Steve Bannon goes after Pope Francis

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If I fed you parts, you would shutter in disbelief - so rather I ask that you research this on your own. Soem awful things about homosexuality, abortion, stem cells, contraceptive practice, etc.
And he isn’t against immigration
Yes, he is. He says he is. Watch mins. 14:30-15:00.

warning to viewers, this video is Nationalist Propaganda
LOL what?
This is the blindness of the left.
He never once said he was anti immigration.
He is clearly for it as he clearly said “limit LEGAL immigration UNTIL”…This means he is still pro immigration but wants to scale it down for a period.
Pope Francis was clear in his speech when he addressed the Assembly regarding our commitment to “promoting and implementing the development goals that are supported by our deepest religious and ethical values.”

Noting the importance of the religious dimension to this gathering, Pope Francis said that “those of us who are religious need to open up the treasures of our best traditions in order to engage in a true and respectful dialogue on how to build the future of our planet.”

The United Nations is on the right track with so many goals and they need our support. We just need to be strong about insisting on the Catholic way when it comes to family planning and reproductive health issues. Which is exactly what the good Pope continues to do.
Who do you trust to guardianship of the global poor and disenfranchised? They represent the secular arm of the universal Catholic mission. What else is there to match that?
Seems completely arbitrary. Modern nation states are mostly very young and much larger than the civil units that preceded them. Perhaps you should advocate for the dissolution of the German federal union back to its pre-19th century state.
Why stop there? Feudalism? OK, as long as I get to be the Lord.
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What if you get a country whose grown big and powerful on the basis of exploiting the wealth and bounty of smaller countries having no real interest in the ‘common wealth’… only their own greatness and sovereignty. You feel no problem with such a situation?
Um, the likes of Winston Churchill would disagree. you might have heard of two relatively recent global wars that killed more people than pretty much every other war before them combined. The UN isn’t a perfect entity by any means, but if it gives nations some other venue rather than shooting at each other, even some times, I’ll take that over the kind of insular nationalism and international competive warmongering that dragged the world into the most destructive conflicts in its history.
And at least some of those wealthy countries made a considerable amount of their wealth on the backs of poorer countries. Africa, in particular, was looted by Western powers, so I think they might have a point in suggesting that the West give back a little bit.
  1. Bannon is a total failure; sacked by Trump; emarginated by the European far right leaders because toxic
  2. It is the quintessential opposite of being a catholic; it is a bit like those Catholics that go every Sunday to Mass but they oppose asylum seekers and immigrants. I believe Pope Francis called them “ hypocrites “
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Yes - we called him Barry Sotero and when we here his name we genuflect.
who are you to hold the keys to the Catholic Church? I guess Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy, etc. are your living stones.
I’m not a Marxist either. I’m coming from a Christian perspective. It almost sounds like you might think Jesus was a wee bit communist for your liking. It is Christian fundamentals to have gratitude for what you have and want others to have that also. If we fall into an attitude of thinking we enjoy bounty because we are special and others aren’t so we can happily let them fall away, without feeling any responsibility, we’re actually subscribing to a prejudice that the antithesis of Christ.
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Jesus’ exact words on the topic of wealth are recorded at Mark 10:25. While I don’t think that stands as a prohibition on wealth, it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement for the kind of social Darwinism that you seem to be advocating.

The fact was that Early Christians were actually noted for their communal lifestyle, and some of the earliest records are often about how they organized charitable works to take care of their own (in particular, paying for burials, but also for aiding the sick and impoverished). The idea of wealthy Christians came about as the middle and upper classes in the Roman Empire started to convert, and the anti-wealth notions of Early Christianity had been dumped.

As to wealth redistribution, well, in one form or another it’s been around since the dawn of civilization, and tribal societies which predated civilized urban living most certainly would lean very close to the kind of communal lifestyle some here don’t seem to like very much. Roman Emperors had to hand out bread to the millions in the city because the alternative was food riots, and North Africa became the breadbasket of Rome in no small part to feed those people.

After the fall of the Western Empire, the Church had to take over this role (as it did so many roles as central government collapsed), and one of the reasons that the Church was granted so much land by Medieval rulers was because they functioned effectively as the “social safety net” of the era. More modern governments starting in the early modern era took over that role more directly (and sadly often less charitably, hence various Poor Laws which basically treated the poor like vermin). But one way or another, even in the Middle Ages, wealth was redistributed, whether by direct state donation, or via the Church funding it through vast landholdings and donations from wealthy benefactors.
Another interesting day on CAF, with an atheist defending Church teaching and quoting scripture, while Catholics defend Nationalism and those that attack the Church. Interesting, but depressingly common, unfortunately.
It is anti-Christian. It is the attempt to recreate the Tower of Babel. All modern pushes for global society come directly from Freemasonic influence.
By your reasoning the Great Commission would be ‘anti-Christian’.

Matt 28 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
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