Penny Plain:
How would we reach them if the men did not enroll them in the school?And we will reach those children with the message of Christ … how?
That would depend on the faith and the situation. Satanists? Yep, I would exclude.You’d exclude children of other faiths?
If no decree of nullity, then yes I would exclude.You’d exclude children whose parents are divorced and remarried?
Of Course.You’d exclude children whose parents are unmarried and living together?
That would depend on the circumstance. We all make mistakes. If the case was an unrepentent manifest sinner, then I would exclude.You’d exclude children whose parents are imprisoned or addicted to drugs?
Shame on you for exposing our children to all manner of perversion under the banner of false compassion.Shame on you.
The purpose of Catholic schools is to educate of children in the faith. It is not expose them intentionally to grave scandal and be a crucible for sodomistic agendas.The purpose of Catholic schools (like the Catholic Church) is to bring sinners to Christ. The schools take children as they find them, not only the children of self-styled saints but the children of sinners and, by doing so, bring the message of Christ to those who need it most.
You are over simplifying. Did the child have a mother or parent who was not a murder who was raising the to accept the church or at least the natural law?It is not a perfect process. I went to a Catholic grade school with the child of a notorious and unrepentant killer. I cannot think of another person who needed to hear the message of Christ more than that kid, but you’d exclude him because his father was evil?
You would intentionally expose your child to a deviant views and claim it is the parents job to protect him/her?If you are worried that your children are going to be irretrievably corrupted by an entry in the school director or the knowledge that Johnny has two daddies, you need to have a little more faith in your children, you school, your church, your own parenting skills, and your God.
Nothing as long it is on my terms, not the “gay” agenda people.What is the harm in them learning early and having the issues addressed in an age-appropriate manner?
These are not all equivalent. Having childen exposed to other children who are being raised in a deviant manner is far different from explaning why someone is divorced or in the hospital. It is not just the explanation that is the issue it is chronic exposure to deviant things that we deplore.I mean, you’ve answered other questions about families, right? Why doesn’t Sally have a daddy? (He’s dead. He’s sick. They’re divorced. He ran away before she was born.) Why does Billy live with his mommy during the week and his daddy at weekends? Why is Dave’s mommy in the hospital? Why does Jimmy’s mommy cry all the time and sometimes have bruises on her face?
You attempt to minimize the damage by claiming it is a one sentence explanation and a pat on the head. The “gays” know it is easy when folks hold the opinions you hold.By comparison, this one’s a piece of cake.