So you are saying that God speaks through the Pope just as he did the Apsotles. His words are from God?
The Apostles were one of a kind. They did things the rest of us will never do as diciples of Christ.
If so he should be able to perform miracles. Miracles ended with the Apostles. Why? Because the God inspired word of God is all we need today
Now, ml, I’m gonna whomp you upside the knot for your first two sentences. We have already answered the question about the nature of the inspiration of the teaching Church in comparison with the Scriptures and explained that they are not identical. Remember my post about birth control, natural law, ordinary means of grace, and homework?
As for the Apostles being one of a kind, Matthias was added to their number by lot and “enrolled with the eleven” (Acts 1:26). We have also mentioned the general view of most Christians, not just Catholics, that the age of miracles was brief (although miracles have been recorded continuously throughout the ages). It is not recorded that Matthias performed miracles. Moreover, miracles are not essential to the continuing mission of the Church, or they would have been commanded at the Great Commission, and they are not:
“Go therefore and
make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, **teaching **them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” Mt. 28:19-20
For Catholics this means that the Church is commissioned to bring people to Christ (make disciples), graft them into his Sacred Body (baptize), and
teach. Jesus commands the Church to teach, and promises to be with the Apostles “to the close of the age.” Therefore, if we are to take this commission seriously, the Apostolic charism for true preaching (making disciples), baptizing, and teaching *must *be continuous and cannot end with the 12.
The abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church is fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send a comforter who will “guide you into all the truth” (Jn. 16:13)