Peace be with you!
In Love,

Just in the reply that you posted before this you insisted on the fact that not all humans are really children of God. So why don’t you want to see now that the children of God have a special kind of love because they have peace with God? Didn’t you read in the passage I quoted that this love is IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD?A beautiful quote indeed! Amen!! However, God loves all men, and desires that all be saved, but we know that no everyone is saved. How can that be? Because while Christ’s love is always with us, we can still choose to reject it through sin. When we sin, it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love us anymore! It is we who are not loving God and accepting His constant, freely-offered love, without which we cannot be saved (which is Pax’s point as well, I believe). Bringing it back to the parable, even though the son took his inheritance and squandered it in death, the father continued to love him, but it was the son’s action (work) of returning to the father in repentance that restored him to the family and new life.
In Love,