversy.
Emails certainly can be (MTAs) and if the evidence is corroborated in such a way that it is indisputible then it certainly can be authenticated beyond doubt.
We will just have to wait and see, won’t we?
I think you need to take a step back and really think about how the evidence that is and will be coming out should be fairly assessed.
Until the so-called “evidence” has been authenticated (and it can’t be), there is nothing to assess but a typical Trump team made up controversy.
Emails certainly can be (MTAs) and if the evidence is corroborated in such a way that it is indisputible then it certainly can be authenticated beyond doubt.
We will just have to wait and see, won’t we?
A couple of thoughts.
  1. The computer repair business turned over the original laptop to the FBI last November. The FBI have the drive and seemingly have done nothing with it. Perhaps that is because they don’t find it to be credible evidence. However, now that it has become public, the response or lack of it from the FBI in the next few days will be telling.
  2. Hunter Biden’s lawyer contacted the computer repair business after this became public to request the computer be returned. Why would he do that if the computer did not belong to Hunter?
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Fox’s Wallace doesn’t trust Rudy Guiliani.

FNC's Wallace: 'I'm Suspicious' of NY Post Hunter Biden Story -- Giuliani Not a 'Reliable Source'

So what is the actual story? Biden’s two brothers grew wealthy of Joe Biden, what does one more son matter.
So Wallace is complaining that people are not being allowed to talk about this because the authorities are intervening? Yet, it is YouTube, Facebook and Twitter that are blocking all sharing of information.

What is Wallace talking about? He isn’t making any sense except alluding to Russian collusion. Time to call Mueller back, I guess. He wasn’t thorough enough for those so enchanted by and completely married to that narrative. Love is indeed blind.
A couple of thoughts.
  1. The computer repair business turned over the original laptop to the FBI last November. The FBI have the drive and seemingly have done nothing with it. Perhaps that is because they don’t find it to be credible evidence. However, now that it has become public, the response or lack of it from the FBI in the next few days will be telling.
Not necessarily. The FBI has no obligation to comment on New York Post articles.
  1. Hunter Biden’s lawyer contacted the computer repair business after this became public to request the computer be returned. Why would he do that if the computer did not belong to Hunter?
I don’t know that he did ask to have it returned. But if he did, perhaps he wanted to see if it belonged to any associates of his. Or maybe he wants to have his own IT specialists examine it to see if they can find any evidence of doctoring of the contents. Who knows?
So what is the actual story? Biden’s two brothers grew wealthy of Joe Biden, what does one more son matter.
In a series of text messages to his daughter, Hunter was complaining about Joe taking half of the proceeds of what he, Hunter, was making.

Why would Hunter allow his dad to take half his income if there wasn’t a share owed to his dad? What would that be for if Joe knew nothing of what Hunter was up to, according to his statements?
Why would Hunter allow his dad to take half his income if there wasn’t a share owed to his dad? What would that be for if Joe knew nothing of what Hunter was up to, according to his statements?
That is very odd because Joe Biden has stated over and over that he knew nothing about his son’s work with Burisma.
The problem is that some do not recognize the difference, and that in such a way that even hard evidence is disallowed owing to precognitive biases.
The problem is that some scream about the evil in one party while worshiping at the altar of the other.
Not necessarily. The FBI has no obligation to comment on New York Post articles.
They would have an obligation to clear Joe Biden of wrongdoing especially if they have clear evidence that the drive has been tampered with, especially since he could lose the election based on the plausibility of the contents of the drive now being made available to the public. You don’t think the FBI has a moral duty to defend the reputation and career of a prominent citizen and to protect the American people from electoral interference if Russian misinformation is what is being spread around?

What are the FBI for exactly?

I mean if, as you seem certain, Russian interference is the source of this, the FBI would have a strong case to continue investigating those in the Trump orbit like Giuliani. Perhaps they have been building a case for 11 months now. 🤔
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FrankFletcher . . .
The problem is that some scream about the evil in one party while worshiping at the altar of the other.
I get that FrankFletcher. And there are a million threads here (proverbially speaking) that carp about that “other”.

