Steve Bannon goes after Pope Francis

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I was responding to JimmyTolder who stated “All modern pushes for global society come directly from Freemasonic influence”.

Jesus desired that the Church be universal. He died for all people and by dint of His sacrifice, we are a family of which all are invited.
Pope Francis has repeatedly cited the ‘ethical values’ being honoured by the goals of Agenda 2030. He also stresses the need for it to be a truly Christian response.
He is being fearless in putting that upfront. Being Christian is not just theoretical position, it is a lived life service to others in need. That requires practical goal setting and organisation not to be just pie in the sky pontificating.
Definitely. I was just throwing my agreement out there.
By your reasoning the Great Commission would be ‘anti-Christian’.
A universal religion does not equate to a universal society, with a universal culture, universal language, or universal governments. The Apostles, Fathers, Doctors, and thr vast majority of Popes have explicitly rejected the destruction of local cultures and states in the Freemasonic attempt to establish a bland, one-size-fits-all social order. Real Catholic teaching is to respect local cultures and real diversity.

The UN is a leading force in the destruction of sovereignty and our individual birthrights of culture, custom, and expression. This is an affront to God and man. God did not desire that all men be carbon copies of each other, nor does He desire the elimination of nations.
My gosh you’ve been thoroughly indoctrinated by these extreme right fallacies!!

The United Nations is actually doing the opposite of what you claim. It wants to protect peoples universal rights so that they can freely enjoy their own country and culture without prejudice and disenfranchisement.

From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Art. 15 Everyone has the right to a nationality.

Article 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Nothing here advocates for a borderless society. What it advocates is very close to the Catholic ideal of subsidiarity.

Sadly you are getting to much of your info from Agenda Bannon.
Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
This is proof of what I say. The UN has declared that only democratic governments are legitimate and of course given even a cursory knowledge of history, we know that all democracies are eventually subverted by monied interests (ex. Rothschilds). Effectively working toward the establishment of one world government by banking/resource billionaires.

This is just one example among many of how they subvert real sovereignty.
I’ve got a reasonable grasp of history and I’ll take my chances democracy over absolute monarchs and sovereign dictators any day.

An example…I’m appalled at the likes of Putin establishing Ivan the Terrible as a Russian hero and the US faction that admires Putins ideal of absolute monarchy. No way am I fooled by what is happening.
They represent the secular arm of the universal Catholic mission.
secular arm of the catholic mission?
I don’t trust their intentions either. They are there to help preserve the world and peace relative to secular views. This is often times opposed to real truth and the Catholic faith.
  1. Bannon is a total failure; sacked by Trump; emarginated by the European far right leaders because toxic
  2. It is the quintessential opposite of being a catholic; it is a bit like those Catholics that go every Sunday to Mass but they oppose asylum seekers and immigrants. I believe Pope Francis called them “ hypocrites “
Please tell me what Bannon has done or plans to do? I still haven’t seen anything except that he thinks the way the Pope and Church heirarchy has handled the sex abuse scandal is wrong.

I could make some comments about your second point but it wouldn’t be very charitable to the Holy Father. Simply point, it is a bit ironic when he calls other devout Catholics hypocrites.
Pope Francis has repeatedly cited the ‘ethical values’ being honoured by the goals of Agenda 2030. He also stresses the need for it to be a truly Christian response.
He is being fearless in putting that upfront. Being Christian is not just theoretical position, it is a lived life service to others in need. That requires practical goal setting and organisation not to be just pie in the sky pontificating.
ethical values like abortion and population control? And spending large amounts of money on supposedly cleaning up pollution?
True, if they acquired their wealth through hard work, smarts and talent.

But what if they acquired their wealth through drug and human trafficking or by just being psychopathic in their dealings with others?

Not all wealthy people acquire their wealth through wholesome means.
I think Beryllios’ concern is that Fr. Martin is already seen as an icon of Catholic “liberalism,” whether accurately or not, so — as we see in this very thread — having him as the opposition speaker might end up suggesting to some that Bannon’s is the flag to follow. If someone of unquestioned traditional credentials (but not a reactionary nationalist) had been the one pointing out Bannon’s opposition to Catholic principles, that might have been a better tactical choice.
Hi thanks

Let me think. 🤔.
  1. having link to the Far Right and citing Julius Evola Steve Bannon Cited Italian Thinker Who Inspired Fascists - The New York Times
  2. attacking the Pope
    Steve Bannon and U.S. ultra-conservatives take aim at Pope Francis
  3. creating conflict and toxic polarisation in the political debate
  4. having a non Christian ( I mean Christ) idea of immigration
Looks to me a perfect catholic 😂

You do not need Bannon to underline that the Church has badly managed the sex scandals…it is obvious


Pinochet and Franco considered themselves as strict Catholics:weary:😏
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Catholics cannot be “ ultra conservatives” ; Real catholic’s must try to live their lives modelling on Cf Jesus life (and Saints …cf St Francis life and so on…) and this must be done not only on Sunday

