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unless they have a buy 1 one get one free…then I’d buy it. Johnson and Johnson products are expensive. I go where I get the best deal…and Starbucks is a treat…rare…but a treat.
A question for any serious Catholic: Would someone be able to identify you as a faithful Catholic solely by the products that you purchase?
Hopefully none of you fill prescriptions or make purchases at Walgreens b/c they supported the Gay Games (I personally go to CVS b/c it’s closer). Oh, the same with American Airlines, the supported the games too. Oh, and the local abortion clinic has a Pepsi vending machine on the outside. So no Pepsi products either.
Your point?
Your answer was not in Willy’s best interest, it was an opportunity for you to promote your agenda.
What matters is making decisions from a well formed and informed Catholic conscience.
Any thinking person knows that people are better off working than sitting at a computer drumming up reasons not to work.
I’ve worked with the unemployed for 30 years.
He would be better off at a job.
He has a shot at good one and Starbucks pays over minumum wage, it’s not a bar or a brothel
…I hope he disregards your advice but it’s likely that he has latched onto your comments
as a morally acceptable reason to hang around the house.
I hope that you have not done him any damage in your efforts to trash Starbucks.
Time will tell.
Sort of like the lesser of two evils?
No matter where the OP decides to work, he had better not pay taxes on the money he earns. His hard earned tax money will go to “benefit” everyone…even gays and women who have had abortions or may someday have an abortion! Problems, problems!! Just better stay home and find a “benefactor” who will support him. Wonder if OP would mind if the benefactor worked for Starbucks or Target?

Good thing I am not OP’s mom, he’d be working double shifts, one at Starbucks, then at Target! (And he’d find time to go to Mass on Sunday and mow the lawn as well.)

Love and peace,
Mom of 5
I wasn’t sure where i should post this really but i hope you can help me anyways. I was just wondering about one thing. My friend told me to apply at starbucks in my area because they’re hiring and i was looking for a job. I just wanted to know if starbucks is known for supporting anything anti-christian/catholic. If they did then i will not apply. Any help would be great.

God Bless,
Would you be comfortable serving up java in this cup to impressionable minds?
Good thing I am not OP’s mom, he’d be working double shifts, one at Starbucks, then at Target!
As a serious Catholic, I certainly would not be sending any child of mine of to work at a corporation that actively funds programs that support the denigration of human life and the dignity of the person, i.e., abortion and gay lifestyle. What kind of intergrity is that modeling for a child?
(And he’d find time to go to Mass on Sunday and mow the lawn as well.)
Let’s not forget the confession schedule also.
nope…but it looks like many Catholics here on this thread have no issue with it:eek:
Always suprising what lies below the surface when the rubber meets the road to giving witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Starbucks is one of corporate sponsors of San Diego Gay Pride parades. That includes a “youth hangout space” and a “children’s garden” that was helped organized by 2 registered sex offenders. The parade also included floats that advertised gay bars, gay porn and male prostitution. Also in the parade were “The Sisters of Perpeptual Indulgence” (a drag group that mocks Catholic nuns). Also included “Asylum of the tortured Heart” which mocks Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Starbucks aslo generously matches all employee donations to Planned Parenthood.
Enjoy the latte!
A Police Service, with 1200 + officers in a certain city actually enters and participates in the gay pride parade…not only that, but they fly the rainbow flag in the lobby.

Do I agree? No I don’t,…however, I also know that the Police Service is demonstrating that they accept diversity and acknowledge that homosexuals are not going to go away and are, like it or not, a part of society.

I also know for a fact that they hand out recruiting cards to the on-lookers of said parade. This same Police Service also has a panel of Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered people that they consult with and listen to their point of view.

Does this mean that the Police support porn, sex and molestors? Of course not, to suggest otherwise sounds ridiculous.

