THE CAFETERIA IS CLOSED at St. John the Baptist School, Cost Mesa CA

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Why would gay adults who have immorally adopted children want to send those children to a Catholic School, knowing that the Catholic faith considers their lifestyle to be mortally sinful? What is the purpose of doing that?
Either they have a political agenda they wish to foist on others, or they understand such a school to be “gay” friendly and like many folks enjoy the pageantry and external trappings of the faith, but reject the hard teachings.

I can see how many think they want their children to learn to be “good” in a secular sense, but not be “intolerant” and accept all those proscriptions regarding sexual behavior.
I believe it included being listed as the two “fathers” in the school directory, one of them regularly volunteered in the kindergarten class as a teachers aide, the two of them attended Mass together, sometimes hand-in-hand, and they attended school functions together ast he two “dads”.

The whole point of creating this policy is not to ostracize the abused children in these men’s care, but to protect the other 500 children at the school. Can’t you see that two men introducing themselves as Johnny’s Dad and Johnny’s Dad would be pretty confusing for a child and create a whole set of questions that a parent would have to address? The other parents in the school have the right and duty to protect their children from exposure to a perverted lifestyle.
My family, including myself, went through the Catholic schools. I work in a public school. If the school is going to accept the children, then they should accept the parents as well.

We have gay parents in our district. They are in the schools and attend meetings as the parents and as with anything involving children, the more attention you give it, the more they give it. But that’s the public schools.

I don’t see introducing two dads or having them in the school directory to be the same as exposing them to a “perverted lifestyle.” There’s nothing wrong with saying to a child, as a parent, that Johnny has two fathers, but we believe that children should live with a mother and a father.

It seems that much of the parents’ anxiety is being unleashed on their children. I guess I have more empathy in this situation because my married cousin, a mother, left her husband and declared that she is a lesbian. We love her and we want her and her daughter to be well-treated.
My family, including myself, went through the Catholic schools. I work in a public school. If the school is going to accept the children, then they should accept the parents as well.

We have gay parents in our district. They are in the schools and attend meetings as the parents and as with anything involving children, the more attention you give it, the more they give it. But that’s the public schools.

I don’t see introducing two dads or having them in the school directory to be the same as exposing them to a “perverted lifestyle.” There’s nothing wrong with saying to a child, as a parent, that Johnny has two fathers, but we believe that children should live with a mother and a father.

It seems that much of the parents’ anxiety is being unleashed on their children. I guess I have more empathy in this situation because my married cousin, a mother, left her husband and declared that she is a lesbian. We love her and we want her and her daughter to be well-treated.
This has nothing to do with poor treatment. Private schools should exclude as necessary. I think a pledge is a good idea. Parents should be required to sign it and attempt to live up to the pledge. That may mean attending mass on Sunday, that may mean not publicly contradicting Church teaching, that may mean requiring the children to wear a uniform, it may mean not being involved in an openly same sex relationship.

These are not restrictive, draconian measures. They are reasonable. Why send your children to a school where you reject the principles?

The thing is, tuition must be paid…it takes effort to place a kid in a Catholic school. If they wanted acceptance, public schools give them that. It seems to me very clear that they have an agenda…it is beyond clear.

The thing is, tuition must be paid…it takes effort to place a kid in a Catholic school. If they wanted acceptance, public schools give them that. It seems to me very clear that they have an agenda…it is beyond clear.
Oh, I agree. The terrible part of this is the childen are subjected to it all.
It seems that much of the parents’ anxiety is being unleashed on their children. I guess I have more empathy in this situation because my married cousin, a mother, left her husband and declared that she is a lesbian. We love her and we want her and her daughter to be well-treated.
Actually, the parents are going out of their way not to punish the children. I haven’t heard of harm of any kind coming to the child. The gay activists are hiding behind and using their child.

I have a lesbian relation. I love her, but I let her know that I strongly disapproved. Since then she has become chaste and stayed that way for the last 15 years.

