Strong Desire to Attend Mass, But Not Catholic

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Yes thanks I have attended mass! Probably over a dozen times now. The first time was April 29th, and I’ve been trying to go every day, though I got the flu so there was a period of close to 2 weeks where I wasn’t going. I’m practically a regular now though! 😉 I’m also speaking with the parish priest, I’ve seen him at his office twice and we’ve also met at the local cafe. He lives 2 blocks from me! The church is also extremely close, as are the Sisters who attend the early morning mass I go to… their convent is 2 blocks in the opposite direction. Its kind of amazing, as I only moved to this neighbourhood a very short time ago, and the only reason for being in this particular part of the city at all is because of the near zero vacancy rate - I took this place out of desperation. Normally I would have chosen a location much closer to my work. It seems though it was meant to be!

Oh, and for a further update, the priest is now suggesting I attend some catechism classes, weekly. No pressure he says, but I have been invited. So I may do that soon.
Praise God! Also, it’s incredibly providential that you have the catechism taught at that friendly priest’s church. You’ll be able to learn so much about the Catholic Church’s teaching. I’ll keep you in my prayers as you seek the will of God in His Church. Peace!
Wow! And the amazing story just keeps going! Have a great time with the sisters!
I do have a confirmed case of H1N1(swine flu). Its mild though. I will be perfectly fine, though its taking quite a while to recover… To make a long story short, she “manipulated” me into spending my next holiday period with them! When I hung up the phone I was like, what just happened??? 😛 But I am very excited to be going there and seeing them again, very excited!!
Hello again! I am praying for your complete recovery. That includes choosing to rest when you are tired, when you can, and only doing the necessary. Eating well, supplements, etc. Don’t take this personally, all my friends get this, I’m an equal opportunity Jewish mother. But seriously, being new to Catholicism myself, I seem to live often in a state of being extraordinarily keyed up and marveling at what I experience…and this can take its toll on the body. I also have to backpedal in order to live in the same world as my husband, who is almost never keyed up.

I can relate to your trip to see the Sisters. I hope you have an incredibly wonderful time, but at the same time, when you say you feel “manipulated”, you should remember that you can say no. When I first started going to the Catholic Church, I was surrounded by a group of ladies who comprise our local Meals On Wheels–about 85%of the volunteers are from the Catholic Church. They said they knew they would “get” me. I had planned to volunteer but was waiting for the right time. If I had said “yes” right then I would have ended up a nervous wreck, and maybe resentful to boot, which is so poisonous. The time came yesterday when I saw one of the head Meals on Wheels ladies walking on a cane. It was so simple and clear. I signed up on the spot. God is good.

Again, praying for your health,

Peace be with you.

