Make certain that Coke and Pepsi don’t use the same aluminum manufacturer and distributor for their cans.
Make certain that the vending machine that carries the Pepsi product isn’t used in any non-Pepsi products anywhere on earth that you may use one day.
Make certain that the electricity used to power the Pepsi machine doesn’t come from a source that you or a church may have to use.
How about the trades people who built the Pepsi factory, the light bulbs that cast light on the offending drink found within the offensive factory, the truck that transports the Pepsi, where was the gas purchased that powered the offensive truck that carried the offensive evil beverage, what is the make of the truck, where were the tires bought, who is the manufacturer of the crate that holds the Pop and on and on and on…
The offensive Pepsi didn’t magically appear at the abortion clinic.
Your hung up on Pepsi…but what about the massive chain that is responsible for getting the pop to the vending machine? None of you ’ boy-cotters ’ concern yourselves with the realities involved with a consumerist society.
Why can’t you people see the forest for the tree’s? A can of Pepsi is more than an individual product. It represents the end result of a massive chain of events that employs tens of thousands of people and directly touches hundreds, if not thousands of sub-trades and products.
No one concerns themselves as to what brand of light bulb is in an abortion clinic, or what paint covers the walls…so why Pepsi?
This point has many made multiple times by different people and not only to you ’ not get it’, but you don’t even acknowledge the point!
If you did, you'd have to stay home all the time for fear of buying something that indirectly clashes with your morales.
etc etc etc