
Isn’t a debate forum about debate?,
Yes, I’m a very bad boy , I should have just believed you. What was I thinking?
Well, maybe the fact that my Mom+Dad are still rc, and believe they are getting to heaven solely because their good deeds out weigh their bad deeds, has a little to do with it. There they go, to mass every Sunday like good little rc’s. Hoping that when they die everything will be o.k. I shudder to think of that day when they try to use that one on our Lord!
When God given faith is used as means to gradually become justified, it becomes a work. Therefore your salvation becomes a wage, and is earned. Grace (the gift) is then nullified . Once you pay for something, even a penny, you have earned it. And that is something to boast about.
faith (works)+sacramental(works)+ good (works)= catholic salvation
No matter how you look at it, its works!
For the chistian however, he accepts the FREE GIFT!!! by true saving faith ALONE! He works hard to please God because he loves God!
Amen! Now believe it.
In love ,exrc!
Thank you for saying these things in love. We all need to carry the message with love.
You gave me a couple of “Amens” when I once again explained the Churches teaching on salvation. Apparently, I have made at least a little progress with you. I find your second “Amen”, however, to be rather odd in that you quote me and then tell me to “believe it.” Well, I already believe it. You apparently don’t believe that I or any Catholic believes what the Church teaches or that the Church teaches what we say it does. This is not our problem but yours.
You objected to my statement “that you should now consider yourself informed about Catholic teaching and that you should no longer distort the facts or denigrate the truth.” I do not deny that this forum is offering a place for debate, but that in no way suggests that we are allowed to distort the truth. Catholic teaching is what is. You can debate its validity but it is wrong to improperly articulate what the Church teaches especially when you have been properly informed. If you deny that you believe in “once saved always saved,” I will not insist that you do believe it. If you tell me that you believe baptism to be regenerative then I will not claim that you believe otherwise.
I am only demanding that you extend the same respect to Catholic teaching and doctrine. When you do not properly understand it and you are corrected, then you should be willing to abandon your previous stereotypes. You may have disagreements with the true definitions provided, but you should accept them as presented.