I made my First Communion in 1958. This is what I know. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He or she who partakes unworthily (i.e. not in a state of grace) brings condemnation upon themselves. In all of my 55 years of life, I have never received Our Lord when I was not in a state of grace. The horror of doing so is just that - a very real, palatable horror. I don’t think that I am unique. I would die before I received the Eucharist unworthily. That’s not hyperbole, it’s fact.
We have folks questioning Benediction as being host worship! Lord have mercy, I will not receive in the hand and I would far prefer to receive my Lord kneeling as befits me. Domine, non sum dignus. Lord, I am not worthy! And I am not. I am not worthy. These are the words of Cornelius, a Roman centurion of faith. He had no idea of the Eucharist. None. But he knew Our Lord. He knew, however, that he was was in the presence of the divine. “Domine, non sum dignus” Lord I am not worthy.
Domine, non sum dignus. I’m not worthy either.
I grew up with a pre-Vatican II understanding of Eucharistic Presence. I simply can’t explain the difference between 1962 and 1967 and what came after. But I WILL NOT receive the Eucharist unworthily.
We have folks questioning Benediction as being host worship! Lord have mercy, I will not receive in the hand and I would far prefer to receive my Lord kneeling as befits me. Domine, non sum dignus. Lord, I am not worthy! And I am not. I am not worthy. These are the words of Cornelius, a Roman centurion of faith. He had no idea of the Eucharist. None. But he knew Our Lord. He knew, however, that he was was in the presence of the divine. “Domine, non sum dignus” Lord I am not worthy.
Domine, non sum dignus. I’m not worthy either.
I grew up with a pre-Vatican II understanding of Eucharistic Presence. I simply can’t explain the difference between 1962 and 1967 and what came after. But I WILL NOT receive the Eucharist unworthily.