St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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The version on my refrigerator is almost the same:

O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul… I adore You.

Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me.

Tell me what I should do… give me Your orders.

I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and to accept all that You permit to happen to me.

Let me only know Your will.***

I think it’s just a beautiful prayer and I hope anyone facing desperate times will find it to be a consolation and aid to them.

God bless you ladies! Thank you for all your prayers on behalf of my family. You and your families remain in my prayers as well.
Oh, this is another keeper to my prayer/bible verse folder.

Thanks Bee!
👍 Dear Lamb,
Thank you so much for sharing that story. It truly is one of hope. You have renewed my hope - thank you!
Catherine, thank you so much for this. I really should remember this as I pray for my husband to be released from his addiction.** I prayed HIM into the church as well! It took me 20 years of praying and being a living example raising our three older kids, but he finally made it.**

Sometimes it just feels so frustrating because I feel like I got him into the church with endless prayers to have another obstacle thrown in front of me. I guess all I was seeing was the obstacle and not looking for the sunshine on the other side. As you said “Water on rock!” Keep praying and wearing away at that stone and eventually it will be a mere speck of sand.
You have witnessed the power of prayer and faith in our Lord – what a blessing! The thing is, Satan has also seen it, and doesn’t like it, so he’s throwing up another obstacle: alcoholism. :mad: I see this in my own family (not with my DH) and it’s frustrating, heartbreaking, tiring, but don’t give up. You stayed strong for 20 years and helped your husband – you (with help from God, St. Monica, and other saints no doubt) can do it again! 👍
👍 Dear Lamb,
Thank you so much for sharing that story. It truly is one of hope. You have renewed my hope - thank you!
(((((((((mom4truth))))))))))) :extrahappy: :extrahappy: :extrahappy:

Lord Jesus, thank you for hope. Thank you that we can look to your cross and see hope whenever we need it. Thank you for friends known only by their words who share hope with others. Thank you for your saints, whom you allow to help us when we’re struggling. Thank you for your awesome love! Amen. :bowdown: ❤️
👍 You have renewed my hope - thank you!
Praise God! To see you have words like this raises my spirit. That my words can give you that hope is truly humbling. Keep reading because there are others who, through their prayers and support, will continue to raise you up and give you hope. Just remember to keep praying. Never cease! God is ALWAYS with you…
Thank you, Lamb. You really area lamb - a gentle soul. I’m hanging in there and I’m actually feeling a bit “happy” today. Must be all the prayers…
What a wonderful gathering of truly inspiring and beautiful women! It’s like one of those Dove commercials! 😉
God Bless you all!

Dear St. Monica, troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience, and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

the conversion of my husband and the strong faith of my son, the conversion of all sinners in my family and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and in knowledge of you
and that these husbands become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble in mind and action.
Could you tell me about your prayer/bible verse folder? Sounds like a great idea.
thanks in advance:shrug:
I know that this post is a few years old but I just had to reply. I pray that since you’ve posted this that God with the help of St. Monica’s intercession, has blessed you with your husband’s conversion. I can empathize all too well with this scenario. I too have a husband that was raised Catholic, was an altar server as a child, and “did what was expected of him” when we were dating, I’d ask him to come to mass with me, he even chaperoned a youth ministry retreat with me. That was when I started seeing “Satan’s grasp” on his soul. I still loved him and we were married within a few years and I still pray for him. He goes to mass with me somewhat regularly but, doesn’t believe in confession or in the obligation to keep the sabath holy by abstaining from work, going to mass, and spending qt with the family. We have prayed rosary together on occaision. He just doesn’t get it yet. I still have hope. He really has come a long way since we met and I do see Christ working in him. I guess that this is just his faith path and I just have to be extra vigilant in praying for him, us and our daily conversion to Christ and through Christ to one another. We used to have Catholic radio here in our area (it lost it’s funding though 😦 ) and I’ll never forget a radio program in which Bishop Sheen (I think) homilized that a Marriage if it’s not Alive in Christ, is Dead.

St. Monica, Pray for us!
Wow! I haven’t looked at this thread for some time and saw this! Sadly things are not better. They are worse. We are separated and looks like there will be no reconciliation in the future.
But I will keep praying for him
Hello everyone. I was on this thread a while back and I probably shouldn’t have ever stopped. (well, I didn’t stop praying for him though)
My husband and I have been separated for 18months with the hope of reconciling within 6 months. Well, things have taken a turn for the worst and it seems that we will never reconcile. I am pretty low at the moment. I do not want to pray for my marriage anymore as I think it is hopeless. I am sure my husband has a mental illness and there is little chance of a change as he cannot accept that he’s at fault in any way. I will pray for his soul and his salvation but not for our marriage as I’m sure my own wants get in the way of what God wants for me, if you know what i mean. I concentrate too much on him being with me, and not him getting to heaven. I have lost hope for our marriage. I feel that it is God’s will that we are apart permanently. As sad as that is, every time I ache inside because I miss him, the idea of him wanting to come back gives me no joy or comfort at all.
I have hoped and prayed for so long for a change in our marriage. And now, I need to concentrate on changing myself and becoming as holy as I should be. I know I contributed to our problems, but I feel that my wrongs were in the normal range of mistakes and were human nature. His weren’t. We have a 2yo son together. And I have 4 others from a previous marriage, so this makes this sadder and harder as it’s my second failed marriage.
So I will continue to pray for him and I will also pray for all of you in your marriages. I hope that God will convert your husbands hearts and souls. God bless
Could you tell me about your prayer/bible verse folder? Sounds like a great idea.
thanks in advance:shrug:
It’s pretty simple actually. Often times members of this forum and another I post on regularly will post prayers or bible verses that touch my heart or have special significance to me. I have a word document on my computer I have titled “BIBLE VERSES AND PRAYERS I LIKE”. If I really like something or need that inspiration, I cut and paste it into this document then save it.This documents is in a main folder I have titled simply “PRAYERS”. If it gets out of hand and too long and hard to sort through, I may have to look at splitting them up into MARY PRAYERS, and FAMILY PRAYERS, etc. Right now it’s still useful and I open it up pretty regularly.