What a fun holiday you will have with the sisters!
Yes I’m excited! 🙂 I hope it goes well. Its an opportunity to see the Sisters from a different point of view. I have only ever known them as one of “their poor” and through a child’s eyes, so I assume it will be very different to work alongside them as an adult. I’m looking forward to that aspect. I don’t know if this is something a person starts doing once they are in their 30s (I am almost 31), but I have felt in the last year or so that I want to revisit my childhood, deal with anything I am unsure of, etc. Hard to explain. But its been amazing to contact all these people from my past. Healing. Which sounds funny for me to say because I usually don’t speak in those terms… overall though I think it will be a good experience.
Wow! And the amazing story just keeps going!
I’m looking for the experiences now, and finding them! It is quite amazing. It reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s quote from the movie Polyanna. “If you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will.” I’m doing the opposite I guess, looking for the good, and finding it. I’m noticing all sorts of things I never considered before. That quote is very true. I’ve always liked that movie, I related to Polyanna being an orphan myself, though I envied her getting to live in that huge house and having new clothes and all! 😉
But seriously, being new to Catholicism myself, I seem to live often in a state of being extraordinarily keyed up and marveling at what I experience…and this can take its toll on the body.
I know what you mean, I’ve experienced this to an extent. The last month or so has been a whirlwind of new experiences, but I am trying to keep myself in check. I believe now though, it was meant to be this way. I took this 2-year position outside of the United States because I wanted to have new experiences, and that’s exactly what’s happening, though not quite in the way I was thinking!
I can relate to your trip to see the Sisters. I hope you have an incredibly wonderful time, but at the same time, when you say you feel “manipulated”, you should remember that you can say no. When I first started going to the Catholic Church, I was surrounded by a group of ladies who comprise our local Meals On Wheels–about 85%of the volunteers are from the Catholic Church. They said they knew they would “get” me. I had planned to volunteer but was waiting for the right time. If I had said “yes” right then I would have ended up a nervous wreck, and maybe resentful to boot, which is so poisonous.
Oh no worries, I am good at saying no. Shall we say I “allowed” myself to be “manipulated” in this case. Manipulated is probably not the best word to use; it was an attempt to be humourous. I remember Sister as being very bossy and she obviously has not changed! 😉 Overall I can’t believe my luck at being permitted to come and stay with them for a week. I assumed I would just get a short visit of an hour or less, and since the Sisters don’t really engage in chit chat (as I recall from when I was a kid) that wouldn’t be long at all. So this holiday week will be great I’m thinking.
Those nuns and the priest from your childhood wouldn’t simply have helped you. You can be certain that they prayed for you, and that their prayers have followed you in the years since. Now is the time that their prayers begin to bear fruit. May God bless them for their kindness and prayer; and may God continue to draw you ever closer into His love.
WOW!!! This just gets getting better and better. It is amazing to see how God’s plan for you is starting to take shape. You had to leave the country for all of this to begin to take place. You are right where you are supposed to be. WOW!!! This is becoming like a good book that I don’t want to put down!!! Sorry for that.

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and back at it. Take it all in and remember to do it all for God. You will truly enjoy it so much more. When you feel God’s graces enveloping you, there is nothing like it. Everything is for Him. We just don’t always remember that. It is Always For Him, hence the name!!!

He has put you in the position to give back in the most unexpected of ways. WOW. You get to work with those very nuns who helped you when you were in need. I can see where you would find some healing in all of this. Your past shaped you into who you are as a woman. Now, your future is being shaped by your openess to God and His will for you. That is all that matters, really. You are in the best of hands.

When is your holiday? Thank you so much for sharing your life and your story with us. This is absolutely beautiful. You are so blessed. Know that and know that you are truly loved in this world. God is surrounding you with love. You are never alone.

Have a great day.
Hi Judith - I haven’t been to CAF in quite a while and am not a frequent poster, but had a feeling tonight that I needing to read/find something uplifting that would shake me out of the blues- and boy did I find it! Thank you so much for sharing your story - I’ve read from post #1 until the end. Now its past midnight and I’ll surely be tired tomorrow, but happy to have read your story unfold. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I am so happy that you are heeding His call.

Also, I’ve often thought about people that have made an impression on me in the past as well and wish that I could go back and thank them. I think your story has inspired me to try and seek them out.

I can’t wait to hear more as your continue along in your journey! My prayers are with you.
  • Christina
I never miss a post. Through you, I am reminded of God’s goodness in all our lives.
thank you
This is becoming like a good book that I don’t want to put down!!! Sorry for that.
That’s OK… honestly I have entertained the thought of writing a book, not based on recent events, but on my life in general. I’ve had people tell me I should write about growing up in the inner city and managing to get to university and so on. In the past, I have spoken to groups of kids at schools about my experiences. I like public speaking, I started out in Toastmasters and then eventually spoke at a few schools. I’m not a super outgoing person but I seem to have the ability to speak well and I don’t get very nervous. In any event I felt I should give the other kids some hope, if I get “get out” so can they. So I have seriously considered a book, though if I’m really going to do it I need to find the time somehow.
Always For Him:
When is your holiday?
Not until the beginning of August. Though I guess that is not so long to wait, only a few weeks. I’m really excited though, wish I was going sooner.
I haven’t been to CAF in quite a while and am not a frequent poster, but had a feeling tonight that I needing to read/find something uplifting that would shake me out of the blues- and boy did I find it! Thank you so much for sharing your story - I’ve read from post #1 until the end. Now its past midnight and I’ll surely be tired tomorrow, but happy to have read your story unfold. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I am so happy that you are heeding His call.
Wow that is so cool. Thank you for sharing that with me. I feel humbled by it but at the same time I am glad my thread was so uplifting to you.
Also, I’ve often thought about people that have made an impression on me in the past as well and wish that I could go back and thank them. I think your story has inspired me to try and seek them out.
I was discouraged by my one friend (the one who is no longer speaking to me) from contacting people in my past. She thought it was a bit odd and told me so. But I’ve had nothing but positive experiences so far from doing it. And even if I have a negative experience in future it doesn’t negate the benefits I’ve already received. I highly recommend it.
The Lord’s call is like gravity - it is only a strain when you attempt to resist.
What an interesting quote. I never thought of it that way, but its definitely true!

