The Simpsons? Good or evil

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One of the most touching episodes was when Homer ate a poisonous fish and thought he was going to die. It ended with him walking arm in arm with God and talking about life.
Did anyone see that crack about the Pope last night?

Sigh :tsktsk:
Did anyone see that crack about the Pope last night?

Sigh :tsktsk:
What exactly was it that the simpson’s TV show said about the Pope anyway. Just curious.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Did anyone see that crack about the Pope last night?

Sigh :tsktsk:
Yes exactly. They mock, mock, mock. Yet its great to laugh at it. Apparently.
John of Woking:
I’m glad someone agrees with me that the Simpson’s is trash
I could be wrong, but I think Penny was being facetious. If you read her earlier post, you can see she likes the Simpsons.

Scout :tiphat:
John of Woking:
I’m glad someone agrees with me that the Simpson’s is trash
You misunderstand. I think it is fine to laugh when the Simpsons mock people.
It is very mature. Great commentary. Not for young children due to imitative behavior.
What exactly was it that the simpson’s TV show said about the Pope anyway. Just curious.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Marge said “even the Pope can’t forgive them, and he had been letting a lot of things slide these days…”

Marge said “even the Pope can’t forgive them, and he had been letting a lot of things slide these days…”

I am vindicated!

I want apologies NOW! BURN ALL SIMPSON VIDEOS 😃 Or can’t y’all bear to tear yourselves away from that vice :eek:
John of Woking:
I am vindicated!

I want apologies NOW! BURN ALL SIMPSON VIDEOS 😃 Or can’t y’all bear to tear yourselves away from that vice :eek:
No, I can’t tear myself away just yet, but you can pray for me 🙂
JGC said:

I remember reading this article or one close to it a couple of years ago. I think the writer is a victim of wishful thinking.

The episodes that I’ve seen involving religion on the Simpsons have all been condescending and dismissive of it. In one episode, Homer’s neighbor is taking care of the kids and learns that they haven’t been baptised, so he goes into a panic and takes them to a river to get baptised, which I think Homer stops at the last minute.

In another episode, Homer gets kidnapped by missionaries and declares, “I don’t even believe in Jeevus.” When he falls out of a plane, he yells, “Save me, Jeevus!”

From what I’ve seen, the writers view religious people as nutjobs more than anything else.

The show is funny, but I’ve given up watching it in part because I don’t believe my kids are old enough to laugh at the jokes while rejecting the views in the show that are unhealthly or inaccurate.
(Quote)From what I’ve seen, the writers view religious people as nutjobs more than anything else.(Quote)bquinnan

Well, with all this Mary in the grilled cheese business, who could blame them (J/K) 😛
I can’t believe that so many Catholics, who I tend to think of as a little more open to life, truth, and all things “normal,” are ragging on The Simpsons. YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! It’s in the top five for funniest shows, and it is #1 for most intelligent. Other than nature or history channels, it’s the only thing worth watching on t.v. these days.

Oh yeah, it has its moments. But it is an equal-oportunity satirist. It skewers sacred cows of both the right and the left. When it takes on religion, it does so charitably. I have never been offended by the show, and I’m practically Vatican Secret Police.

So–relax. If you don’t get it or think it’s just a cartoon, go watch Leave it to Beaver. But I think you have a greater chance at being corrupted by leaving your house and taking a Metro train. Or seeing certain banners and pop-ups online. Or even, these days, catching glaces of girls wearing certain “modern” fashions in Church.
I remember reading this article or one close to it a couple of years ago. I think the writer is a victim of wishful thinking.

The episodes that I’ve seen involving religion on the Simpsons have all been condescending and dismissive of it. In one episode, Homer’s neighbor is taking care of the kids and learns that they haven’t been baptised, so he goes into a panic and takes them to a river to get baptised, which I think Homer stops at the last minute.

In another episode, Homer gets kidnapped by missionaries and declares, “I don’t even believe in Jeevus.” When he falls out of a plane, he yells, “Save me, Jeevus!”

From what I’ve seen, the writers view religious people as nutjobs more than anything else.

The show is funny, but I’ve given up watching it in part because I don’t believe my kids are old enough to laugh at the jokes while rejecting the views in the show that are unhealthly or inaccurate.
At last a healthy perspective!
I think people genuinely find it so funny and addictive that they are willing to drop their usual moral code and rationalise themselves into believing that its ‘educational’.

The quality of Simpson Writing has gone down drasticly since about 98’, but some of those old episodes hold a place in my heart.

The show where Krusty is reunited with his father “Rabbi Kristovsky” always makes chuckle. I never would have guessed Krusty came from such a good backround 🙂

There is alot to learn from the episode where Homer stops going to church and decides to form his own religion at home, and in attempt to show him the error of his ways, Marge invites Lovejoy over to convince Homer otherwise, and the dinner discussion is priceless.

I think it went something like this.

Homer: " Well Revrend, have you ever read Mathew So and so?"

Lovejoy: " And jesus strode the street amoungst the poor and he stayed there?"

Homer: " Yea…think about it."

Even now it makes me chuckle.
The newer episodes of the Simpsons are excessively lame. But their older stuff was great. Granted, as a Catholic, I have been offended a vast number of times by the show. But look how they portray Protestants as well (Flanders, Rev. & Mrs. Lovejoy, etc.), Jews, liberals, republicans, gays and society in general. The show makes a mockery of every aspect of society (though I haven’t really watched regularly it in a few years). It’s neither religious nor areligious, it’s neither conservative nor liberal, lately (the shows I’ve seen) it’s just plain nonsensical. It’s just funny.

Can’t we just sit back and laugh? I mean, it’s not South Park. I can understand not letting young children watch it. Really, the Simpsons are for adults. But there are few things funnier than Homer going back in time to try to undo the things he did wrong the previous times he went back in time.

Homer: “So you’re never going to eat meat again?”
Lisa: “Nope”
Homer: “Ham?”
Lisa: “Nope”
Homer: “What about Bacon?”
Lisa: “Nope”
Homer: “Pork chops?”
Lisa: “Dad, those all come from the same animal!”
Homer: (laughing) “Yeah right, Lisa. A wonderful, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagical animal.”
A new book examines the diverse religious threads–Christian, Jewish and Hindu–that permeate the long-running TV show.

The program, to me, often has a moral undercurrent. Loads of episodes result in Bart or Homer learning a lesson in humility or ‘making the right choice’, generally prompted by Lisa.

It’s one of these programs that works on several levels.

The rich, but ultimately unhappy money grabbing Montgomery Burns for example. But there are episodes where a redemming side creeps out…
Yeah, except for the fact that Lisa is the only “good” one and she still watches violent cartoons, complains about republicans, rolls her eyes at religion and church, and goes on and on about “feminism”. Just another example of the liberals trying to make themselves look good. While Ned Flanders is painted as a religious wacko who by the way commits fornication and doesn’t repent. They ceaselessly make fun of Christians and Christianity, use curse words casually, and make Homer out to be some kind of dufus hero.

Yeah I watch it sometimes. It’s fun to laugh at, but when it gets to bad, I turn it off.
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