If you don’t mind me saying.You sound a bit like a nun.I think a lot of us have a fear of others. I suffer greatly sometimes from social anxiety. I don’t know why but there are times I too fear others. There is something inside of all of us that is afraid of what people would think if they knew us, truly knew us, including our sins and our deepest thoughts.
Many times also though we are afraid of what people would think of us if they knew our good thoughts and our longing for good.
I don’t know what you did but I know that just like me and all the rest of humanity you have sinned. I also know that there is cleansing and our sins do not have to identify us. I also know that I would be your friend even if I knew and I know that God has others out there who would be your friends even if they knew. We accept each others faults because we are all sinners. Everyone of us.
I understand and know the need to fit in. I have felt that longing before also and as I said earlier, I prayed, (many prayers and tears) and asked God’s help and He led me home but yes he did make me work at it and it took time but it was that searching for God. It is Jesus in the Church that filled my longing, not the people in the Church, though I am glad they are there. Unfortunately people do let us down but Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.
He will do the same for you. He loves you the same as He loves me and everyone else.
Jesus said He came to give life and in abundance. It is the devil that keeps reminding us of our sins and stealing life from us.
Here’s a clue to some of the different things i did.