Thanks again all for the comments. I think I am becoming “addicted” to mass, for lack of a better term. I can’t go to mass today, I have a meeting at the time I usually attend mass, and I am seriously disappointed. 😦 Like seriously… very weird for me. I really love going now.

I keep waiting for this feeling to wear off but it hasn’t yet. I just keep getting more and more interested and excited about things. Its been exactly a month since I first attended mass and over 2 months since I had the desire. I’m not naive, I am expecting that at some point all the excitement will wear off somewhat, but I’ve pretty much made a commitment to this whole process now. So either way I guess it won’t matter.

I have still not heard from my friend, and I’m beginning to think this may be a long term silence between us. In retrospect I maybe should not have told her so soon I was going to the priest. I am now recalling many nasty things she had to say about religion and religious people in general (of any faith). Maybe I was naive to think our friendship would withstand this. At the same time though, its only right that I am generous with her about it, considering how generous the Sisters were with me after years of not hearing from me. I was worried they would be angry with me and/or not give me the time of day, but they were just so very happy to hear from me, and it felt so great to not be judged by them. I want my friend to have that same experience with me, if and when she chooses to reinitiate contact. I am praying for her now, though I still feel inadequate in my prayers. Praying still seems a bit weird to me, I’m so new at it. 😊
I can’t go to mass today, I have a meeting at the time I usually attend mass, and I am seriously disappointed. 😦 Like seriously… very weird for me. I really love going now.
Hi Susan, if you can’t attend mass today, you can certainly spend 1 minute praying that you will spiritually join others in celebrating the Eucharist and ask the Lord to come to you spiritually. The Lord will grant you your requests beyond our understanding.
Here is a beautiful prayer someone sent me online. You might enjoy praying this prayer when you can’t get to Mass. It’s called the

Act of Spiritual Communion

In union, O Lord, with the faithful at every altar of thy Church, where the Holy Eucharist is now being celebrated, I desire to offer Thee praise and thanksgiving. I present to Thee my soul and body with the earnest wish that I may always be united to Thee. And since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, I beseech Thee to come spiritually into my heart. I unite myself to Thee, and embrace Thee with all the affections of my soul. Let nothing ever separate Thee from me. May I live and die in Thy love. Amen.

I think that’s a beautiful prayer and sums up the reason I have sought the Catholic Church: to live and die in Jesus Christ’s love. About praying: I enjoy the Catholic prayers that are in prayer books very much, but also have times of just praying to the Lord ad extempore. It’s just talking to Him. The more you do it the easier it will get and the more you will love it. Prayer, among other things, is a matter of forming a habit. I felt strange at first because I didn’t know how to “pray like a Catholic”. A wise person on another thread told me just to talk to God as I always had.

You wrote about the feeling wearing off–I have now been going to Catholic Church a big 5 months. Things have calmed down a bit but frankly, I couldn’t have sustained life at the pitch everything was initially, even though I am accustomed to living in the emotional realm. Now that the experience is a bit less intense, I see opportunity to go deeper in actually forming a spiritual life. It might be a little different for me because I was a Protestant for 27 years. I had come to the point that it was either the Catholic Church or stop going to church completely. I was like the drowning sailor who has been thrown a life preserver. As I expected, I found precious spiritual concepts in the Catholic Church that simply don’t exist in any Protestantism I ever experienced.

