The Left's disturbing reaction to Trump's coronavirus diagnosis

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I would say calling someone a disgraceful white supremacist has something to do with it.
#FoxNews #Tucker

Tucker: The left’s shocking reaction to Trump’s diagnosis​


Published on Oct 2, 2020

Twitter to suspend accounts wishing death on President Trump. #FoxNews #Tucker

Tucker Carlson Rips Into Sen. Chris Murphy’s Disgusting Reaction to Trump’s COVID Diagnosis​

Posted at 1:00 pm on October 3, 2020 by Bonchie

Sen. Chris Murphy has never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s certainly tried to ensure he’s one of the loudest. Much like Adam Schiff, he routinely appears on cable news to rattle off insane conspiracy theories, typically involving Russia. Putin lives under this guy’s bed and it’s been extremely traumatizing for him.

You’d think he could give it a rest for a few days, though, given the fact that the President had now contracted the coronavirus. You’d think wrong though. Instead, he took it up a notch.
Jason Rantz (Tweet) . . .
Garbage person Chris Murphy to garbage network CNN: Trump ‘Surrogate’ Vladimir Putin Will Be Campaigning for Him While He’s Quarantined
CNN was so impressed that they had him back on that same evening. . .

. . . It wasn’t just Murphy though. It was the entirety of CNN and the liberal media at large that collectively dove face first into the gutter over Trump’s diagnosis. Tucker Carlson noticed that and laid into them, including hitting Murphy as a “buffoon” for his nonsensical, conspiratorial commentary.

Honestly, what kind of person’s first reaction to learning the President has a possible deadly disease is to worry about whether Putin is going to influence the election on his behalf? How clinically paranoid must one be to have that as the top thought in one’s mind? Murphy is legitimately no better than QAnon, which the media and some on the right can’t stop fluffing as a “serious” issue. Actually, he’s much worse. He’s not a random internet troll. He’s a sitting U.S. Senator going on a supposedly credible news outlet and spewing nonsense that wouldn’t be fit for 4chan.

The state of the Democrat party, especially when it comes to their commentary on Russia, is just sad. . . .
Parenthetical mine for context.

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She can’t though. He is not a white supremacist, that has been proven time and time again. Also calling someone disgraceful is completely rude and based on a opinion. It is completely inappropriate to say to someone, especially the POTUS.
Thread: The Left’s disturbing reaction to Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis

Thbolt (ignoring the topic of the thread) . . . .
Ah Tucker Carlson. The person whose own company’s lawyers say he cannot be sued for slander when he lies because he is speaking with ‘rhetoric hyperbole’ that a ‘reasonable viewer’ would be skeptical of.
These leftists are quite a work.


"A former staff member of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said on Friday she hoped Donald Trump dies following his positive diagnosis of Covid-19."


Former Hillary Clinton spokeswoman tweets ‘I hope he dies’ after Trump COVID-19 diagnosis​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Zara Rahim, a former top campaign staffer to both Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, is facing fierce backlash for a tweet wishing death to President Trump, who revealed just hours earlier that he and first lady Melania Trump …

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Friday, October 2, 2020

A former top campaign staffer to both Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama is facing fierce backlash for a tweet wishing death to President Trump, who revealed just hours earlier that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus.

“It’s been against my moral identity to tweet this for the last four years, but I hope he dies,” Zara Rahim wrote her 37,000 followers in a now-deleted tweet.

“I feel free,” she wrote in a subsequent tweet.

“This #$%#ing rules,” read another tweet, which included a selfie of Ms. Rahim smiling . . .


Ex Obama staffer under fire for wishing death on Trump after coronavirus diagnosis​

While the now-deleted tweet was met with immediate condemnation online, Twitter has not immediately taken action against users violating the company’s rules on 'abusive behaviour’​

A former staff member of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said on Friday she hoped Donald Trump dies following his positive diagnosis of Covid-19.

In a now-deleted tweet, Zara Rahim used star emojis to highlight her position to the 37,000 followers of her verified account.

“It’s been against my moral identity to tweet this for the past four years, but, I hope he dies,” she said.

It came shortly after Mr Trump and Melania Trump announced the positive test on Thursday night . . .

Billy Hallowell: Trump deserves compassion — not death wishes — after being stricken with coronavirus​

Hate-filled responses to the president’s diagnosis expose the deeply troubling state of the hearts of many people​

By Billy Hallowell | Fox News

Joe Concha reacts to media coverage of Trump testing positive for coronavirus

President Trump’s hospitalization Friday night with COVID-19 has prompted get-well wishes by both Democrats and Republicans — but also hateful messages by some of the president’s opponents on social media expressing wishes for his death.

