Oh my! It appears you don’t want to admit to your hypocrisy. You conveniently snipped off the part of my post which was uncomfortable to you.Do you realize this posts presents a contradiction of thought?
Do you know Greek? You said those who don’t know Greek should be quiet. But it seems like you don’t know Greek. You aren’t being quiet. Isn’t that hypocrisy on your part?
Regardless, no, there is no contradiction whatsoever in my post. Of course, your post was just a statement without any support. So I have no idea in what way you think it is supposed to be a contradiction.
Put simply, though, in English the term Sodomite happens to refer to homosexual actions. But that is not the only term. It just happens to be the one used in some translations of the Bible, but not all translations. We do not require the word sodomy or any other reference to Sodom in order to know that the Bible condemns homosexual actions. There are other words that can be used.
Also, the Church’s doctrine is based on the original texts. not the English translations. Why on earth would they use English translations?