The Left's disturbing reaction to Trump's coronavirus diagnosis

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Don’t forget the campaign rallies, which in some cases the local authorities in the places where they were held begged him to cancel. Lots of unmasked supporters there, standing close together and cheering (and unbelievably to get in they had to sign an agreement promising not to sue the Trump campaign if they got sick).

Added: ultimately I just don’t think Trump is the right person to steer the country through a crisis like this pandemic.
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While I don’t agree that all criticisms of Trump are based on superficial issues, you do a good job of highlighting his positives.
I am surprised at how many of my liberal friends are calling this a hoax.
I have a few friends that have said they don’t know what to believe because they now associate the whitehouse with disinformation. The alteration on rules of reporting counts of positive tests and other actions to keep the numbers from looking as bad gave them a sense of skepticism.
ultimately I just don’t think Trump is the right person to steer the country through a crisis like this pandemic.
I don’t either. I feel like his inclination to personalize things gets in the way. I’ve said this before, but I thought he was in a good position to give some supportive words, express we are all in this together, and then pass the mic to the doctors. I don’t think downplaying the severity helped.

We are past April, and the numbers did not converge on zero.
If you think "Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax " ceratinly you can oint to three national Republican politicians who say it is a hoax.
Did I say “national Republican politicians”?

Here Trump retweeted Chuck Woolery’s claim:
Yahoo July 13

This is an article entitled “ they-thought-covid-was-hoax-until-they-fell-ill”:
NBC August 8

And a fact check on the claim from:
Reuters August 20

My only concern here is the people who are talking about how awful it is to call Trump’s illness a hoax, but they were nowhere to be heard when millions of others got the illness. For six months, we have had people on respirators who were told “it will just go away”; people barely surviving after months in the ICU, only to hear their illness was a hoax; etc. There is no reason to think Trump’s illness is a hoax, but there were many other people just as sick who should not have heard it called a hoax.

This is a time to remember the 200k Americans, and the million worldwide, who have died while others have denied their illness. They, like Trump, were definitely sick and deserved as much respect as Trump gets; no one should say their illness was a hoax.
It’s an expression of complete distrust (and contempt), but also it’s a crazy accusation, because Trump has nothing to gain and everything to lose by ‘pretending’ to have Covid.
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. . . .

My daughter a nurse practioner and one of maybe two Conservatives in her workplace,listens to the most vile comments re President Trump on a daily basis.
Earlier this year another NP said she hopes he catches Covid and dies.
This is but one example.So yeah,no need to engage these sorts,they impose their hatred daily.
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There’s an article on NPR’s website saying that Facebook, Twitter and some other social media giant are banning such posts wishing for his death, so clearly somebody is saying it.
This is the most slanted thread I’ve seen on this forum. Pelosi said she was saddened by Trump’s illness and that she was praying for him. Biden said this was not the time for politics and gave his best wishes for recovery. Obama and Harris (while being called ‘Lyin;’ by the RNC) said they wished for a speedy recovery.

Democrats have had a muted response to the diagnosis and I think all the posters know this. This is the most slanted and biased thread I have seen here because facts and reality are ignored. It is easy to selectively edit the statements of a politician or to reprint what comes out of a biased media outlet but it should not be done.
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For months, Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax, ridiculing wearing masks, etc. despite the many people who have suffered from it. And now they condemn anyone who suggests Trump’s case of coronavirus is a hoax or not serious!
What Republicans? Other than the occasional ignorant yahoo, I’d say you are just making things up.

I could just as easily claim Democrats like shooting people because some Democratic nutjob shot Steve Scalise at a baseball game. Or that Democrats believe Trump’s contraction is a hoax, just because Joy Reid and Michael Moore suggested as much.

The general theme from the right has been that you don’t shutdown whole sections of society over this. You also tread carefully in how heavy-handed you are with mandates. That’s it.

Don’t let your dislike of Republicans send you into fantasy land.
Kind of like Trump’s comments about Charlottesville that Biden lied about in the debate, no?
My daughter a nurse practioner and one of maybe two Conservatives in her workplace,listens to the most vile comments re President Trump on a daily basis.
Earlier this year another NP said she hopes he catches Covid and dies.
This is but one example.So yeah,no need to engage these sorts,they impose their hatred daily.
I retired three years ago now and worked with many conservatives. I heard awful comments from them wishing Pelosi or Obama death.