If there is a volunteer in the Church who is a registered sex offender…are you suggesting that the Church is supportive of the sex offenders horrible crimes? It seems this author jumps to the conclusion that because a deviant sex offender is volunteering in a parade…sponsored by Starbucks…that Starbucks supports horrible crimes against children?! Nonsense…The author draws ridiculous conclusions and all from his biased point of view.
A Police Service, with 1200 + officers in a certain city actually enters and participates in the gay pride parade…not only that, but they fly the rainbow flag in the lobby.

Do I agree? No I don’t,…however, I also know that the Police Service is demonstrating that they accept diversity and acknowledge that homosexuals are not going to go away and are, like it or not, a part of society.

I also know for a fact that they hand out recruiting cards to the on-lookers of said parade. This same Police Service also has a panel of Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered people that they consult with and listen to their point of view.

Does this mean that the Police support porn, sex and molestors? Of course not, to suggest otherwise sounds ridiculous.

If there is a volunteer in the Church who is a registered sex offender…are you suggesting that the Church is supportive of the sex offenders horrible crimes? It seems this author jumps to the conclusion that because a deviant sex offender is volunteering in a parade…sponsored by Starbucks…that Starbucks supports horrible crimes against children?! Nonsense…The author draws ridiculous conclusions and all from his biased point of view.
No Roman Catholic worth their sand should be supporting a group, organization or corporate entity that actively supports social engineering which seeks to normalize and gain mainstream acceptance for an illcit and unhealthy lifestyle. Period. Putting down that cup of java is a small price to pay for not contributing to the coffer of those supporting an anti-gospel agenda. The only bias is those Catholics who contrive otherwise.
Hopefully none of you fill prescriptions or make purchases at Walgreens b/c they supported the Gay Games (I personally go to CVS b/c it’s closer). Oh, the same with American Airlines, the supported the games too. Oh, and the local abortion clinic has a Pepsi vending machine on the outside. So no Pepsi products either.
Make certain that Coke and Pepsi don’t use the same aluminum manufacturer and distributor for their cans.

Make certain that the vending machine that carries the Pepsi product isn’t used in any non-Pepsi products anywhere on earth that you may use one day.

Make certain that the electricity used to power the Pepsi machine doesn’t come from a source that you or a church may have to use.

How about the trades people who built the Pepsi factory, the light bulbs that cast light on the offending drink found within the offensive factory, the truck that transports the Pepsi, where was the gas purchased that powered the offensive truck that carried the offensive evil beverage, what is the make of the truck, where were the tires bought, who is the manufacturer of the crate that holds the Pop and on and on and on…

The offensive Pepsi didn’t magically appear at the abortion clinic.

Your hung up on Pepsi…but what about the massive chain that is responsible for getting the pop to the vending machine? None of you ’ boy-cotters ’ concern yourselves with the realities involved with a consumerist society.

Why can’t you people see the forest for the tree’s? A can of Pepsi is more than an individual product. It represents the end result of a massive chain of events that employs tens of thousands of people and directly touches hundreds, if not thousands of sub-trades and products.

No one concerns themselves as to what brand of light bulb is in an abortion clinic, or what paint covers the walls…so why Pepsi?

This point has many made multiple times by different people and not only to you ’ not get it’, but you don’t even acknowledge the point!
If you did, you'd have to stay home all the time for fear of buying something that indirectly clashes with your morales.
etc etc etc
No Roman Catholic worth their sand should be supporting a group, organization or corporate entity that actively supports social engineering which seeks to normalize and gain mainstream acceptance for an illcit and unhealthy lifestyle. Period.
Wow, talk about missing my point. Why is everyone so hung on homosexuals? Look, they exist, most of them are not going to change.

I don’t see any difference between the Police supporting the gay pride parade and the police supporting a homeless shelter. Said shelter is filled with thieves, prostitutes and addicts. By refusing to participate, you gain nothing.

I don’t agree with the Police taking part in Gay Pride events, but I am also smart enough to know that the Police are not endorsing Gay sex and pornography, and neither is Starbucks.

