Tell an Outrageous Lie about the Previous Poster, Vol. III

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Maximillian 75, renown romance novelist, secretly admires Edgar Allen Poe, and every year visits Poe’s grave in Baltimore and leaves a six pack of Coors Lite on his grave. 75 is dedicating his next romance novel, a story of unrequited love between (name removed by moderator) and Greenfields to Poe.
Wearing his 19th century paisley dressing gown, joeybaggzzzz recites The Raven to his wife every year…on Valentines Day.
Macmillan 75 holds a road works Stop/Go sign in the freezing cold with one hand and texts on CAF on his old brick sized Cell phone with the other
When Greenfields is out and about she likes her chauffeur to drive close to flag persons so she can whack em with the car door.
Greenfields chauffeur on the other hand likes to drive over flag persons,so there’s quite a scuffle when one pops up on the horizon,car zigzagging ,door swinging open as Grenfields tries to yell and warn them…
Greenfields chauffeur on the other hand likes to drive over flag persons,so there’s quite a scuffle when one pops up on the horizon,car zigzagging ,door swinging open as Grenfields tries to yell and warn them…
So says Greenfields as she slips the judge a pint of gin.
The gin accepting judge is unfiortunatly the Legends big brother, each as corrupt as the other…and love to game online together running people down…
Talk about getting a thread off topic, total opposite of the thread title
The gin accepting judge is unfiortunatly the Legends big brother, each as corrupt as the other…and love to game online together running people down…
Greenfields can not play marbles any more. She lost hers.
🤡 said the doctor to the Legend as he performed a lobotomy on poor Greenfields ,and the legend
patted a fat black suitcase of cash…
This explains a lot…the lobotomy was performed at the VA hospital, where Greenfields, aka Hogcalling Sally, was being treated for frozen vocal cords…somehow, the orders for a tonsillectomy were mistranscribed, and the lobotomy was performed before the error was caught…after many months of occupational therapy, Hogcalling Sally’s only marketable skill was her ability to be heard at great distances…she’s now employed by the Civil Defense Department…as an air raid siren…
Boldlygo traded off his golf cart for his dream machine, a 1985 4dr Volkswagen diesel rabbit.
The Legend can only dream,as he continuously rides in circles on a Dodge-'em car in his spare time as a Carny at the fun fare …🎡
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Greenfields, aka Hogcalling Sally, developed an international reputation for her fine work with the Civil Defense Department…soon there was a bidding war for her services…she recently accepted a commission in the Swiss Armed Forces as part of the avalanche prevention squad…when the snow depth becomes dangerous, they fly her to a nearby safe location, and she triggers the avalanche with her high-pitched scream…it’s a win-win situation - the Swiss Armed Forces have saved a fortune using her instead of dynamite, and she gets all the Swiss chocolate she can eat, to help keep her vocal cords lubricated…[at the rate she’s putting on weight, they’ll soon need a larger plane to transport her]…
IdiNaPut produces the sausage that are annually provided for the World renowned competition…they have to taste as good as possible.Very little is known what these hotdogs are made of,and if the contestants knew they would be running the other way instead of happily packing in greedily hotdog after hot dog without thinking.
The only clues come hours later as they painfully recal and think things like’was that an eyelid I thought I saw at second bight of hotdog no.180?" Or “Surely that wasn’t a tail that slowed me down towards the end”…
Greenfields performed the opening act of the World Hot Dog Eating Championship. She called it, “Hog Holler’n Sally’s Siren Sounds”. She was offered a case of sausages and a tour of the rendering facility as compensation. She countered the offer, demanding another case of sausages in exchange for some Swiss Chocolate, they declined.
1Lord1Faith is an epic metal singer and is famed in particular for pig squeals.
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