for by grace are you saved and not of works, so nobody can boast.So says your bible.
Are these verses missing from your Bible?for by grace are you saved and not of works, so nobody can boast.So says your bible.
Yaqubos,Peace be with you!
Dear brother, let’s pray for this together. I know many people who were in the bondage of Satan, and the Lord has given them LIFE and freedom from sin.
In Love,
No.Catholic friends,
Lets define a few things before we go on.
FAITH: to believe with mind and soul or heart, to trust without doubt,something unseen but real,not a work of any sort.( being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Heb 11:1)
WORK: Anything that can be achieved using the human body.
GRACE: an unmerited,undeserved, unearned gift from God.
LAW:The 613 articles in the book of Moses including the ten commandments, and Lev. 19:18 loving your neighbor.
BORN-AGAIN: the point at which a person is made spiritually alive, becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit, justified, declared righteous like Adam before the fall, becomes a chosen people and part of the royal priesthood and holy nation of God (1 Peter 2:9), the law is written on there hearts( Jer. 31:33). Did I miss any?
Can we all agree on this so far? If not reply.
In love ex-catholic Dan!
As much as Abraham’sHow many works does it take for you to get you saved, if Jesus can’t do the job?
Duh, read the Bible.Tell me what exactly are those works are and how many. Uh, how long will it take?
Precisely!Because there is no such thing. We are told to believe in a non-existent premise
You want me to indulge you? LOLNo way dude. Your the man. Give me the total list. I want to know all the works I have to do to get to heaven. You said it dude, not me. I said faith in Jesus was enough.
The old canard that Catholics are trying to ‘earn heaven’.No way dude. Your the man. Give me the total list. I want to know all the works I have to do to get to heaven. You said it dude, not me. I said faith in Jesus was enough.
Here is what happened also with Jesus. He said things, and the Jews understood other things! I am saying that I thank God because I believe in what He says, and this is a GRACE! I am thanking Him for His Grace. And some people understand me saying: I thank God because I am not like others… I am thanking God for His Grace, and they see me thanking Him for my holiness!!!Ho Yaqubost!
The “thank God I’m not like them” attitude is the attitude of the Pharisees, according to scripture. Be careful.
Was Adam free?Where does free will fit into the idea that anyone who has life will just naturally do good? Your view seems to make Christian behavior involuntar
Answer: LIVING Faith, not that dead faith about which many are talking here.Hi Yaqubost!
I’m interested in your interpretation of scripture, but help me understand how I can be sure that it’s correct. Thanks!
In Christ,
I am not dead, but I LIVE by Faith. Those who live, know for certain that they live!Hi Yaqubost!
How can you be certain that you’re understanding this passage correctly. There would be other non-Catholic Christians who disagree with your understanding yet just as certain that theirs is correct. What assurance do you have that you’re not mistaken? Thanks!
In Christ,
Do you think that your name is written in those books? For the Scripture says that the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books ( books with s )! Isn’t your name in the Book of Life yet? Read the passage again: the books were opened and ANOTHER book was opened ( the Book of Life ). Is your name in that OTHER book? Do you have Life?Do you believe that we, meaning ALL OF US, will be judge according to our works?
Rev 20:11-13
11And I saw a great white throne and one sitting upon it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away: and there was no place found for them 12And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the presence of the throne. And the books were opened: and another book was opened, which was the book of life. And the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works.13And the sea gave up the dead that were in it: and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them. And they were judged, every one according to their works.