Of course we should be concerned but when we realise the person is determined to ignore others and be totally independent we also realise we shouldn’t waste further time and energy when we could be helping some one else.Do you think that us mere mortals here on earth should be totally unconcerned if someone was in “self-inflicted” torture here on earth?
Obviously but there comes a point at which some one more deserving of our help should have priority.Don’t you think that God would want us to maybe make some kind of effort to help this person?
It doesn’t but in heaven we know who despises anyone who loves God and doesn’t deserve our pity.Why should all caring leave us once we get to what many call heaven?
Jesus thought otherwise when He gave us the parable of the sheep and the goats. Do you think He made a mistake?This is merely my opinion but I do NOT think that God has created anyone that is beyond the “cleaning-up” ability, so to speak, of God.
That also implies Jesus was wrong.Could be why God came up with a Plan even before creation and why going to the cross was/is such a central part of God’s Plan.