As happens with certain things in life, you just know they are genuine.
Yes definitely. Its a very simple way to describe it, but that’s exactly what’s happened to me. Its not a feeling I have very often in my life, so I’m really treasuring it.
Without the desire to attend mass arriving first, the sight of the Blessed Sacrament would likely have meant very little to you.
That’s a good point, I never thought of that…
It sounds like you have lived in a concrete, cause and effect world. You have been called to enter the anti-concrete realm of the spiritual.
Yes definitely concrete, as I am a scientist and have a logical mind. Its funny though, I’ve never spoken about this here, but… I have tried or been invited to try other faiths in the past. However, none of them “made sense” to me like Catholicism does. My logic always got in the way in some sense. Many of the beliefs seemed ridiculous or just wrong. I could not accept them.
For instance, I was invited to a pentecostal church by a friend years ago. After speaking to the pastor, I just couldn’t believe what he was telling me. Additionally, it was a “spirit-filled” church and I absolutely could not envision myself speaking in tongues, being slain in the spirit, etc… it just didn’t sit right with me, or fit with my personality. It gave me a bad feeling. I felt as though, if I were to try some of those things, as I was encouraged to do, I would be “faking” and not be true to myself. It was a very strong feeling of aversion so I never went back there; it was obviously not for me.
Then I also went to a Buddhist retreat (again invited) and attempted to do some mindfulness meditation. Again, it just didn’t make sense to me, to empty my mind as they were suggesting. Something seemed missing from it, and once again, I felt like I would be “faking” if I tried to stay in that faith.
I also examined my own background and heritage, which is Judaism. Judaism made the most sense to me logically of anything else I had “tried”. It is a very logical belief system, and I could see myself being a practicing Jew, it didn’t feel fake. But, once again though, it seemed there were some things missing from it. I hate to use this word, but there was a certain feeling of “deadness” in it. I don’t mean to be disrespectful; there are obviously many Jews in the world who would disagree with me. But that was my personal experience… it seemed more of a tradition to carry on in honour of my heritage, rather a belief system which related to me personally.
I’m not bashing Pentecostalism, Buddhism or Judaism… but none of them “fit” for me. Catholicism is the only one where I feel completely comfortable, beyond what I ever thought possible. As you say, I just
know. And honestly, it seems logical to me also! Its very weird, because normally, I would be questioning so much, but I am not. Its really quite amazing.