St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Please add my hubby to your list for prayers. He was brought up with no formal religious instruction (his mom was raised Catholic and fell away from the church to return later in life) – like so many people today, he just has this world and this life and no concept of anything more.

I, on the other hand, come from an Irish Catholic family and was baptised catholic. My mom left the church and later became a JW and tried to raise us as JW’s. As a result of that cult experience (my view) I stayed away from religion for over 20 years. Memories of going to mass with my grandmother as a young child helped pull me back into the catholic faith and I am so grateful.

You all see wonderfully supportive of each other. I am so glad that you are doing this.

I am wondering does anyone have any thoughts on why there seems to be such a lack of male participation in the catholic church – or is it just me noticing that at most masses there seem to be more females?

God Bless you all – I will be praying for you and your families as well.
Oh my goodness, I had no idea this thread was still alive and kicking! I just got a PM from someone regarding a post I made here over a year ago.

Continue to keep my marriage in prayer. To those who followed our story here back then, things are still in turmoil, but I’m surrendered to God’s Will. I’m not letting it bother me that I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve stopped postponing getting involved in things because of the uncertainty of my life.

And I am allowing God to have me bloom where I’m planted.

But, it’s late, and I’m heading to Steubenville West tomorrow morning, so I’m outa’ here!

Are we going to do a 54 day Novena or are we just saying this prayer daily?
I have observed, to a certain extent, that the qualities men bring to the table in the spiritual life have been somewhat denigrated and pushed to the side. It may be a side effect of the hyperfeminist movement. There has also been a certain “sweetness” in music and general ambiance that I have felt a bit off-putting, and I’m a woman.
Hi, My name is Mary and my husband Elden is non Catholic. We have been married for 17 years this October. I have to admit though that I have only prayed off and on for his conversion. I admit to feeling hopeless and giving up on occassion. I know this is wrong but I have been suffering from depression and this has not helped. I have 2 daughters age 3 and 15 and my husband has not allowed them to be raised Catholic. (Although in our marraige preperation with the priest he said he would allow them to be taught about the catholic church and his church and then at the age of 14 or so they could then decide for themselves.) I was able to get my 15 year old into Sunday school classes until the 2nd grade. When she was set to make her first Confession my husband put a stop to it, saying the Catholic church brainwashes people.

Since that time, he has always insisted that she participate in his church’s sunday school program as well as a Wednesday night Logos program. (I attended all, volunteering with everything just so I could hear what she was being taught. Thankfully most was not against the church teaching, but when something did come up I made sure to let my daughter know what the Catholic church taught about it.)
We moved to South Carolina 7 years ago and my husband moved from church to church (Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian (USA), Presbyterian (ARP) and finally has landed in a very informal ARP church that has a Christian Rock group as their worship service. I have always attended service with him and I always let my daughter know when anything went against what the Catholic church taught.
I always made sure she went to Mass on Sunday (or Saturday) as well as to her Father’s church. (something that caused a few arguments in her early teen years)
Anyway, to make a long story shorter, she is now 15 and about a year ago she told her father that she wanted to join the Catholic Church. He was not happy and has not allowed her to yet, saying she is still too young to make that decision, but he is allowing her to go to Confirmation classes and then they will discuss her decision when she has completed them… (I feel her father’s jumping from church to church has shown my daughter that he wasn’t looking for the truth, only a place where he felt comfortable. He grew up in a small church and he wanted that same thing for his family. His last move really upset her as she had started making friends in one church and didn’t want to leave. I know part of her decision for joining the Catholic church was to go against her father, but also I feel she does believe it is the true church. At least it has been a constant in her 15 years. I never changed churches.)
Now I am just starting off with the struggle over my 3 year old. I pray for his conversion before I have to battle over her going to Sunday school. (I know it will be a battle, she is very willful like him and already calls his church hers, and the Catholic Church mommy’s church. His church does a puppet show for the children who do not attend the worship service they go to Sunday school at that time. The characters tell bible stories and relate it to their life.)

As you can see I need your prayers for My husband and two daughters.

Thanks for listening. Thanks for this forum. I will pray for everyone.

Ok ladies, are we going to start the Novena then, today? I am going to, anyhow 😃 😉 Remember 27 days of prayer and 27 days of thanksgiving!
KTP post from 7-9-07: I too am in the same situation. My husband does the same thing yours does (e-mails other women secretly, denies it, then says yes he did do it, etc.) split personality? I don’t know. I’m fed up. He’s also not good with the children - favoring one over the other. The one he favors is the child who tries to make everything right in the family - sad, isn’t it? He’s only 15! The 18 yr. old sees right through her Dad. So does the 15 yr. old, but he’s determined to keep things together in the family. I’ve talked to many priests about this situation and my husband heard from priests too, but he denies what they tell him: that he should not have secrets nor be e-mailing/lunching with women he is attracted to. This has been going on for about 5 years (that I know of). Other problems before that. Anyway, I sympathize with your situation. I am still hanging in there because I have many health issues that are quite severe. Hubby and I can’t talk about anything without an argument. Kids and I are like glue. This ticks off hubby. I think he should get with the program or get out sometimes. I know this is against our faith - that’s why I’m still here. But how long does one hang in there in hopes that things will change (hubby). I pray for him constantly and so do the kids. I could go on and on with other occasions where he has been truly evil. But that’s another story.
I’ll keep you in my prayers and please keep me in yours. We’re in this spiritual battle together! Calling on St. Michael!