But this thread is about Hunter. And Joe Biden possibly. And the corruption they were (are?) entangled in.
The problem is that some do not recognize the difference, and that in such a way that even hard evidence is disallowed owing to precognitive biases.
The problem is that some scream about the evil in one party while worshiping at the altar of the other.
When one party sponsors and abets rioting and looting, wholesale scuttling of the Constitution and the economy, along with fully insane policies like defunding the police, open borders, children selecting their gender, destructive fiscal policies and kowtowing to China while the other party is concerned with just keeping the country around for more than another decade, there might be sanity in decrying one party while extolling the other, your idiosyncratic depiction notwithstanding.
Why would Hunter allow his dad to take half his income if there wasn’t a share owed to his dad? What would that be for if Joe knew nothing of what Hunter was up to, according to his statements?
That is very odd because Joe Biden has stated over and over that he knew nothing about his son’s work with Burisma.
I agree that it is very odd that Joe would make such an easily falsifiable claim. The evidence is piling up that Joe simply could not have been telling the truth on that. He knew and met with representatives of the company (arranged by Hunter) mere days before demanding Ukraine fire their prosecutor, Shokin.
Sp the repair shop gave Guiliani a copy of the hard drive. and Guiliani gave a copy of it to the NY Post

This is the text that has been released. This was sent by Hunter Biden to his daughter Naomi.
“I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
Still confused as to why the text would ve on his computer.

What a strange thing to text.
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Biden Blows Up at Reporter Who Finally Dares to Ask About the NY Post’s Story and Hunter​

Posted at 11:00 pm on October 16, 2020 by Nick Arama

During the ABC town hall, Joe Biden was asked pretty much all softball questions.

Had it been a real town hall, it would seem obvious that someone would ask him about the enormous story the NY Post broke about his son.

But there was not one question on it. Instead he got questions from a former Obama White House speechwriter and from the wife of a Democratic candidate for office in Pennsylvania. How much easier could they have made it?

When there was still actively a primary and when they weren’t teeing everything up for Joe, a voter previously asked him about the questions about his son Hunter that had already emerged at that time. Biden ripped the man in a truly insulting way, including saying “Look, fat!” and then later calling the man “old.”

Biden has a hair trigger temper that has evidenced itself many times during the campaign, but perhaps never so much as when he’s being asked about his son.

That was in evidence again on Friday night. While the lights were on him, during the protected environment with George Stephanopoulos during the town hall, no one dared ask him. But intrepid actual journalist Bo Erickson of CBS did ask him as Biden stood near his plane. So good for him and it shouldn’t just be one.

Erickson asked Biden what was his response to the NY Post story about his son.

Biden was not happy when asked, snapping that he had no response. Then he attacked the reporter, calling it a “smear campaign.” “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.”

This is Joe Biden, that snippy, “how dare you ask me anything” person we’ve frequently seen, that person who thinks he should be appointed president and that we don’t deserve to know anything about him, his son or the massive conflicts of interest and problems.

Notice, once again, there’s no denial of any of the specific details in the story.

The Biden team had previously responded to the story by not denying the truth of the Hunter Biden emails, but initially denying that a meeting with a Burisma advisor had taken place because it wasn’t on Joe Biden’s official schedule. Then they backpedaled, saying it’s possible . . . .
Sp the repair shop gave Guiliani a copy of the hard drive. and Guiliani gave a copy of it to the NY Post

This is the text that has been released. This was sent by Hunter Biden to his daughter Naomi.
“I hope you all can do what I did, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years and it has been tough. It’s really hard but don’t worry, unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
It is a Mac laptop. iMessage is a texting and messaging app that works seamlessly for texting (cellular SMS) on an iPhone but as iMessage for messaging on a laptop or iPad via WiFi.

He was using the laptop to text or message his daughter. That is why text messages were on his laptop
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  1. Hunter Biden’s lawyer contacted the computer repair business after this became public to request the computer be returned. Why would he do that if the computer did not belong to Hunter?
I don’t know that he did ask to have it returned. But if he did, perhaps he wanted to see if it belonged to any associates of his. Or maybe he wants to have his own IT specialists examine it to see if they can find any evidence of doctoring of the contents. Who knows?
Do we agree that if Hunter’s lawyer requested the return of the laptop then the laptop was his?

Why would he make a legal request if it belonged to someone else? He would have no legal right even to make the request.

Also, he would know the FBI had the original laptop, so shouldn’t the lawyer be making that request to the FBI?
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