It’s not right when anyone does it but pretending it’s only one side isn’t correct either! Bad behavior is bad when anyone does it!
I could just as easily claim Democrats like shooting people because some Democratic nutjob shot Steve Scalise at a baseball game.
Or you might say “The Left’s disturbing reaction to Trump’s diagnosis.”
I don’t know about highly visible personalities on the national stage, but among the people I know personally, or through Facebook, etc., even my own sister, there is a disturbing amount of glee over Trump’s health problems. I wish more liberals would remember and live by Michelle’s advice, “When they go low, we go high.”
Did tucker write that rant or did his now fired racist head writer?
My daughter a nurse practioner and one of maybe two Conservatives in her workplace,listens to the most vile comments re President Trump on a daily basis.
Trump has been by far the most vile president in my lifetime saying such vile things the leader of the “free world” and “greatest nation on earth” I never would have ever thought a president would say. And now people are going to complain when he’s talked about in a poor manner? Act like a despot, get treated like one. Maybe he can learn something from this…however I am not holding my breath
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How many more people have died or gotten COVID because wearing a mask because a political war instead of just being science
I think it all got started at the very beginning when Dr. Fauci told people NOT to wear a mask because it would make things worse. And then a few days later, he said, “WEAR a mask!”

This wasn’t Pres.Trump, it was Dr. Fauci, the one who urges us all to listen to the science.

It’s unfortunate that he told people not to wear a mask and then changed his mind. Most of us understood that “science” will change as more information becomes available.

But some people took Dr. Fauci’s FIRST MESSAGE more seriously than the second, and refused to give credence to the second message for various reasons (some of which were conspiracy theories).

I don’t believe any of this was Pres. Trump’s fault. The fault lies with Dr. Fauci, but it really belongs to people who refuse to accept that “science” changes ewith more info. I wish that Dr. Fauci would have come out clearly and stated, “I goofed. I was wrong. Further experiments have proven the efficacy of mask-wearing. Please wear a mask.”

I hate wearing a mask, BTW, and I’m actually glad to be convalescing from knee replacement surgery at home, where I don’t have to wear that sweaty piece of cloth that I honestly don’t believe does much good at all. (I’m a lab tech, BTW–Bachelor’s degree, and I work in the microbiology department, which in our hospital is responsible for performing the COVID tests).

I’m guessing Pres. Trump probably hates mask wearing just like I do. But he does wear the mask when he is required to, and in high-risk settings, and so do i.
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My father-in-law passed away in early April and his memorial service (no funeral permitted) we all had to wear masks. It’s been the requirement since at least then. The first New York death from covid was mid March. So basically for just 2 weeks there wasn’t a mask mandate.

The recent White House gathering for the Scotus nomination, very few masks. Six months later.

Dr. Fauci has been recommending masks.

Trump criticized Biden during the debate for wearing one.

It is no surprise that the left is cheering this. They want ALL conservatives, especially Catholics and other religious, gone. Highly disturbing.
There’s an article on NPR’s website saying that Facebook, Twitter and some other social media giant are banning such posts wishing for his death, so clearly somebody is saying it.
Twitter changed their rules in April 2020 to not tolerate wishes for death. This was part of their simplification of their rules.
Of course it is Trump’s fault. He didn’t wear one. Everyone picked up on that and his supporters followed his lead.
So what you’re saying is that Pres. Trump’s supporters are really really stupid, and cannot make any decisions on their own, but blindly follow their leader over a cliff.

That’s just wrong. Most of my friends and acquaintances are supporters of Pres. Trump, and they wear masks when required. They are definitely not stupid.

To me, this demonstrates that those who are opposed to Pres. Trump see his supporters as ignorant and sheep-like. Besides the fact that this isn’t true, it’s also…mean and smacks of snobbery. Is it any wonder that there is so much animosity between the two political parties? It’s not likely that the two parties will be able to meet in the middle, because there is no middle when one party believes the other is mentally-deficient and incapable of making wise decisions.

Pres. Trump supporters are perfectly capable of making up their own minds, and just because our President chooses to do or not do something, that doesn’t mean all the rest of us go along with it.

As for all those occasions where the Pres. met with supporters in the White House or other small venues–well, maybe your family all wears masks when they meet. Ours doesn’t. But of course, we’re all supporters of Pres. Trump, which means that we have no brains.

I almost wish your surmise was true. It it were, then millions of people would become teetotallers like Pres. Trump.
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