I am so sorry for your pain! The evil one speaks lies of the happiness and peace we will find if we merely leave behind our husbands, and your testimony is a very important one, especially for this thread where so many of us are in difficult relationships.
It certainly helps to remind us that ultimately, God’s ways are the best ways and we need to be true to them, even in the toughest times, and in our culture, there are few who can appreciate why we stay in difficult marriages.
After 1 1/2 yrs of our home being on the market so that my husband can get the divorce he desires, we now have an offer. We’re going through a series of counters on the offer, but it looks like they are earnest in their desire to buy it, even if they came in lower than we’re willing to go. (It’s a totally dead market here, only 2 homes sold in the entire area in the month of May, I never asked about the #s for June.)
So, it looks like it’s time for me to pursue a legal seperation to protect myself, although I anticipate that once he has the money to pay a retainer, I’ll be served with divorce papers.
The thing is, the week before they made an offer (there had been no interest on the house recently) I prayed to God and gave Him my marriage, to do with as He pleased. I surrendered it to Him. I told Him that I was ready for whatever His will might be. My daughter and I went to Steubenville West for the weekend and while we were gone all weekend in prayer (I was not focused especially on my marriage, but rather on doing that which is God’s will) the offer was made.
Upon arriving home (actually the following day) I was told that we had an offer.
If we come to a final contract I will have to find a place to live and most likely will need to put much of my stuff in storage. It will be interesting to see how God provides at this time of need.
Already, I was chatting with an acquaintance whose company I enjoy and she mentioned she is looking to rent 2 rooms in her home (a condo in the neighboring town). It would be small, but it would also be very inexpensive. My daughter would have a room and I’d have a room. There would be no office, no place for my furnature or other items (am I hearing time to purge?) but I could afford to live there without spending the money from the house so that in a couple of years, when my daughter is done with HS, I could move to an affordable community and purchase a home.
I don’t know if this is the right solution, but I’ve already got options. God is letting me know that things are going to be OK, as this is His will, and I’m allowing Him to take the lead.
I know that if I trust in Him, that things will be alright, even if that means I’m dirt poor, somehow, I will manage to survive in a way that is most beneficial for my soul.
I pray that I will be the one who has primary custody of our daughter. I thoroughly enjoy her company. I know my husband will try to get custody and I’m not looking forward to that battle, but again, I keep reminding myself that somehow, if I continue to live the example of Christ, things will work out for the best, God’s best. And there is nothing better than God’s best for it lasts forever!
I’d love your guys prayers to help fortify me through this. I know that I will be encouraged by the evil one to be less the example of Christ than I desire. Please Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Love so there is no room for hate within me. Help me to always act in ways that, while prudent, are also loving. Shine a light on the steps I need to take to care for myself and my daughter (15 yrs old, going into sophomore yr).
Help me to continue to do your will in other areas of my life and most especially, guard my tongue (and keyboard) so that I do not speak ill of my husband, or fall into the trap of encouraging others to speak ill of people in their lives.
I ask this through Christ our Lord,