I think it important to separate what Bannon actually said from that which the somewhat aggravated NBC reporter said about Bannon.
I find only 4 sound bites from Bannon in the interview. The rest is Engels, the NBC reporter, giving his opinion on Bannon and Bannon’s movement.
1. The administrative apparatus of the church has to change.
2. My [Bannon’s} problem with the pope today is about this crisis in pedophilia, that they are not treating this like a crisis.
3. He [Francis] is constantly coming back and putting all the faults of the world on this nationalist populist movement.
4. This institution needs change, this institution is in decline.
Working in reverse order:
Point 4 is factual.
Point 3. Although rhetorically hyperbolic in using the word “all”, the comment does reflect the Pope’s publicly expressed attitude on immigration problems. Other threads in this forum indicate many, but not all, serious practicing Catholics agree with Bannon.
Point 2. Bannon uses the plural pronoun “they” which indicates he is not singling out Francis but the Curia, the bishops and past popes for not managing the pedophilia debacle as a crisis. Is it a crisis? Yes, certainly a crisis of faith in our institution’s integrity and the issue is hardly over as some prelates suggest. The financial crisis on our dioceses has just begun. The class action lawyers have the scent and are now beating the drum to enlist clients. The Church has deep pockets but the potential awards may very well bankrupt many dioceses in this country alone.
Point 1. Read Point 2. Be prepared for a new kind of second collection at Mass in the near future.
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In the past few weeks, a dozen suits have been filed against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, 20 suits were filed against a Connecticut diocese, two class action suits were filed in federal court against the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and many other individual actions have been filed against dioceses in Pennsylvania and across the country.
Sexual Abuse by Priests and Church Officials - Hurley McKenna & Mertz, P.C.
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LifeSiteNews) — The Archdiocese of Chicago is using proceeds from its cemetery system to help pay down its sizable settlement debt from clergy sexual abuse, a new report says.
Chicago Archdiocese using Catholic cemetery funds to cover sex abuse costs | News | LifeSite
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