By taking part they are acknowledging that homosexuals are a reality, that they exist and that they accept them.

Lastly, I can’t help but feel that you believe strongly in the conspiracy of the homosexual agenda. I remind you, that there are a lot of people who unfortunately believe in a Jewish conspiracy and a Catholic conspiracy.
Make certain that Coke and Pepsi don’t use the same aluminum manufacturer and distributor for their cans.

Make certain that the vending machine that carries the Pepsi product isn’t used in any non-Pepsi products anywhere on earth that you may use one day.

Make certain that the electricity used to power the Pepsi machine doesn’t come from a source that you or a church may have to use.

How about the trades people who built the Pepsi factory, the light bulbs that cast light on the offending drink found within the offensive factory, the truck that transports the Pepsi, where was the gas purchased that powered the offensive truck that carried the offensive evil beverage, what is the make of the truck, where were the tires bought, who is the manufacturer of the crate that holds the Pop and on and on and on…

The offensive Pepsi didn’t magically appear at the abortion clinic.

Your hung up on Pepsi…but what about the massive chain that is responsible for getting the pop to the vending machine? None of you ’ boy-cotters ’ concern yourselves with the realities involved with a consumerist society.

Why can’t you people see the forest for the tree’s? A can of Pepsi is more than an individual product. It represents the end result of a massive chain of events that employs tens of thousands of people and directly touches hundreds, if not thousands of sub-trades and products.

No one concerns themselves as to what brand of light bulb is in an abortion clinic, or what paint covers the walls…so why Pepsi?

This point has many made multiple times by different people and not only to you ’ not get it’, but you don’t even acknowledge the point!
If you did, you'd have to stay home all the time for fear of buying something that indirectly clashes with your morales.
etc etc etc
I wasn’t advocating boycotting I was simply showing other examples of companies that may or may not be on the list of companies to boycott. I am a firm believer in what St. Paul wrote about, in order to convert people to Christ, one must not run away from the sinner, one must become like the sinner without sinning inorder to earn their trust so that they will hear the Truth when you tell them. No matter what the moral controversy, its about conversion of hearts and souls. No man made law can do that, only the Holy Spirit working through individuals can do that.
Before anybody gets all excited about boycotting Starbucks, they’d better check and see how many Communist Chinese goods they have purchased this week. If you want a boycott, do it to the Chinese. Oh but wait, you would have no radios, tv’s, small appliances, cell phones, hand and power tools, and shoes. And you would have a lot of parts missing from your new car. like the transmission. So it’s much easier to turn down a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Excellent point. None of the boy-cotters ever respond to these questions.
I wasn’t advocating boycotting I was simply showing other examples of companies that may or may not be on the list of companies to boycott. I am a firm believer in what St. Paul wrote about, in order to convert people to Christ, one must not run away from the sinner, one must become like the sinner without sinning inorder to earn their trust so that they will hear the Truth when you tell them. No matter what the moral controversy, its about conversion of hearts and souls. No man made law can do that, only the Holy Spirit working through individuals can do that.
I mis-understood your post, I apologize for any confusion. I now hear you loud and clear.
Wow, talk about missing my point. Why is everyone so hung on homosexuals? Look, they exist, most of them are not going to change.
We all are sinners. Does that mean we ought to march in support of the KKK? They, too, are a reality. Can you not grasp the distinction between tolerating evil agendas and embracing them?
I don’t see any difference between the Police supporting the gay pride parade and the police supporting a homeless shelter. Said shelter is filled with thieves, prostitutes and addicts. By refusing to participate, you gain nothing.
This is beyond absurd. A homeless shelter exists to care for folks. A “gay” parade exists to celebrate immoral actions.
I don’t agree with the Police taking part in Gay Pride events, but I am also smart enough to know that the Police are not endorsing Gay sex and pornography, and neither is Starbucks.
What is the pride in being “gay”? That is a political issue tied in to specific things that are contary to the moral norm. Similarly, Starbucks passing out cups that promote an agenda contary to the good is evil.
By taking part they are acknowledging that homosexuals are a reality, that they exist and that they accept them.
This is propaganda. We all exist.
Lastly, I can’t help but feel that you believe strongly in the conspiracy of the homosexual agenda. I remind you, that there are a lot of people who unfortunately believe in a Jewish conspiracy and a Catholic conspiracy.
Reality is present for all to see and experience. The last Pope called this issue a new ideology of evil. There is an attempt to alter perception so many will hold vice is virtue.
Before anybody gets all excited about boycotting Starbucks, they’d better check and see how many Communist Chinese goods they have purchased this week. If you want a boycott, do it to the Chinese. Oh but wait, you would have no radios, tv’s, small appliances, cell phones, hand and power tools, and shoes. And you would have a lot of parts missing from your new car. like the transmission. So it’s much easier to turn down a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Personal decisions to boycott based on moral principles are not contrary to the faith or logic. No one is saying the Church requires us to boycott Starbucks, but that does not mean an individual may not make such a choice.