Padre Pio used to say this during confessions…
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Hi thanks

Let me think. 🤔.
  1. having link to the Far Right and citing Julius Evola Steve Bannon Cited Italian Thinker Who Inspired Fascists - The New York Times
  2. attacking the Pope
    Steve Bannon and U.S. ultra-conservatives take aim at Pope Francis
  3. creating conflict and toxic polarisation in the political debate
  4. having a non Christian ( I mean Christ) idea of immigration
Looks to me a perfect catholic 😂

You do not need Bannon to underline that the Church has badly managed the sex scandals…it is obvious


Pinochet and Franco considered themselves as strict Catholics:weary:😏
oh c’mon. There wasn’t even a quote from Bannon in that first article. but there was this
He has spoken enthusiastically about everything from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” to “The Fourth Turning” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, which sees history in cycles of cataclysmic and order-obliterating change. His awareness of and reference to Evola in itself only reflects that reading.
No where has Bannon said he believes in Evola. really reaching here.

Your second article is nothing. Replace the name Bannon with a random name and it would be nothing. The Pope is not above criticism. And if you don’t see how some of the criticism is valid, you are part of the sex abuse problem. Burying your head in the sand.

For 3, again can ANYONE please post any quotes from Bannon and what he is doing or planning to do that is so evil? And guess who else created conflict in the church…all those trying to right heresies and wrongs of the church. Go read up on Peter Damian.

For 4, he doesn’t have a con Christian idea of immigration. This has been rehashed numerous times on this thread. His thinking on immigration is very close to the traditional stance of the Church (minus the last 50 years…maybe less). He is anti illegal immigration. He is pro legal immigration. Nothing anti Christian about that.
Mary Magdalene was doing something illegal as the thieves beside the Cross with Jesus if I remember well the Gospel?

If I remember well those who portrayed themselves to be the guardians of traditions and legality killed Jesus the Son of God.

Again if you are a Christian you must follow the example of Christ - no but no if- otherwise as Pope Francis says you are only an hypocrite…

I take issue that Bannon and other so called “ ultra conservatives” identify themselves as Catholics.

BTW as true catholic I dislike who criticise the Pope… Vicarius Christi
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Mary Magdalene was doing something illegal as the thieves beside the Cross with Jesus if I remember well the Gospel?
Not sure of your point here
If I remember well those who portrayed themselves to be the guardians of traditions and legality killed Jesus the Son of God.
We all had a hand in Jesus’ death…unless you are sinless I suppose. What is ironic is that by your never ending support of a Pope, no matter if they teach heresy or are evil, you are putting TRADITION over Jesus…just like the Pharisees.
Again if you are a Christian you must follow the example of Christ - no but no if- otherwise as Pope Francis says you are only an hypocrite…
we are all hypocrites as none of us completely follow Christ.
I take issue that Bannon and other so called “ ultra conservatives” identify themselves as Catholics.
Why? Are you the judge? They are not openly teaching heresay. They are criticizing the handling of evil in the Church.
BTW as true catholic I dislike who criticise the Pope… Vicarius Christi
What if the Pope openly was in a sexual relationship? Would we be allowed to criticize him then? Your viewpoint seems rather relativistic.
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Sorry I am a Roman Catholic and by generations stretching to the 13th century. So
  1. I strive to follow the teachings of Christ ; if I fail I read again the Gospel ; quite clear about how a real Catholic should live.
  2. I recognise the Pope as Vicarius Christi ; this latin term is used not by chance but has a theological meaning
  3. I am with the needy, the poor and the exploited it is in my catholic DNA
Hence I dislike ( I try not to be rude here…) people like Bannon who if you tell the story of Jesus without telling him his name would identify him as a Marxist…😂
Sorry I am a Roman Catholic and by generations stretching to the 13th century. So
  1. I strive to follow the teachings of Christ ; if I fail I read again the Gospel ; quite clear about how a real Catholic should live.
  2. I recognise the Pope as Vicarius Christi ; this latin term is used not by chance but has a theological meaning
  3. I am with the needy, the poor and the exploited it is in my catholic DNA
Hence I dislike ( I try not to be rude here…) people like Bannon who if you tell the story of Jesus without telling him his name would identify him as a Marxist…😂
Nothing wrong with anything you said. And nothing that you just said goes against what I have been saying.

Except that nobody has yet to post anything by Bannon that would make him not Catholic or a Marxist.
I am not fond of the guy…but people are falling for the liberal media hook line and sinker. THey despise Bannon so they smear him any chance they can get.

Sorry, but ifcriticizingg the Pope makes one less Catholic, then we need lesser Catholics…unless you are OK with the status quo of the church
Pope Alexander VI allegedly had 7 children as Pope. Is that acceptable? If not, is it not acceptable to say it is unacceptable?
And many Bishops, Priests and Cardinals of that time also had mistresses.

It was not acceptable then, it is not acceptable now, but it still happens because they are human.
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