I’m all for contacting people one’s known in the past. The Bible says, “cast your bread upon the waters, and you will find it again after many days.” When we cast that bread we have to trust the outcome to God.

I have a story about that. I have been married for 25 years in my second marriage. My first marriage was to my college sweetheart, when I was 19, and lasted less than a year. Thirteen years passed before I remarried–I’m now 59. The Catholic Church does not recognize divorce so in order to have the Sacraments I must petition for a decree of nullity (annulment). This is very detailed and is to determine whether the prior marriage was a valid marriage to the Church. The priest says it is most likely my petition will be granted, but I had to try to find my ex-husband. I had had no contact with him for 40 years and didn’t know if he was even still living. After searching on the internet I found a business site that I thought might be his. My HUSBAND encouraged me to email this person, saying I had to try to go foward. I did, explaining why I was writing and asking him to contact me and let me know if I had to go on searching. The next morning, I received an email with the subject line reading “Yes, it’s me.” You could have knocked me over with a feather. My ex is being very kind and helpful and says he will cooperate with the inquiry. Neither of us had any religion in our life back then and he still doesn’t. He said he couldn’t understand why it was such a big deal and I wrote back that I’m glad the Catholic Church takes marriage seriously. I pray that he will develop at least some curiosity about the faith as the procedure continues. I see this, along with my conversion, as throwing a rock into a pond and seeing the ripples in the water. Perhaps your experience is like this also. Your relationship with your one friend is a difficult ripple, but God is sovereign over all of it, and has her best interests at heart as well as yours.

Signing off–Grace and peace to you.

There will be ups and down, and probably even days when you don’t feel like going. Though I have to say that I’ve been Catholic for a bit less than two years, and went to Mass at least weekly for the year and a half before that, and I still mark time throughout the week by which days I get to go to Mass. The daily Mass schedule is different on certain days, so more people can go sometimes, but not everybody can go every time 🙂

Anyway, this isn’t like a human relationship, where once you know each other for a while, you settle into a routine and have to be careful to keep things interesting at times. God is so big that the honeymoon period could theoretically last forever, if it wouldn’t burn out our little human hearts!

I still get knocked over the head surprised fairly frequently. What is most amazing to me, is that I have friends who can be so loving, and yet God’s very nature is that He is Love. I have friends who are playful, but God’s nature is playfulness. So much bigger and greater than even the wonderfulness that I know in my life.
LH - thank you for your story, and thank you to Susan and the others who have also posted their stories here. there have also been many other conversion stories here on the forums, one of the most dramatic was Agnostic/Ag_Not (search for the weirdsville threads). the forums give us a chance to see God, our Father, in action, more so than if we just lived within our normal circle of aquaintances. God directs an individual to the forums and here they can discuss with many others, all of us in different stages of our respective journeys. some question, some argue, some simply express their way into the church. it’s just beautiful. and po18guy’s quote is perfect, don’t resist God’s call. :heaven:
I keep waiting for this feeling to wear off but it hasn’t yet. I just keep getting more and more interested and excited about things. Its been exactly a month since I first attended mass and over 2 months since I had the desire. I’m not naive, I am expecting that at some point all the excitement will wear off somewhat, but I’ve pretty much made a commitment to this whole process now. So either way I guess it won’t matter.

I am praying for her now, though I still feel inadequate in my prayers. Praying still seems a bit weird to me, I’m so new at it. 😊
I think your experience is somewhat like when you first start dating someone you really like. (In a sense you are “dating”, you’re being introduced to God’s infinite love.) Your head is up on the clouds for quite a while and everything is just wonderful. After that things will “calm down” but you’ll find that rather than boredom you’ll be gaining greater clarity than when things started out. You’ll also be able to go deeper into a lot of things you want to know and just keep growing in that love.