As to your assertion about other entities that also promote types of evil I would say that it depends on how close one is to the source and to what degree one is cooperating with the evil. That is part of traditional moral theology.
Personal decisions to boycott based on moral principles are not contrary to the faith or logic. No one is saying the Church requires us to boycott Starbucks, but that does not mean an individual may not make such a choice.

As to your assertion about other entities that also promote types of evil I would say that it depends on how close one is to the source and to what degree one is cooperating with the evil. That is part of traditional moral theology.
Boycotting is a personal choice. There have been some on this thread who have implied that if one does NOT boycott Starbucks (or like companies that support gay rights, abortion, etc.) then one is sinning. I think that is why this thread may be a little too warm. 😉
We all are sinners. Does that mean we ought to march in support of the KKK? They, too, are a reality. Can you not grasp the distinction between tolerating evil agendas and embracing them?
A Gay person has a same sex attraction, a member of KKK hates black people.
This is beyond absurd. A homeless shelter exists to care for folks. A “gay” parade exists to celebrate immoral actions.
I’m big enough to admit that my point wasn’t as good as it could have been, however it is not as you say ’ beyond absurd.’

I do have to insist that some of the clients of the shelters regularly prostitute themselves, rob, cheat and steal. Yet they are never turned away…even though they partake in immoral and illegal activity. By feeding, clothing and sheltering these people…some who will never change their behaviour…are you not assisting them in their lifestyle? Of course not…your simply accepting who they are and helping them…even though, after they fill their belly…they will go out and commit a sinful act.

In the same breath, the Police are reaching out to a segment of society, sinful or not, they are reaching and telling them " we accept you and you can trust us."
What is the pride in being “gay”? That is a political issue tied in to specific things that are contary to the moral norm. Similarly, Starbucks passing out cups that promote an agenda contary to the good is evil.
I have no idea what the pride is, but for a homosexual its apparently important to some of them.

It’s the moral norm for a some people, but not all people. At least in Canada, only about 25% of Christians go to church weekly. So the weekly church going folk are not the norm in this Western country. Secondly, the majority of Canadians support same sex marriage. Going with the moral norm can back fire on you
This is propaganda. We all exist.
We all have different needs and perspectives on how to interact with the world. A 4th generation American earning a 6 figure income…does not generally have the same needs or concerns as a Somalian refugee.
Reality is present for all to see and experience. The last Pope called this issue a new ideology of evil. There is an attempt to alter perception so many will hold vice is virtue.
I have no idea what the Pope said, if you can source that claim, I would be interested to read it. I’m generally not sold on big world wide social conspiracies.

I mean, there are over a billion Catholics around the world…and there is no conspiracy. Homosexuals make up something like 2% of the population…
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