Tom Baum;12944047:
“convince” is derived from “vincere” = defeat - which implies that everyone is ultimately conquered by God. If that is so what happens to free will and why are there angels in hell?
Didn’t know that about convince, but it would sure be beyond great if God’s Victory is Total and God wins ALL including those angels that you asked about “in hell”.
It is said that God works in mysterious ways and you telling me about “convince” being derived from “defeat”, is to me, God speaking to me thru you, as I have said many times, God wins, satan loses, a tie is absolutely and utterly unacceptable.
All things are possible for God but He is not inconsistent. He creates us in His God’s image and gives us the power to determine our own destiny.
If no one is in hell it would be evidence that we are not genuinely free.
Or it could be evidence that God cares so much for ALL of us that God came up with a Plan that many find impossible but as Someone once said, “With man it is impossible but with God, ALL things are possible”.
Jesus didn’t make that distinction. Nor does the Church’s doctrine of purgatory imply that everyone repents.
Ever heard of God being called the “God of surprises”?
I know that I do NOT know all of the details of God’s Plan, do you?
Following the example of Christ, the Church warns the faithful of the “sad and lamentable reality of eternal death” (*GCD *69), also called “hell.”
I have already addressed that issue in my first question.
Neither of those statements implies that everyone wills to be saved
. To think otherwise is to underestimate the power God has given us - which is directly responsible for all the horrific destruction and suffering in the world throughout the history of the human race.
Maybe we should not underestimate God.
I don’t doubt your experiences but the significance of private revelations has to be assessed in the light of the Church’s teaching about hell. We have to believe God is both just and merciful with the corollary that we are forgiven to the extent that we forgive others. Otherwise why did Jesus ask us to say that prayer?
Maybe I should follow Jesus the way the I think/believe that I should follow Jesus rather than the way others think I should follow Jesus.