God cannot lose because He has created us to choose - to love ourselves more than others or as well as ourselves.
Even though it might not be the bible or theology, have you ever heard of the “hound of heaven”?
I do not know much about the “hound of heaven” but I do really believe that God knows more than us.
“could” is the key word. We should take Jesus at His word rather than ignore His distinction between the sheep and the goats.
You wrote, ““could” is the key word”, I agree, isn’t it nice that God gave us the ability to “hope” when many tell us that to hope is impossible and I already pointed out what Jesus said about “impossible”.
I wrote something about the “sheep and the goats”, did you see that?
I asked, "Doesn’t it seem that no one is a “total sheep” and no one is a “total goat” but that ALL of us seem to be a mixture of goat and sheep, any thoughts on that?
According to that argument many people could be in hell!
Or could be that God took ALL sins upon Himself for a reason other than a “tie” with satan.
Could be that Jesus went to hell, not just the abode of the good dead, and that is at least part of the reason that Jesus said, “… and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against It”.
To underestimate the power God has given us amounts to underestimating God. Why would Jesus warn us about the danger of Hell if it doesn’t exist? Wasn’t He telling the truth?
Could be that I am NOT the one underestimating the “power” that God gave us.
Seems that there are those that think that the only “power” that God gave us is the power to put ourself in hell.
Maybe since Jesus died for us, one of the “powers” that God gave us is to be able to die for others.
I have never said that hell doesn’t exist, I HAVE said that I do not believe in some people’s “conception” of hell.
I believe Jesus and I also believe that we do NOT know everything.
That view has resulted in the existence of over forty thousand Christian denominations which disagree with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church…
So you do know that all of the “over forty thousand Christian denominations” do “disagree with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church”?
You wrote this in response to, “Maybe I should follow Jesus the way the I think/believe that I should follow Jesus rather than the way others think I should follow Jesus”.
I would rather honestly follow Jesus the way that I believe that God wants me to follow Jesus than the way that others think/believe that I should follow Jesus, it is that simple.
Jesus said, “I AM the Vine, you are the branches”, He did not say, ‘I AM the Vine, you are the branch’.