The Left's disturbing reaction to Trump's coronavirus diagnosis

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I think we are not opening is because 200,000 people have died, and it’s still spreading.
Forgive the rest of us for not destroying all of civilized America and everyone’s lives because of what you think. No leaders act so dramatically like that.

Imagine if we decided to go to war because “I think those guys are doing some bad stuff.” Never mind not having any evidence.
It was not a “fake” broadcast that Trump said: “There were very nice people … on both sides.” You may think that it was just a “joke” or you may see it as an endorsement of the skinhead agenda. The fact is still the same, reported by the REAL media.
He did say that. About people on both sides of the debate regarding tearing down monuments.

Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

If people want actual debate of ideas for America, continually lying is not the way to accomplish it. Regardless of the next President, it just allows it to continue. If that happens to be Biden, I’ll just assume those lying about Charlottesville will support claims Biden molested a horse. Even with no evidence, Biden must be an equiphile.
This is a strange statement. There is evidence of a pandemic and there is evidence that people are dying or becoming very unwell from the virus.
It’s an expression of complete distrust (and contempt), but also it’s a crazy accusation, because Trump has nothing to gain and everything to lose by ‘pretending’ to have Covid.
I likewise didn’t understand the “is it a hoax” response until someone told me the motive would be to avoid more anymore debates.

I guess that’s a plausible reason to initially question the reports of his positive case. But the subsequent reports of so many others at the same Rose garden event turning positive pretty much quelled that particular “hoax” conspiracy theory.
Also calling someone disgraceful is completely rude and based on a opinion. It is completely inappropriate to say to someone, especially the POTUS.
Unless we really are in a dictatorship, with suspended civil liberties, then regardless of how Trump supporters feel about it, she’s within her rights to express her opinion about the President.

I never want to live on a country where criticism and even insults against the President are illegal. Dem, GOP, Green, I don’t care. Feel free to shame her all you like, disagree vehemently. But she’s as much entitled to insulting Trump as he is in insulting I don’t know how many people.

Freedom of speech is a protected right.
The media reports the facts
YEp, I have personally been in several places through my life that the media has reported. AND, what they reported was wrong. No, this where not large gathering situations, nor political situations.

One of my favorite media twist came from a friend. He was in the military, and they were flying a helicopter. A door flew off the helicopter because someone did not secured it well. They had to land to retrieve the door, and the media reported that black helicopters where training in Rural America, to overtake the opposition party.

Nick Sandman, you know, the covington kids.

President Trump is a Russian asset, and the Russia collision hoax. 3 Years that went on. So much for facts.

President Trump calling white supremacist nice people. Another media lie.

Biden refusing to debate? What a joke.

Biden brain froze because he said he served for 180 years. C’mon, can’t Biden joke about his age?

Not only that, we have the internet, and can see the facts many times.

President Trump tweets something. The American people get it straight from the President and do not need the media to tell us what he tweeted. BUT, the media then says, how can we make this interesting? Well: Here is what the president said and why you should be worried. (in other words clickbait)

Notice how they add opinion to a fact, then it becomes our opinions and then we argue, because we are going of the opinion of pundits.

The Media IS the problem.
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Unless we really are in a dictatorship, with suspended civil liberties, then regardless of how Trump supporters feel about it, she’s within her rights to express her opinion about the President.

I never want to live on a country where criticism and even insults against the President are illegal. Dem, GOP, Green, I don’t care. Feel free to shame her all you like, disagree vehemently. But she’s as much entitled to insulting Trump as he is in insulting I don’t know how many people.

Freedom of speech is a protected right.
Then why the endless waste of topics over the last years crying about something Trump said? Somehow, I doubt people really mean what you posted.
Ah, the personal attacks while complaining that the media’s truth is really lying. You lied, I corrected you and you want to excuse your lies.
No. Much like the Hillary aid you folks defended - it isn’t an attack if it appears factual to that person. I am not the only one with such a low opinion of your posts, I suspect.
I figured it wasn’t you. If I didn’t want exposure, I wouldn’t post it.
Did I say “national Republican politicians”?
No. You were more broad than that.

Here is what you said.
Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax
Bold mine.

No “Republicans” have NOT been saying that.
Perhaps “SOME Republicans” were (but you haven’t even shown that. At least with your Woolery claim).

