The Great Reset

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Look at the US health care system. It is a joke compared to the rest of the world.
I have great health care. Any of those other systems, and I have done the math, it would cost me more and I would get less.
I had to ride in an ambulance for the first time in my life in 2017, it cost me nothing.
I can just imagine how it would go down if someone quoted some pithy saying of Saul Alinsky, and then followed it with “ It’s good advice regardless of whether one shares his views or not.
Aren’t we supposed to look at advice as it stands alone on its own merit regardless of who said it?
I think Biden-Trump fits right in. If Biden is elected we will see a push for the “Great Reset” from day one. If Trump is elected the “Great reset” will take a few more years.

There are too many powerful people that desire power who want the “great reset”. Why do you think so many wealthy people actively want an economic system that is 100% against the way they acquired their wealthy?

Prince Charles, most likely, the next King of England. He is a man that has no responsibility of any actions that he takes. He will not suffer any negative outcome the average person will have to deal with.

He wants to give meaning to his golden spoon in mouth life. But at least here in the US. We can avoid it, we dont have to just follow the dictates of a federal government. We have options.
all the democracies of this world are on the path to cultural suicide. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
The world has always applied dialogue & compromise to settle its differences. History has taught us that it stands as a mixture of several ideologies. To simply dismiss the differences & move towards silencing the opposing voices would be cultural suicide.
There is one and only one way to achieve unity and peace among human persons, and that is in Christ.
I agree with the sentiment that when humanity believes the same, then Gods earth will prevail. However, it is not where we are & seems a very long way from ever being united in its views of origin & destiny.

Are we to ignore the fact that competing ideologies are the backbone of all society & make up the true sentiment of almost all people?
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Aren’t we supposed to look at advice as it stands alone on its own merit regardless of who said it?
There is wisdom in this. Hawking was an athiest but had a brilliant mind in the sciences. I would be sure to take his advice regarding certain scientific principals of the universe but probably not take his advice regarding morality and what really has value in life.

I cant remember who said it and I cant remember the quote exactly but ill paraphrase,

“Take from the heathens what is good and true, but leave what is bad”
I cant remember who said it and I cant remember the quote exactly but ill paraphrase,

“Take from the heathens what is good and true, but leave what is bad”
Or to put another spin on it, “You know you’re an adult when you make good choices even if your mother would approve”

But seriously, while it’s good to consider the source of advice, and where they may be coming from, a good point is still a good point.
We are talking about particular leaders and leaders of industry with the wisdom to see the big picture. The common good. If someone loses, in the end we are all losers. Injustice for one is injustice for everyone. That individual rights are nothing without a proper appreciation for human rights. These things can be understood by nature. The golden rule.
Correction: the wisdom to know the right words to manipulate their way into power. Do you have anything beyond pious platitudes about a different system, like actual proposals? Saying an injustice to one is an injustice to all doesn’t get down to hard facts like tax policies, property rights, distribution arrangements, etc. Your post seems to also ignore the fact that we live in a fallen world.
I wonder how many people have died because they can’t afford the treatment.

I remember a family having a bake sale so they can afford their son’s life saving operation. After that there was a donation drive to get the rest of the money.
Can we tolerate & continue to live in a world where our education, health & human dignity is determined by the size of our wallet?
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We are talking about particular leaders and leaders of industry with the wisdom to see the big picture. The common good. If someone loses, in the end we are all losers. Injustice for one is injustice for everyone. That individual rights are nothing without a proper appreciation for human rights. These things can be understood by nature. The golden rule.
Correction: the wisdom to know the right words to manipulate their way into power. Do you have anything beyond pious platitudes about a different system, like actual proposals? Saying an injustice to one is an injustice to all doesn’t get down to hard facts like tax policies, property rights, distribution arrangements, etc. Your post seems to also ignore the fact that we live in a fallen world.
Pope Francis has been invited to address the WEF every year of his pontificate and has stressed the importance of human fraternity, ecological respect and justice in forming it’s programs. Here are some of the ongoing WEF initiatives for a better, fairer world.

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Pope Francis has been invited to address the WEF every year of his pontificate and has stressed the importance of human fraternity, ecological respect and justice in forming it’s programs. Here are some of the ongoing WEF initiatives for a better, fairer world.
Who cares? Does the Pope stress anything concrete? He criticizes capitalism but so far has not put forward a workable model.

You’re not answering the question I asked you in my original post.
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Just say no you dont want to share those details. Gee wiz. But I have heard over and over and over how health care is free in the UK and it isnt. I have done the number and it is about the same. I just dont have to pay more for better service. In the past 5 years I have had about $1,000,000 dollars in health care cost to my insurance company. My cost less than about $60,000. It is a lie that US health care system is in any shape form or fashion bad or broken.
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I agree with the sentiment that when humanity believes the same, then Gods earth will prevail. However, it is not where we are & seems a very long way from ever being united in its views of origin & destiny.

Are we to ignore the fact that competing ideologies are the backbone of all society & make up the true sentiment of almost all people?
America used to work, using the Constitution that gave us three independent and separate branches - executive, legislative, judicial. This worked very well as long as a strong majority in the country agreed on fundamentals, but of course had varying opinions and judgments about how best to achieve our common fundamental goals, or ends, based on our common sense of what is good and bad, worthy and unworthy, ethical and unethical. Compromise was possible, because we stood on the same foundation of Judeo-Christian morality.

That has changed. There is a chasm dividing us in the US, and this is appearing around the world. A chasm for which there is no bridge; differences that admit no compromise. There is no middle ground between pro-abortion and pro-life, for one example - there is no compromise between a baby alive and a baby dead.

There is no compromise between persons whose life and values derive from the one true God, and persons who live and believe “might make right”, WE decide right and wrong, and WE decide if WE choose to be male or female, and WHO forms a family and WHO can offer a wholesome home to a child - WE do, not some “god”.

This truth deserves to be further developed and verbalized, but I don’t want to take that kind of time. Briefly:

Mt 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

2Co 6:14 Do not be mismated with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
2Co 6:15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?
2Co 6:16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
2Co 6:17 Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you,
2Co 6:18 and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
That is over a 5 year period. Not including the fact that most people have much lower deductibles and lower monthly cost. Their 5 year would be much lower.
It is not a small percentage. it is 12.5% after the first 12,000 and 2% after 45,000 or 50,000. For me and my wife it is about 8% of our income. Plus I dont wait for anything. MRI, I am in the next day. Heart stents less than 24 hours. Back surgery about 3 weeks. ear surgery 1 month. We have people claiming that 80% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, no it just that 80% of bankruptcies have medical bill in them. Your system is more broke than ours.
There are not too many places in “the rest of the world” that I would want to be in a health emergency.
My country does very well in emergency conditions. There are plenty of countries that do. Places like Bali ( a big tourist spot) can be an issue in an emergency.
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