He’s pretty much at the fringe of Catholicism, too, as evidenced by his attacks on the Pope.Surely he must know that racism is not a Catholic virtue.
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He’s pretty much at the fringe of Catholicism, too, as evidenced by his attacks on the Pope.Surely he must know that racism is not a Catholic virtue.
I don’t think so. He walks the walk and talks the talk of a true ideological demagogue, and is not at all shy about describing his movement as “nationalistic populism”. He has been highly influenced by European Reactionary politics and religion.Calm down everyone. Steve is simply preparing the way to Oprah’s book of the month club pick.
In her mission, the salvation of mankind, the Church transcends all borders and is above the world. But Christendom, the Church in the world, did not do well ending in the Protestant Revolt which tore half of Europe away from the Church, setting up strictly national churches in the Protestant countries.The Church has always been globalist in a sense. She promoted the Holy Roman Empire, a Pan-European super-national confederacy, for centuries…to give one example.
It’s well known what Bannon stands against, but if you still need proof he’s against Legal immigration, watch minutes 14:30 to 15:00.Without proof you make an accusation about a person who can’t defend himself.
You misquote Bannon. At the minutes you referenced, he says “… stop mass illegal immigration … limit legal immigration to get our sovereignty back and to help our workers.” Please listen more carefully.It’s well known what Bannon stands against, but if you still need proof he’s against Legal immigration, watch minutes 14:30 to 15:00.
No, I didn’t. I posted a clip, one of many that could have been selected from, to confirm from his own words that he is against both Illegal & Legal Immigration.You misquote Bannon.
And he isn’t against immigration
Yes, he is. He says he is. Watch mins. 14:30-15:00.
You misquote Bannon. At the minutes you referenced, he says “… stop mass illegal immigration … limit legal immigration to get our sovereignty back and to help our workers.” Please listen more carefully.
Nevertheless. Redeem yourself. Please provide the “one of the many” clips that for some unknown reason you did not select that support your claim.No, I didn’t. I posted a clip, one of many that could have been selected from, to confirm from his own words that he is against both Illegal & Legal Immigration.
You believe criticising the Church’s handling of the abuse crisis is equivalent to challenging its theology?I guess Mr Bannon wants to be the 2019 version of Martin Luther …
First, I did not flag your response to my post. As I started to reply, your post faded.How come the Vatican under Pope Bergoglio succumbed to the pressure to implement Agenda 2030 that protects if not proliferates abortion and homosexuality?