I don’t think you are out of line but maybe looking in the wrong places. I think that too sometimes. If people knew my sins, all my horrible sins they would not be my friend any more and maybe they wouldn’t. I have lost friendships because of lesser things but one thing has always been for sure and that is when I didn’t think I had a friend God was there and in time he led me to a friend but He has always been my closest friend and was there even when I didn’t feel him there, even in my darkest hour.I’ve gone through this before with others…others online whom i tested, if you wanna call it that. Due to my fears mostly.
While i lacked and still lack belief, i turned to them “Your kind of people” and found that that there is no real love. Found that my sins may be forgiven by Christ, but not His people, if they knew of them.
I went through it with some of them in emails , one for almost over 3 yrs by asking what would do they do and think of me if they all knew my sins? What would they really think of me, even if i had confessed to a priest? What if l lived in their neighbourhood, instead of the convenience and easy-peasy way of them telling me i am loved online alone~?
What would their friends do and think of me? Do you really love me as yourself? Do you really love me as He loved you?
All i got was excuses. Changes into what love was,or what i thought it was, so as they would not have to commit to someone like me and merely just say the word love so that in their minds, Jesus will bless them for it. Just say it casually, as if they telling a lamp post they loved it and then wallowed in their own self-satisfaction. One called it a “FRATERNAL” love…lol…others merely remained silent when i asked for a REAL friend too…
The word love is bastardised and used to suit so that people, if i begged them for it, would either not say a thing, or change the word so that it meant NOTHING…It’s a throw-away word…Pass someone in the street, say" i love you", i reply, “then will you be a real friend when i have none?” They reply with either, “Go find other friends, i’m rather picky about mine, go find other friends OTHER than me or my friends…i’m late for church…byeeeeeee”
Or the usual cliche" You have to earn your friendship Simon"
Or, “We will pray for you…and notihng more.”
If you think i’m out of line for writing the above that’s ok.
As Saint Augustine said “our hearts are restless until we rest in God”. It is God we are searching for and when we find him we rest, not because our loneliness, or our problems go away but because we slowly become united with him and he walks with us through every problem