The Missing Link has Been Found how will this change morality?

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He’s behind bars still. He had to be silenced , he was totally crushing and exposing the lie of evolution. He didn’t commit any crime.
Since we now can better prove Macro Evolution is true, what effect do you think this will have on homosapien Morality?
Actually, I’m not sure that we can, be even if, I think – no effect. But I’m not sure what homosapien Morality is.

He speaks the truth. You see to Me evolution and false ecumenism are the two most poisionious theory’s facing us in our day.
Isn’t this the Creationist who evolved into a criminal? Is he still behind bars or has he been released?Curiously,Mick:
Mick, it’s either convicted felon Kent Hovind or his son (I don’t have speakers).
“evolved into a criminal” I love it!!
Yes – Kent “Dr Dino” Hovind – who has a mail-order "doctorate – drifted through our biology department a couple of years back, and made a complete fool of himself at lunch. I would feel sorry for the man if he werent’ also a charlatan who fleeces people. The tax evasion is what got him put away.
Yes – Kent “Dr Dino” Hovind – who has a mail-order "doctorate – drifted through our biology department a couple of years back, and made a complete fool of himself at lunch. I would feel sorry for the man if he werent’ also a charlatan who fleeces people. The tax evasion is what got him put away.
Ah so you are a genuine scientist! Nice to have an informed and sober voice on this matter (can’t really believe it’s being discussed actually but anyway).

My wife is a scientist (pharmacologist) so she gets a real kick out of hearing about this Creationism/ID silliness.

I am just a psychotherapist so I can only muse over the possible dysfunction driving such thought processes of fringe pseudo-science proponents. I believe that for many it is a question of fear and overly regimented thinking. The world of biblical literalism must be a very safe and secure place- you know EXACTLY where you stand all the time. Just open up your Bible and viola- you have all the answers to all the questions in the world!

I’m just so proud to be a Catholic and see the learned in the Vatican and their appreciation for real science. THis silliness is generally the realm of the Evangelical- I wonder how Catholics have been drawn in. . .

Mail order Ph.D. That’s AWESOME!! 👍
If you watched this video you’d see plenty of evidence as to why Evolution is a Joke. You people dont realize it do you, evolution is about communism not about science.
Alright guys, arguments aside lets remember that the Church requires none to believe in Evolution or Biblical Creation (in the literalistic sense). Either could be believed. All that is required to be believed is that the soul did not evolve but was created by God, that all human beings are descended from a common ancestor that we call Adam and that there was an original sin. Neither of those beliefs contradict scripture nor make evolution possible, so although TruthIsBeauty may argue his/her point in a not so valid manner there is no need to imply that he/she is unintelligent because of belief in the biblical creation. In real life TIB may be a chemist who has little understanding of evolution 😉

As for you TIB, as a Catholic you should know that there is no need to try to convince others that evolution is wrong. If you do it should only be because you truly believe so and wish to truly find the origins of man. But you as a Catholic should not ever say that evolution is contrary to faith or makes faith usless as it is truly not contrary to faith (as was expressed by the Church). So to say theistic evolution is immoral and contrary to faith goes against the Church’s stance. To say it is wrong and give reasons for why you believe it is wrong (scietific reasons, not moral reasons as the Church has already stated that theistic evolution is not morally wrong) is abosolutely ok.

1.the philosophy of evolution is based upon assumptions that cannot be scientifically verified…whatever evidence can be assembled for evolution is both limited and circumstantial in nature." G.A. Kerkut, pro-evolution ([4

2.“In other words, while Osborn, Gregory, and their colleagues considered themselves to have written scientific analysis of human evolution, they had in fact been telling stories (fiction). Scientific stories to be sure, but stories nonetheless.” Misia Landau,

3.“The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that **evolution is based on faith alone.” T.L. Moor, pro-evolution ([22], p.22

4.“We cannot disprove that it (the universe) was created in 4004 B.C…” George Simpson, pro-evolution

5.“Evolution itself is accepted by zoologists, not because it has been observed to occur or can be proved by logical coherent evidence, but because the only alternative – special creation – is clearly incredible.” D.M.S. Watson

6.“The incessant repetition of this unproved claim glossing lightly over the difficulties, and the assumption of an arrogant attitude toward those who are not easily swayed by fashions of science, are considered to afford scientific proof of the doctrine.” Richard Goldschmidt, geneticist.

**7. I got a real chuckle from this qoute…those silly evolutionists haha '‘It was once thought that organism was assumed to pass through the stages of its evolutionary history during its development as an embryo." "(This) has been thoroughly discredited by scientists today." ([4], p.354 4) What as thought to be gill slits’ is actually the formation of the middle ear canal, jaw, and parts of the head and neck. Haha…Wow…**Evolutionist

John Durant ([11], p.312). "…the only reason why most people seem to believe in evolution is either because they want to believe in it or else because they have been cowed into accepting it out of fear of being called ignorant or reactionary or some such fearful name’’. So true…this is what ive been saying all along.

8.**We Paleontologists have said that the history of life supports (the story of gradual adaptive change), all the while really knowing that it does not." Miles Eldredge, pro-evolution **
9.“If there are so many problems with Darwinism and no satisfactory alternative within the framework of evolution, why not reevaluate the framework?” ([11], p.62 John Durant
  1. “(the record of reckless speculation of human origins) is so astonishing that it is legitimate to ask whether much science is yet to be found in this field at all.” Solly Zuckerman (
Questioner ,

I would Like to contact the Vatican and the Pope about this. Do you know How I can contact them. Evolution has been exposed . please watch the videos above.
Its fine if you think evolution is wrong scientifically, but as the Church teaches it is not wrong morally. The Church does not have an official teaching which says either or (evolution or biblical creation) is correct.

Read this, which shows what the Church believes about the creation of man:

It is Nihil Obstat, “nothing hinders” meaning it is without error.
Isn’t this ‘quote mining’ getting a little repetitive - surely there must be other sites for you to get them from? Not that people will be more impressed but it would probably be more fun for you.
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