Worry not about “when will it end” but enjoy every minute of it. Everything in this life eventually ends, so might as well not worry about that.

As for praying, just put your heart into it, that’s all you really need. There’s a lot of great prayers to help you focus on what you’re asking for but it all comes down to what you put into it. 👍

I second you turning this whole thing into a book but I think it’s not yet the time to do so. Why? There’s still a lot of interesting parts left to “write” in your story and I wouldn’t think it fair to leave your readers hanging like that. 😉 Or you could also become a public speaker, or both! You never know. Just enjoy and take in all that’s happening now.
I keep waiting for this feeling to wear off but it hasn’t yet. I just keep getting more and more interested and excited about things. Its been exactly a month since I first attended mass and over 2 months since I had the desire. I’m not naive, I am expecting that at some point all the excitement will wear off somewhat, but I’ve pretty much made a commitment to this whole process now. So either way I guess it won’t matter.
Thanks again all for the comments. I think I am becoming “addicted” to mass, for lack of a better term. I can’t go to mass today, I have a meeting at the time I usually attend mass, and I am seriously disappointed. 😦 Like seriously… very weird for me. I really love going now.
Once you experience the richness and beauty of God’s love - especially after a life which has, at times been devoid of it, it is indeed a very strong call. Just imagine: How mere coincidence could ever explain all of the factors that are now falling into place for you? Who could believe that all of these events were inexplicably preceded by a “strong desire”? You have heard about the Holy Spirit before, and it likely did not mean much to you. Now that you have directly experienced the love and action of the Spirit, you have a much deeper understanding of how the Lord works.
I keep waiting for this feeling to wear off but it hasn’t yet. I just keep getting more and more interested and excited about things. Its been exactly a month since I first attended mass and over 2 months since I had the desire. I’m not naive, I am expecting that at some point all the excitement will wear off somewhat, but I’ve pretty much made a commitment to this whole process now. So either way I guess it won’t matter.
Believe it or not, this excitement is great now, but can be even greater once you receive the Lord in the Eucharist. Once you realize that everything in scripture comes true - is made present to you at mass, it is simply incomprehensible. Oh, you will have spiritual ups and downs, as is our lot in life. During the “ups”, it is easy to love the Lord and know of His presence. It is during the “downs” that we experience when it is our love of God that is tested. His love never fails, as it is unlimited and eternal.
I have still not heard from my friend, and I’m beginning to think this may be a long term silence between us. In retrospect I maybe should not have told her so soon I was going to the priest. I am now recalling many nasty things she had to say about religion and religious people in general (of any faith). Maybe I was naive to think our friendship would withstand this.
It may or may not survive this. However, you can now pray for your friend just as the sisters have been praying for you. And, their prayer was quite effective, wouldn’t you say? A great story for you to read would be that of the “prodigal son” (Luke 15:11-31) (A tip of the hat here to grandfather, who beat me to this one!). You will then understand why the sisters are overjoyed to hear from you just as the father of the lost son was overjoyed to see him return. You have already strengthened the sisters’ faith without knowing it, because their prayers for you have been answered. As to your friend, God has His own time table. For as long as it takes, He will be patient with His creations.
At the same time though, its only right that I am generous with her about it, considering how generous the Sisters were with me after years of not hearing from me. I was worried they would be angry with me and/or not give me the time of day, but they were just so very happy to hear from me, and it felt so great to not be judged by them. I want my friend to have that same experience with me, if and when she chooses to reinitiate contact. I am praying for her now, though I still feel inadequate in my prayers. Praying still seems a bit weird to me, I’m so new at it. 😊
If you feel that your prayer is simple or childlike, know that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the childlike (Matthew 19:14). Consider the perfect prayer that our Lord gave us:

Matthew 6:9-13

“This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.”

So, even though you may think that your prayers are ineffective, they call the Lord’s attention much more than elaborate and lengthy prayers do. Your life story, as reflected in your posts, is truly inspiring to us.

May Christ’s peace accompany you on your journey. Amen.
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