Facebook, Twitter and TikTok announced that posts expressing a desire for Trump — or anyone else — to die are being removed from their platforms.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, announced he was halting negative ads against the president at this time due to Trump’s illness. And Biden said he and his wife Jill are praying for the quick and full recovery of the president and first lady Melania Trump, who was also diagnosed with COVID-19. That was a welcome compassionate gesture.


But the Biden move prompted criticism from far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who tweeted late Friday: “Why would Biden delay or suspend his campaign when we know Trump would’ve had ads up by noon today ridiculing Biden for testing positive? Get it together.” . . .


I have read Twitter is still allowing (at least some of these) leftist Trump death wish comments Tweets and leaving their account intact (not banning them from Twitter).

I have also read the Biden campaign IS running negative ads.
Facebook is allowing it…
“We distinguish between public figures and private individuals because we want to allow discussion, which often includes critical commentary of people who are featured in the news or who have a large public audience.”

Section 9 of Facebook’s Community Standards states, “We distinguish between public figures and private individuals because we want to allow discussion, which often includes critical commentary of people who are featured in the news or who have a large public audience. For public figures, we remove attacks that are severe as well as certain attacks where the public figure is directly tagged in the post or comment.”
“Calls for death, serious disease, epidemic disease, or disability” only apply to private individuals or public figures who are of minor age, meaning wishing death, serious disease and the other referenced attacks on adult public figures is not considered actionable by Facebook so long as the public figure’s account is not manually tagged in the post or comment.
I hae not heard ANY Republicans, especialky national leaders say the pandemic is a hoax.

I want you to back up your statement divekin.

If you think "Republicans have been saying the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax " ceratinly you can point to three national Republican politicians who say it is a hoax.
This is the standard you set for me early in this thread. Can you point to three national Leftist politicians who have wished Trump would die? Or even had a “disturbing reaction” to his death?

I do not think his is a particularly reasonable standard, but if you are going to ask it of others, why not apply it to yourself?
I live in the western suburbs and If I had a dollar for every restaurant around me that closed in the last 40 years I’d be shaking hands with Bezos. There were a lot of businesses which closed this year to be sure but the nearby mall, especially the dmv, is as vibrant as ever.
It’s sad, isn’t it? Especially when landmark family businesses close. I realize it’s possible that some of those restaurants might have been contemplating closing before COVID ever came along, but I’m guessing that most were happy to remain in business and pass the restaurant along to relatives or close friends.

Several that have closed where I am were landmarks–but the very nature of their restaurant (dependent on huge crowds of people, buffet-style salad bar, close intimate seating in dim lighting, lots of tourist traffic)-made it difficult to adhere to the COVID restrictions. At least they are claiming that they hope to re-open when COVID is done. I hope that happens.

These are human tragedies. I honestly think that businesses should have been allowed to continue as usual (and schools, too), and implement mask-wearing throughout the establishments.

We have been wearing masks in my work-place (hospital lab) since the 2nd week of the COVID crisis (after Dr. Fauci changed his tune and told us we SHOULD be wearing masks), and to my knowledge (I’'ve been off for 2 weeks recovering from knee replacement surgery), no one has contracted COVID.

I’m guessing that SOME people in a restaurant would come down with COVID, but most would not–and there’s really no way to prove that the unfortunate COVID sufferer contracted it in the restaurant–they may have contracted it almost anywhere if they have been out and about.

We don’t shut down everything because of influenza (which is really awful and kills a lot of people). We don’t close schools because of Strep A outbreaks–a very dangerous bacterial infection for children and adults. We don’t sequester senior citizens away from all human contact because of the danger of contracting Staph aureus or MRSA–both very dangerous infections (although people are colonized with these bacteria without being ill). We don’t keep teenagers away from school because of venereal diseases, which are rampant among teens.

So I don’t see why we are destroying our country’s economy because of COVID-19.
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I think we are not opening is because 200,000 people have died, and it’s still spreading.

Italy on the other hand had a much more strict shutdown.

They started to open up in May.

And the death toll there is significantly lower than here.

For example in the past 2 weeks they’ve seen just 38 new cases. Compare that with 16 confirmed cases just in the White House.
I think we are not opening is because 200,000 people have died, and it’s still spreading.

Italy on the other hand had a much more strict shutdown.

They started to open up in May.

And the death toll there is significantly lower than here.

For example in the past 2 weeks they’ve seen just 38 new cases. Compare that with 16 confirmed cases just in the White House.
200,000 out of 350 million. It’s not impressive. It’s sad because all of these are real people with families, loved ones, jobs, lives–the loss of life is always sad and sobering. R.I.P. But the statistic itself is not frightening.

Italy has lost many of their senior citizens (R.I.P.). According to news stories that i’ve read or heard, many of these seniors were smokers (many Italians smoke).