I agree, the kids are the real victims. I think the school had no choice, and I just pray that more schools will follow their example. It is the only loving thing to do for the gay adults and for those kids.
I believe it included being listed as the two “fathers” in the school directory, one of them regularly volunteered in the kindergarten class as a teachers aide, the two of them attended Mass together, sometimes hand-in-hand, and they attended school functions together ast he two “dads”.
It’s sad that two obviously mentally ill men are promoting sex involving blood and feces. Fortunately most Catholics know this behavior is disgusting.Obviously, there are a few Catholics who promote this behavior.
We should be demanding that our bishops and Catholic school officials not enroll children whose parents are publicly contradicting Church teaching.
And we will reach those children with the message of Christ … how?

You’d exclude children of other faiths? You’d exclude children whose parents are divorced and remarried? You’d exclude children whose parents are unmarried and living together? You’d exclude children whose parents are imprisoned or addicted to drugs?

Shame on you.

The purpose of Catholic schools (like the Catholic Church) is to bring sinners to Christ. The schools take children as they find them, not only the children of self-styled saints but the children of sinners and, by doing so, bring the message of Christ to those who need it most.

It is not a perfect process. I went to a Catholic grade school with the child of a notorious and unrepentant killer. I cannot think of another person who needed to hear the message of Christ more than that kid, but you’d exclude him because his father was evil?

If you are worried that your children are going to be irretrievably corrupted by an entry in the school director or the knowledge that Johnny has two daddies, you need to have a little more faith in your children, you school, your church, your own parenting skills, and your God.

You cannot raise your kids in a vacuum. Some day, they are going to realize that homosexuality exists, and they will have questions. They may be five when they realize it; they may be 18. What is the harm in them learning early and having the issues addressed in an age-appropriate manner? Anyone who has a five-year-old child knows that they are not going to be asking whether Johnny’s daddies are doing the nasty and, if they are, who does what to whom. They’re going to ask a five-year-old’s question, and you give them a five-year-old’s answer.

I mean, you’ve answered other questions about families, right? Why doesn’t Sally have a daddy? (He’s dead. He’s sick. They’re divorced. He ran away before she was born.) Why does Billy live with his mommy during the week and his daddy at weekends? Why is Dave’s mommy in the hospital? Why does Jimmy’s mommy cry all the time and sometimes have bruises on her face?

By comparison, this one’s a piece of cake.
My family, including myself, went through the Catholic schools. I work in a public school. If the school is going to accept the children, then they should accept the parents as well.

We have gay parents in our district. They are in the schools and attend meetings as the parents and as with anything involving children, the more attention you give it, the more they give it. But that’s the public schools.
Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it. They shouldn’t have accepted the children in the first place. You’re implicitly admitting that accepting the children is accepting the family as legitimate.
I don’t see introducing two dads or having them in the school directory to be the same as exposing them to a “perverted lifestyle.” There’s nothing wrong with saying to a child, as a parent, that Johnny has two fathers, but we believe that children should live with a mother and a father.
I guess we have different definitions as to what exposure to a perverted lifestyle is. Introducing children to another child and his two “fathers” is exposing them to the perversion of marriage that same sex couples practice. Furthermore, telling children that a person could have two fathers is telling them a lie.

t seems that much of the parents’ anxiety is being unleashed on their children. I guess I have more empathy in this situation because my married cousin, a mother, left her husband and declared that she is a lesbian. We love her and we want her and her daughter to be well-treated.
I’m sorry to hear that. Your cousin is already mistreating her daughter by leaving her father and taking on female lovers. Why do you say that the parents’ anxiety is being unleashed on the children? If you pull your child out from in front of a moving truck, would you call that unleashing anxiety or protecting your child?
It’s sad that two obviously mentally ill men are promoting sex involving blood and feces.
For some guys, it always comes back to the blood and feces, doesn’t it?

I assume you’d be okay with this situation if they just had oral sex, then?
Wait a minute…

Why, in the first place, would the school have allowed the couple to register their children at a Catholic School? If the school is going to be biased/prejudiced/protective, then it starts with the admissions process, in my opinion. It’s private school, people, for a reason.

This is one of the real problems…in their desparation for money, catholic institutions are making hiring/firing/admission decisions from a tainted perspective.