Just because Woolery said people were lying about corona virus (and by the way. Some people HAVE been lying about corona virus), you can’t conclude from that statement that he thinks corona virus is a hoax, much less Trump who re-tweeted it.

And Woolery’s tweet was from July 12th.

Nobody was saying the corona virus pandemic was a “hoax” then. I’ve never heard anyone say that period.

This conclusion does not follow from the premise.

I am not going to bother evaluating your other two claims as this one was a waste of my time (because you drew a conclusion that does not follow. It was illogical. It was the fallacy of begging the question. Your premise assumed the conclusion. That is not the way to reason an argument Dovekin.)

Please go patch up your argument for your Mark Woolery claim or withdraw it.

Then I will look at more of what you have to say about this.

But I am not going to waste more time on poorly reasoned manufactured arguments here.

For everybody else.

Here is the dubious unfounded statement that Dovekin posted here.
For months, Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax . . .
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Then why the endless waste of topics over the last years crying about something Trump said? Somehow, I doubt people really mean what you posted.
Because perhaps when Trump tells his people to “get him out of here” he has the power to carry out his threatening and hostile language.

Also, his speech that emboldens certain racist groups borders on calls to violence, in my opinion.

But leaving aside tacit threats of violence, which are supposedly illegal, and just comparing apples to apples, she is doing no worse than he. They both are exercising free speech.

This woman, whoever she is, has not called on anyone to stand by and wait to see, I guess, if Trump needed any help dying. That would be crossing the line, with its inherent threat of violence.

She’s stated she hopes he lives because she wants him legally voted out. Her ad hominem comments about him, personally, are certainly mean. But then, so have been all his personal insults and name calling. He’s never hesitated to attack people personally, “nasty” etc.

As to his personal insults against his opposition, I have never yet come across the argument that he doesn’t have the right to say such things. The argument has always been “that’s very unworthy of the office he holds” and it’s acting like a “bully.”
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I do not know if you are being serious.

You just posted a whole slew of posts about people who you think gave disgusting responses to Trump’s illness.

I posted the standard you gave me because I think you should adopt similar standard for yourself. Were any of these articles about “national prominent” members of the Left? Just use your criteria, is it SOME members of the Left who gave disgusting responses, or was it The Left’s disgusting responses.
No, “stupid” is not the proper word. In psychology there is this well-known “alpha male” syndrome, where the followers would like to become like the leader, and if they cannot actually become like it, at least they want to emulate whatever they can.

Many people view the uncouth and nasty attitude as “macho”, and they like it, even if they would not dare to behave like it in their private life. They would like to deny the payment for a work that they ordered and would love to threaten a lawsuit if the workers want to get their due payment. But that needs a lot of money. Many people would love to do the shenanigans with their taxes, but they don’t dare to do it. . . .
It is all the “alpha male” syndrome. Some people live their life “through” the leader. Well known attitude.
Funny–I think Secy of State Clinton saw herself as the “alpha male” in the last election.

Her supporters certainly did: Hillary Clinton Stays Undefeated Against the Alpha Males
I think that the very fact that we have people needing to look for an example of where the POTUS has actually condemned white supemacy shows how far the bar has been lowered.
Dovekin . . .
I posted the standard you gave me . . .
No you didn’t.
Were any of these articles about “national prominent” members of the Left?
You said “Republicans”.

Well national prominent Republicans are “Republicans”.

The fact is dovekin, you have not provided a single source (that I have seen) where ANYBODY (much less “Republicans”) have said . . .

Dovekin . . .
Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax
Bold mine.

Nobody. Not one.
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Your previous post decried the use of the word monolithic.

Then you laughably posted this. Your second post may even in fact be correct, but just delete your first post if you are going take issue with how people broadly-paint large groups of people.
You misunderstand. I did not insinuate that EVERY Trump follower suffers from the “alpha male” syndrome, I merely pointed out that there are MANY people having that attitude, within the group of the followers and outside them. This is not using a broad paintbrush. If I would say that many Trump followers have blue eyes, that would not be using a broad paintbrush either.

And it is not just an opinion that there ARE many people who are naturally “followers”, and like to emulate the leader, if and when they can.
The Left’s disturbing reaction

You have not provided three examples of a national politician from “the Left” who has issued a disturbing reaction.
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