Yes, there have been younger adults and teens/children who have died in Italy. But unless the news has been updated, the majority who died were at highest risk.

I have heard that the same thing is true in the U.S.–most of the deaths have been among those who had at least one, often more, risk factors: obesity, age, smoker, diabetes (Type 1and Type 2), immunocompromised (cancer, HIV, ashthma, etc.).

For the most part, healthy people who contract COVID get well with little or no lingering effects. Whenever anyone is sick from a virus or bacteria (e.g., influenze) that affects respiration, there WILL be lingering effects–tiredness/exhaustion, muscle pain, weakness, coughing, etc. and these effects may last for several months.

And there will be those people who suffer from more serious effects of COVID after they recover, including great difficult breathing–many of these people are the ones who had a risk factor such as the ones mentioned above (age, underlying condition, etc.).

But I still think our reaction to COVID-19–shutting everything down–was way over the top. It has destroyed our economy, it has wreaked havoc with our schooling, it has destroyed tourism, it has resulted in weight gain in a large percentage of people, it has exacerbated mental and emotional illness, and it has been the reason for suicides.

I HATE this shutdown! My husband and I are lonelier than ever, he has gained at least 15 pounds, and we are exhausted from working full time (we didn’t lose our jobs, although I am now off because of my knee replacement surgery), and taking care of my husband’s parents, and we are tired of this “LIttle House” lifestyle of staying home, especially now that it is cold outside and we have to shut up our windows and close our curtains. We’re tired of not going to Mass (which we avoid because we don’t want to take a chance on infecting my husband’s parents). We both feel like we’re living in a really bad dream. Our daughter’s career in entertainment is in great danger of disappearing if the shutdown continues. It’s awful–and yes, I know, anyone who comes out and talks like this is a whiner–just look at all those wonderful news stories about families who are doing all kinds of creative things during COVID. Well, we’re not. We existing. That’s about it.
have heard that the same thing is true in the U.S.–most of the deaths have been among those who had at least one, often more, risk factors: obesity, age, smoker, diabetes (Type 1and Type 2), immunocompromised (cancer, HIV, ashthma, etc.).

The death certificates for many covid victims show covid and another cause of death such as respiratory failure or cardiac arrest.

200,000 deaths are a terrible tragedy especially in the short time of 6 months.
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If you choose to get all your news from Fox News, RedState, and BitChute, you will inevitably get a very distorted view of what is going on in the world. A
Conversely, if you get all of your news from the DNC media at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT, you will get an even more distorted and often dishonest view.
The Media IS the problem.
The Media IS the problem.
I would like to know where do you get the correct, unedited, truthful information about what REALLY happened? Do you personally go to every reported place and event, and make some recording so you can share it with everyone else? The media reports the facts AND presents an opinion about those facts. Every media outlet, from ABC to Fox and everything else in between. The facts are the same, the opinions differ.

But there are no “fake” news. It was not “fake” broadcast that the skinheads in Charlottesville were chanting: “Jews will not replace us”. It was not a “fake” broadcast that Trump said: “There were very nice people … on both sides.” You may think that it was just a “joke” or you may see it as an endorsement of the skinhead agenda. The fact is still the same, reported by the REAL media.
I wonder, where is that allegedly monolithical “left”? I would like to have a conversation with it.
They down the street from “conservatives”, “pro-lifers”, and “Trump supporters.”
I would say calling someone a disgraceful white supremacist has something to do with it.
That description has been the subject of debate since before his presidency. The full page ad that Trump purchased calling for the death penalty of the Central Park 5 is among the things I recall DuVernay calling out before, but not the only thing. She is consistently critical of his behaviour.
Also calling someone disgraceful is completely rude and based on a opinion.
There is evidence that it is opinion that she holds. While expressing it may not conform to some protocols, I believe she is being honest about her thoughts.
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No, “stupid” is not the proper word. In psychology there is this well-known “alpha male” syndrome, where the followers would like to become like the leader, and if they cannot actually become like it, at least they want to emulate whatever they can.

Many people view the uncouth and nasty attitude as “macho”, and they like it, even if they would not dare to behave like it in their private life. They would like to deny the payment for a work that they ordered and would love to threaten a lawsuit if the workers want to get their due payment. But that needs a lot of money. Many people would love to do the shenanigans with their taxes, but they don’t dare to do it. They would love to grab the women by their “private parts”, and envy those who dare to say and do it.

It is all the “alpha male” syndrome. Some people live their life “through” the leader. Well known attitude.
Your previous post decried the use of the word monolithic.

Then you laughably posted this. Your second post may even in fact be correct, but just delete your first post if you are going take issue with how people broadly-paint large groups of people.
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