Yes, on one hand I understand: Don’t deprive the children for the faults of their parents, but it is a far worse message to accept the children and reject the parents. How could any child make sense of a Catholic community who rejects their parents???
Penny Plain:
It is not a perfect process. I went to a Catholic grade school with the child of a notorious and unrepentant killer. I cannot think of another person who needed to hear the message of Christ more than that kid, but you’d exclude him because his father was evil?
So would you deem it appropriate for the killer to show up at the school with a sign saying “I kill whoever bugs me, what of it” or if he volunteered at the kindergarten class? That’s the equivalent of what these men were doing.
You’re implicitly admitting that accepting the children is accepting the family as legitimate.
This is where I lose you guys.

I am not sure why educating the children means that the school is “accepting the family as legitimate.” What does that even mean? There are so many family relationships that run afoul of church law – children whose parents are divorced and remarried, children whose parents live together and are unmarried, children whose parents never married and don’t live together.

Nobody seems to say that we “accept those families as legitimate” when the children come to our schools. Rather, we say that we accept that those children are in need of education and instruction in the Catholic faith.

I see a desire here to wall our children away from the world and its complications. I have three children myself, and I understand. But they are going out into that world someday, much sooner than I would like, and it is my duty to prepare them for it. That includes instruction in their faith, but it also includes helping them to realize that the world is a very complicated, odd kind of place. I do not live in a museum, neither will my children. Ozzie and Harriet are gone for good, and they never really existed in the first place. We must prepare our kids for the world as it is, not as we want it to be.
How can scandal be a sin? Causing one, perhaps. So the kids have activist parents. They have enough problems to deal with being adopted and having gay parents. How much is enough for these kids? Where does it say in Catholic teaching that we are to ostracize children or to make them feel unwanted because of their parents?

Where in Catholic teaching does is say that** all** children are entitled to a Catholic education??? Catholic education is for those in communion with the Church or those seeking to learn more about what that means. These children, while baptized, already are not in communion with the Church through no fault of their own. It isn’t the Church’s fault, either. It’s the fault of the parents to choose a Catholic life for their children but not for themselves. It is hipocracy and a slap in the face of Christ.

I’m not opposed to gay couples adopting.
I’m opposed to Catholic gay couples living a lie by participating in the faith while openly rejecting the core premise on which it is based and then crying ‘foul’ when the door gets closed on them. Hey, let’s get real here - THEY closed the door long before this.

You a very good point. Just as the seminaries have had to step-up their screening process for ordination candidates, likewise all Catholic schools should do some level of screening of the family before allowing kids to be enrolled.
So would you deem it appropriate for the killer to show up at the school with a sign saying “I kill whoever bugs me, what of it” or if he volunteered at the kindergarten class? That’s the equivalent of what these men were doing.

I am not an American, and I did not go to primary school in America. When I was in grade school, my country was going through a period of great internal violence. The parent I am thinking of was known to kill people for the government. I saw him once, and you could feel the evil radiating off him. (I think he is dead now, which is just as well).

What he was, was known. That had nothing to do with the fact that his son needed instruction in the Catholic faith and somebody to show him how to live with compassion and justice instead of violence and hate. The education was about the child, not about the father.

What these men are doing pales in comparison. They are not having anal sex in front of the children. They are volunteering in the classroom.
Where in Catholic teaching does is say that** all** children are entitled to a Catholic education??? Catholic education is for those in communion with the Church or those seeking to learn more about what that means.
Where in Catholic teaching does it say that?
Why is it that nobody is angry with the activist parents using the kids to promote their agenda:mad: I can tell you now they put their children in a Catholic School to push their agenda and their kids are being abused and used:mad:
Anger is not healthy.
We must remain firm.
We must remain charitable, kind, loving, forgiving as we do so.
Besides, anger muddles the mind and makes it difficult to make appropriate decisions.
Better to remain calm, recognize the foe and deal with it plain and simple.
Thekla,Where in Catholic teaching does is say that** all** children are entitled to a Catholic education???
I said the school should not have accepted the children if they were unable to accept the parents. The parents have committed no crime, so, to the person who likened having them volunteer in the classroom to having a killer volunteer in the classroom, your analogy does not work.

If the parents are so morally unaccepteble to the school, then the kids should not be there. And then they should go after all the other parents whose morality is questioned. We’ll see who is left standing.
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