I have other documents in the same folder that contain, for example prayers I like to post and pray here and on the other forum in the Prayer Intentions. It’s much easier to cut from the document and paste it into a thread reply than to type the whole thing out. I cut, paste, preview, pray and post in that order.

This whole concept can be translated to an actual paper folder or notebook by printing up the prayers to place into a prayer folder/notebook for portability. Now that I type that out and think it “out loud” I think I may do that! See thinking on my feet or backside as the case may be…LOL:rotfl:
And now, I need to concentrate on changing myself and becoming as holy as I should be.
I was so glad to see you post this sentence. It is the one thing my priest/spiritual director has been emphasizing to me, and I find myself posting it to those who are having any sort of problems to take care of yourself. I have been encouraged to pray for myself! It seemed so foreign when he asked me if I prayed for myself.

Concentrating on praying for yourself is not selfish, because you are as much a child of God as your husband, children, family, friends or the strangers we pray for here at CAF. God takes care of ALL His children.

So, pray for you, take care of you (eat well, sleep well) find time for you away from the distractions of daily life.

I pray you stay strong for you and your children. I pray as well for your husband. Those who are lost cannot be forgotten by us. I pray he finds his way and finds peace in his life.
Day 5 Novena to St. Monica -done

Here’s hoping today is as good a day as yesterday! I’m praying for everyone and their husbands on this thread!🙂
So I will continue to pray for him and I will also pray for all of you in your marriages. I hope that God will convert your husbands hearts and souls. God bless
Jules, I’m sorry for your pain. :hug1: I think continuing to pray for him, as well as taking good care of yourself in every way (including spiritually) is essential for the good of your children.
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” ~James 4:8
I pray you stay strong for you and your children. I pray as well for your husband.** Those who are lost cannot be forgotten by us.** I pray he finds his way and finds peace in his life.
Lamb, great point. If we don’t pray for them, who will? Even when it’s tough, we’re supposed to pray for those who have hurt us…and if we can accomplish that, we are truly on our way to being Christ-like.
Day 5 Novena to St. Monica -done

Here’s hoping today is as good a day as yesterday! I’m praying for everyone and their husbands on this thread!🙂

I honestly believe that all of us “randomly” finding this thread isn’t random at all. Perhaps part of the purpose of everything in our lives has been to bring us here to pray for each others’ families. Now that’s a blessing, isn’t it?! 😃

ETA: DH’s job interview went great yesterday. He’s got a second interview today, and it was pretty much said yesterday that he’ll get the job. It’s kind of a “step down” for him, but at this point, we need something, so I’m trying to be very grateful. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride in the short term for the good of the long term, right? :rolleyes:
God and St. Monica, thank you for my DH’s good job interview. God, please continue to keep our family in the center of your will for our lives. ❤️


Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for:

(intentions of the heart)

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

Lord, I commend all husbands and wives
represented in this thread to you this day,
That you would raise us up to be men and
women after your own heart.
That you would cause us to grow in wisdom and
in knowledge of you and that these husbands
become holy and spiritual heads of these homes,
and that these wives become and remain vessels
that shine your light continuously.
Keep us all obedient to your will and humble
in mind and action.
I honestly believe that all of us “randomly” finding this thread isn’t random at all. Perhaps part of the purpose of everything in our lives has been to bring us here to pray for each others’ families. Now that’s a blessing, isn’t it?! 😃
:amen: to that! I feel like I’ve found a group of friends here. There is a strong empathy and sympathy factor for what the other is going through, and in situations like ours, we most definitely need that!

ETA: DH’s job interview went great yesterday. He’s got a second interview today, and it was pretty much said yesterday that he’ll get the job. It’s kind of a “step down” for him, but at this point, we need something, so I’m trying to be very grateful. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride in the short term for the good of the long term, right? :rolleyes:

Good luck Belle! I’m prayin’ extra hard for you and your DH today. I’ll raise you up at mass this morning.

Praying for you to m4t and jules and all of the moms/wives here on the St. Monica thread.
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