According to that argument it seems hell doesn’t exist!
That could very well be, like I told you, I know very little about the “hound of heaven” but isn’t it about God not giving up on us?
Does that necessarily imply that everyone goes to heaven?
Actually, what it implies is what Jesus said to the Apostle concerning Salvation, “With man it is impossible, with God ALL things are possible”.
Jesus didn’t make that distinction. Do you think He misguided us?
I believe that Jesus gave us “parables” to make us think.
Could be that it isn’t Jesus that is misguiding us but that it is us misguiding us.
He took all sins upon Himself so that we all have the opportunity of going to heaven. He never said we are** compelled** to love Him. All His teaching implies that we have a choice, not that He will override our choice.
Just because you can not seem to think/believe that God is capable of convincing, as opposed to “compelling”, doesn’t mean that God is incapable.
Those words referred to the Church not the entire human race.
Those words being, “Could be that Jesus went to hell, not just the abode of the good dead, and that is at least part of the reason that Jesus said, “… and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against It”.”
I believe that in these words, “… and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against It”, Jesus is telling us that His Church has a mission and these words are His Church’s mission.
The power of the “netherworld” and the "netherworld have been CRUSHED, just as it was spoken of in Genesis.
No one has questioned your right to choose what to believe but it doesn’t follow that you cannot be misguided.
Time will tell.
Those weren’t the words He used to the Pharisees! He also said:
“If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.”
Some more words that are not the whole bible.
Doesn’t it also say something, somewhere, about being burnt up and only something being left?
Could this be “the Image and Likeness” spoken of as being all that is left?