Okay, good, but it helps that you are in Illinois which took the virus VERY SERIOUSLY early. I’ve visited other states and seen how casual they are towards the threat.
Too seriously. Our Illinois economy is trashed. We’ve already lost hundreds of people who have moved away from Illinois, and I think we will lose more. I"m not sure it’s worth it–definitely if we are really saving lives–but are we?
Today all of our restaurants and bars were ordered to no longer serve diners inside–only pickup and delivery, and outdoor dining. For many of these restaurants, this is the end. It’s around 50 degrees right now, and we are expecting a frost tonight. Not exactly good weather for dining out. Unless they have a source of income other than the restaurant, they won’t be able to stay open.
We’ve already lost several restaurants and bars, including landmark businesses, that just couldn’t handle the first shutdowns. We will no doubt lose more. For counties like Jo Daviess, in which tourism is a major industry (especially at this time of year during the beautiful autumn leaves), it’s a huge blow. Same for our county, and several other Northern Illinois counties.
And it doesn’t make any sense! There is no proof that any of these restaurants or bars were/are the cause of the increasing positivity rate! There are some diagnosed cases who traced their contact back to a restaurant or bar, but not all by any means. So why are these restaurants and bars ordered to shut down indoor dining, while the big box stores like WalMart and Target get to keep going, along with the home improvement stores like Home Depot?! Is repainting my living room really considered “essential,” but sitting with my husband in a favorite restaurant and enjoying quiet conversation (with no dishes to wash) non-essential?
I would be willing to say that most of our cases in Northern Illinois are coming from big at-home gatherings a few weeks ago when we had our last really good warm weather! Our next-door neighbor had a birthday party for his 1-year old and invited us, but my husband was out-of-town and I was one week away from my knee replacement surgery and didn’t want to take a chance by entering a new environment and being around people I didn’t know. (You see, supporters of Pres. Trump do actually think for themselves.)
But I watched them from my deck and waved–no one was masking. No one.
And as I drove around that weekend doing errands, I saw dozens of these outdoor parties, and people weren’t masking. It’s hard to mask when you’re eating and drinking, but golly, even I would say not wearing a mask at big gatherings is kinda askin’g for COVID trouble! If I HAD gone to the party, I would have masked and probably worn gloves, too.
I would say that the “investigators” of Illinois Positivity Rates should look a little harder before blaming restaurants or bars.
Anyway, it’s not easy watching people lose their family businesses for reasons that just don’t seem well-investigated.