Ok ladies, are we going to start the Novena then, today? I am going to, anyhow 😃 😉 Remember 27 days of prayer and 27 days of thanksgiving!
How do you do the Novena, what are the prayers. I would like to do it too. What do you mean by 27 days of thanksgiving?


PRAYER TO ST. MONICA for conversion of spouse

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

The conversion of my husband, to Catholicism,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

I started RCIA “Summer Intensive” a couple weeks ago. My husband still has a few weeks left at the Bridge but he plans to start coming with me ASAP! Not sure if that means he’ll be coming into the Church at the same time I do, but he’s going to be COMING TO RCIA!!

Ahem See my new siggy? :whistle:
False alarm. He’s staying at his current place until the end of the month, which means if he does come, it would only be one Sunday before my Rite of Acceptance. He definitely won’t be confirmed with me. He did say that he was fine with me getting confirmed, though. 😃
Ok ladies, are we going to start the Novena then, today? I am going to, anyhow 😃 😉 Remember 27 days of prayer and 27 days of thanksgiving!
And isn’t it a funny ‘coincidence’ that my Confirmation is in 27 days? 😉

PRAYER TO ST. MONICA for conversion of spouse

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

The conversion of my husband, to Catholicism,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Thanks, I will start today!
I am so grateful to Imamom for the St.Monica prayer (Novena). So, we say the prayer for 27 days and then how does the Thanksgiving prayer go? Or am I wrong on both counts? I’d love to join in with all women on this special prayer.

I am so grateful to Imamom for the St.Monica prayer (Novena). So, we say the prayer for 27 days and then how does the Thanksgiving prayer go? Or am I wrong on both counts? I’d love to join in with all women on this special prayer.

My understanding is:
Pray the Rosary daily for 27 days, (meditating on a different series of Mysteries each day) adding the Prayer to St Monica as your “petition” for each day.
Then, pray the Rosary for another 27 days, giving thanks to God, whether your petition was answered to your liking or not. We have to always remember that God sometimes is on a different time table. 😉
I am so grateful to Imamom for the St.Monica prayer (Novena). So, we say the prayer for 27 days and then how does the Thanksgiving prayer go? Or am I wrong on both counts? I’d love to join in with all women on this special prayer.

I got it from the very beginning of this thread. 🙂

I think the poster above this post has it right, just pray the rosary again for 27 days and give thanks. 🙂
Day 2 of Novena.

It feels good to be saying the Rosary again. I am ashamed to say I haven’t said it for about 9 months. There was a time when I said it religiously, don’t know why I stopped. The fact that I am a 45 year old, menopausal mother of a 3 year old may be a contributing factor. (I was either too tired or too forgetful.) I was able to convince my husband a few years ago to use NFP. We weren’t trying but I got pregnant and I had a miscarraige, then we both decided how much we wanted another child so we let God decide if and when we would have another. She has been a blessing ever since. Although I am out of practice! I have a lot of respect for women with more than 2 children, especially those over 40 with little ones. It’s a lot easier at 30.)

I will try to keep saying the rosary even after the 54 days are over.

Does anyone out there know if I were to get a civil divorce (and not remarry) would I still need an annulment to receive the sacraments? I’ve been married once before and had that marriage annuled. Please pray for my children and for me who are hurting very badly because of my husband’s refusal to give up a woman he works with.
God bless.😦
I have seen this situation before. A civil divorce for a just reason (which you have) without remarriage does not disqualify one to receive the sacraments. You might want to check with a good priest to reassure yourself.
Wow did I find the right thread to get on. A little overwhelming trying to catch up- I am not sure if we are on novenas or the rosary but the topic is so appropos.

I am in a deep funk over the lack of relationship I have with my husband. I can also relate to the woman over 40 with a 3 year old (me too!). I call her our “what were we thinking?” baby but she is truly icing on the cake ( the older two children ).

He basically ignores me at home, won’t tell me what it is I do that bothers him (except that I’ve been doing it our whole marriage (14 yrs) ) but then will call me from work and chat and talk about planning camping trips for next year and so on. It feels very bipolar to me- back and forth back and forth.

The worst part is mocking me when I go to church (he is a non-practicing protestant but has attended our Catholic church occasionally) but when I lapse and curse or get angry, calls me a hypocrite. I am seriously contemplating an anti-depressant or counseling if I could get away from the kids. I pray about this constantly and don’t know what I am supposed to do.

And let’s not get started on the porn videos that my 3yr old found under the couch. (apparently that is ‘my issue’). I am just so sad over this.
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